The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1552 The army sets out

The total number of wizard civilization legions finally gathered in the Sanok Star Territory later exceeded 30 million.

And this momentum is still growing, and the troop deployment work in the rear of the wizard civilization has not stopped.

Not long after the arrival of the last member of the Jade Burning Fire Sect, Elide, Cuilis finally issued a combat order and headed towards the nearest Hundred Flowers World Group.

This time penetrating into the surrounding areas of the Black Bat Civilization, Cuilis's legions not only include her own disciples and wizard alliance legions, but also many members of her Elemental Gate organization.

In recent times, Thain has met many fourth- and fifth-level magicians in the wizarding world under the recommendation of his mentor and uncle. They are all powerful at the Elemental Gate.

It seems that these people have cooperated many times in the previous wars in the underworld star field, and their relationship with each other is also very harmonious.

Thain has come into contact with many friends and alien creatures over the years, but there is still a long way to go before he has the connections of his master.

Thain also heard that a large number of wizard world knights will be sent to support the battlefield where Thain and others will be in the near future.

By then, there might be a sixth-level knight showing up.

When heading to the Hundred Flowers World Group, Bruce, Arthur, Karazo and other strong men from other star realms were invited to ride in Thane's Ashes Fortress.

Thane's Ash Fortress is large enough to accommodate the 200,000 people of the Kryptonian Legion.

Recently, Thain's mentor Lu Lianman also did something extremely to win people's hearts.

That is, based on the gray crystal potion developed by Thane, she developed several upgraded potions for the people of Krypton that have better recovery effects, are less difficult to make, and require less expensive materials.

The underlying formulas of these upgraded gray crystal potions were even unconditionally announced by Lu Lianman to the underlying magicians of the Holy Tower of Ashes and the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

In other words, even first- and second-level Kryptonian warriors, after being injured, can go directly to familiar low-level magicians from the two holy towers to help them refine relevant potions.

Lu Lianman's approach made the relationship between the Kryptonian Legion and the two holy towers significantly better.

Bruce from the Black Bat Civilization and Arthur from the Planet of the Sea naturally noticed this situation.

When they join the Wizards Alliance in the future, they also want to receive corresponding benefits from the wizard civilization.

When Thain was mingling with Bruce and others, Sano

At the border of the Nemesis Realm, the sixth-level magician Cuilis was saying goodbye to the same-level magician Fadis.

Cuillis and Fatis are indeed a pair of very close friends. In their early years, the two fought side by side many times. Cuilis was usually in the front, and Fatis assisted her with light magic from behind. .

The friendship between the two has gone through time and countless tests of blood and fire.

But in addition to being friends, Cuillis and Fatis are also a pair of very close competitors.

Master Fatis, who has always given people a gentle and noble feeling, also has a character that refuses to admit defeat.

Not to mention Trilis, in the wizarding world, Trilis has never bowed her head to anyone.

"Hmph, you are always so lucky. With your disciple, you finally got the mission to investigate the inert crystal."

"Listen to ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ Master Bev is also very concerned about this matter." Master Fatis, with golden hair in a bun, stood with his arms folded. In the starry sky, he said to Cuilis who was about to leave.

"Haha, my luck doesn't stop there. Did you know that my disciple also has a world-class secret treasure? It's called the Formless Mask." Cuilis said with a smile.

"Huh?" Fatis raised his head and looked sideways into the depths of the starry sky, where the Ash Fortress and other wizard civilization war legions were slowly leaving.

"So, it's not just luck that I got the permission to explore those star fields. Bev and Master Saneses also had other considerations in making this decision," Cuilis said.

Fatis looked at the friend in front of him speechlessly, and couldn't help but cursed: "How come you always receive good ideas, and several of your disciples have been promoted to level four or above."

"The two disciples I accepted back then unfortunately died young, and the inheritance under my sect gradually withered away." Fatis said.

Cuilis glanced at the other party and said unceremoniously: "That's because your heart has never been about teaching disciples."

Fatis choked when he heard it.

Factual results are the most powerful evidence.

In terms of teaching disciples, Fatis is indeed not qualified to compete with Cuilis.

After a moment of silence, Fatis continued: "It's okay to be responsible for the war in the surrounding star fields with me. I'm worried that you will not be able to come back after you go to the Wild Orangutan World Battlefield."

"The war in the star field over there is very fierce. Even if you go there, you may not get a good deal.

Well, I can still take care of you for a while. "Fatis said.

Trilis rolled her eyes at Master Fatis's words.

It’s still unclear who will take care of whom at that time.

The huge legion of wizard civilization was still slowly advancing into the depths of the starry sky. Two powerful wizards at level six stood in the corner of the starry sky, quietly watching everything in front of them.

Compared with the time it took for Thain to return to the wizarding civilization from the vicinity of Blue Star, the speed of the wizarding civilization army's departure this time was slightly faster.

However, the deployment of tens of millions of troops is certainly not comparable to the original 300,000 Kryptonian legions.

In addition to the huge amount of war materials that need to be carried together, the Wizard Civilization Legion will also deploy a large number of teleportation arrays and teleportation nodes along the way.

This‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ also invisibly slowed down the marching speed.

From beginning to end, the Ash Fortress that Thain was riding in was at the forefront of the mighty army of wizard civilization.

Because Thain was most familiar with the star map route when he arrived, he was also taking on the role of leading the way.

Traveling in the silent starry sky is boring for some people, but for magicians who have corresponding experiments at hand, time passes without realizing it.

Thain, who is in the Ash Fortress, has been focusing on "desire", a special emotional flame, in recent years.

Because Thain has a very good experimental observation object at hand, the dean Jessica from the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, and as expected, she runs to Thain every two days.

Thain's erudite knowledge reserve and better understanding of demons and the devil family allowed him to really help Jessica solve many physical and psychological problems.

The concept of the wizarding world is not as open as imagined.

Among the aristocratic group of lower-class humans, there are indeed some ladies who are very good at playing.

But for creatures with life levels above level one, especially the magicians, they are still somewhat conservative in this regard.

If the problem hadn't been serious enough to affect Jessica's daily life and truth research, she might not even have the shame to come to Thain for help.

Because in Thain's laboratory, Jessica seemed to have exposed all her secret and unbearable sides to Thain.

Oh, this is not "as if", but "fact".

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