The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,550 Codename 4700-1 (Additional update

In the slightly empty transport ship, the only living creature still moving was the federal soldier in front of him.

There may be other people moving, but this soldier cannot reach others, and the space he can move is only a small distance.

If he went further, the damaged ship deck blocked his way, so that he could only wander in a limited area like a lonely ghost.

All he does every day is stare at the dark starry sky with a godless gaze.

Because of the intensity of the war between the two top civilizations, and the fact that the Gallente Federation deliberately collected special resources such as "star cores" in the early wars, now in the underworld star field, not to mention stars, even the planes with complete rules are Not much left.

The entire star field was dark, empty and lonely.

When ordinary creatures come here‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎, they will even lose their sense of direction. If you stay here for too long, you might go crazy.

The soldier who quietly stared at the starry sky outside the translucent window for a long time, feeling a little hungry, finally staggered and walked slowly towards a cockpit.

After a while, a small ball of mucus, similar to toothpaste or nasal mucus, flowed out of the metal tube in front of him. This was his nutritious meal.

This stuff tastes terrible, but it's the only thing edible.

In his limited memory, there seemed to be several corpses of federal soldiers in the surrounding area.

But at that time, he still abided by the so-called federal soldier code, so he disposed of them without desecrating the bodies of his comrades.

Even the military uniform this soldier was wearing at this time was ripped off from someone else.

The damage to this military uniform was minimal, with only a scratch on the neck.

It seemed that the transport ship was hit, the outer deck was shattered, and a piece of metal flew in, slitting the throat of a federal soldier on the spot.

Life is still too fragile.

There is no name on the military uniform, only a string of code names: 4700-1. This should represent the information code of the deceased soldier in the Federation.

Because he had forgotten his name and had not communicated with others for too long, this codename gradually became the only meaning for this federal soldier.

After the daily "patrol" was over, the soldier put down the electromagnetic gun in his hand and walked slowly towards his rest area.

This electromagnetic gun is quite powerful. This federal soldier once used it to kill

An insect monster attempted to break into the transport ship.

A shot to the head, the feeling of exploding blood and brain-splitting impact, often made this soldier remember it as the most profound scene in his memory.

In addition to electromagnetic guns, there are other individual weapons in the transport ship.

It's just that this federal soldier is not used to using them, or he is not very good at using them.

The electromagnetic gun was reattached to the charging deck, and the rest cabin, which exuded bursts of coldness and a bit of white light, slowly stretched out from the metal cabinet again.

The federal soldier didn't even take off his military uniform, he just leaned his body sideways and lay down again.

He doesn't know what the meaning of his life is, nor what his future is.

Just repeat all this day after day, until one day it completely disappears into nothingness.

The repetitive and numb life of the Union soldiers did not last long after that.

Finally, a small group of Wizards Alliance troops discovered a relatively well-preserved transport ship in this area of ​​metal ruins.

This Wizards Alliance force should come from the Thanoras Burner Civilization.

Because they are all fire element creatures, their arrival makes the surrounding starry sky brighter.

Including the federal soldier, they also discovered them.

This Sanoras team is here to "pick up trash."

The vast battlefield of the underworld star field was in a state of decay. Countless creatures perished in it, and a huge amount of war wealth was also buried everywhere.

Especially in the places where Dominator-class war fleets were destroyed, in addition to producing all kinds of extremely exaggerated rules and anomalies, there was also a large amount of wealth hidden.

It's just that the kind of domination of the battlefield cannot be swept away by ordinary alliance creatures.

The world of Thanoras is in the Wizarding Alliance. Even if it is a large plane, their war legions still remaining in this star field can only pick up garbage in the edge area.

This is enough for them to make a lot of money. There are many people in the Wizarding Alliance who envy the plane world of Thanoras Burner Civilization.

"Boss, it seems to be a transport ship. It seems that the damage is not serious. There may be some living combat power inside." A Sanoras soldier reported.

Although they are fire element creatures, the creatures of the Burner Civilization of Sanoras can condense entities, and their physical shapes,

Also a humanoid creature.

Not only can they divide to produce offspring like the fire element, but they can also reproduce the tribe by combining the sexes. The Burners of Thanoras are an extremely special race of creatures in the entire Wizarding Alliance.

Many powerful people in the wizarding world are very interested in studying their genetic sequences.

The leader of this Sanoras team is a second-level fire elemental.

Who says elemental creatures can't play with technology? The Burner Civilization of Thanoras is one of the few cultivating civilizations in the Wizards Alliance that is extremely interested in technological products.

For example, the vehicle this small team is riding at this time is a flame thruster produced by the Royal Court of Sanoras and specially supplied to the army of Sanoras.

"Well, don't worry, let me fire two shots first, and then you can go in and see the situation."

"If ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎‎If there really are a large amount of federal supplies stored in that transport ship, we will send it!" the second-level fire element team leader said excitedly.

Huge red-orange flame balls were shot out from the front of the flame thruster one after another and flew towards the federal transport ship among the metal ruins in front of them.

These Thanoras creatures still understand federal ships very well. They deliberately avoid the equipment storage area and energy drive area of ​​the transport ship. They mainly aim at the possible weapon counterattack area of ​​the transport ship and the control room area at the front of the ship to fire.

After the successive explosions, it was discovered that nothing abnormal had occurred, and these Sanoras creatures flew happily towards the more scrapped transport ship.

"Crackling!" Flames were burning in all directions. The federal soldier, whose right leg seemed to have been crushed, pulled out his electromagnetic gun with difficulty.

When the first flame creature broke in, he shot the opponent to pieces.

But the second flame creature didn't work. It seemed that he only broke one of the opponent's elemental arms.

Not long after, an angry roar came from outside the ship.

A fireball that was far hotter and more dazzling than before appeared in the sight of the federal soldiers.

The electromagnetic beam released by the electromagnetic gun in his hand was eventually mercilessly swallowed up by this hot fireball.

When the flames and red completely covered everything about him, and the world finally turned into nothingness, what he was thinking about was...

What is the meaning of my life? -------------------

PS: 80 more chapters need to be added~

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