The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,549 Products of War (Additional Updates)

Seven years later.

Thane in the space fortress was checking Lenna's body functions and other aspects.

As Lenna has been promoted to level four, some of the conventional training plans in the past are no longer in line with her current physical fitness.

Everything needs to be increased!

Not long ago, Thain had just completed testing and designing a new training plan for his mother-in-law Xia Ya.

Since Xia Ya and Lunna use different attributes of fighting spirit and master different powers of law, their training plans will also be different.

On this day, before the experiment on Lenna was over, Thane received a message from his mentor Lu Lianman.

It turned out that Thain's master Bogagaru had arrived, and also arrived with him, the magic legion of the Holy Tower of Flame Sigh, and a large number of the Wizards Alliance combat legion.

"You‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎ stay here for a while, and I'll go out and take a look." Thain said to Lenna on the experimental table.

Because it was not a particularly important experiment that required delicate operations, when Thain conducted a physical examination on Lenna, he did not use the power of law to shield her from the outside world.

Faced with Thain's words, Lenna on the experimental table nodded.

Seeing this, Thain put away the experimental equipment, changed into a magic robe, and said, "If you are tired, you can come down and rest for a while, and walk around."

"I've prepared some energy potions for you in the experimental room next door."

"If you want to eat, summon the little fox girl Ajieli." Thain said.

"I know." Lenna said, but she was still lying upright on the experimental table.

After flying out of the Ash Fortress, Thane went straight to the Fire Sigh Fortress of Master Bogagaru.

When he arrived, he found that besides himself, his mentor and master were also here.

I haven’t seen him for many years, but the first impression he gave me was that he was still so tough.

Just by getting a little closer to him, you can feel the extremely explosive fire element aura.

Unlike Thane, whose figure is still extremely slender even though he has gone through body training, the master in front of Thain, Bogagaru, is a burly man in his human form.

Those elbows look thicker than those of ordinary fourth- and fifth-level knights...

Although Uncle Gargar was wearing a looser magic robe, Thane could still notice the extremely strong and finely rolled muscles under the other man's magic robe.

Under the Jade Burning Fire Master’s sect, except for Lu Lian,

Man, everyone is doing body training.

Thain has never seen what his master's fighting state is like, but in terms of achievements in the field of body refining, the Gargaru in front of him is much better than him.

If he put aside the blessings of the Formless Mask and the Rubik's Cube and relied solely on his own methods such as the Mystery of Ashes of Fire and the Mystery of Body Refining, Thain would not be able to defeat his master-uncle.

It seems that since seeing Gargaru take action in the poisonous green flame world battlefield, Thane, the uncle, has greatly improved in strength in recent years.

In terms of realm, it is possible that Gargaru has reached the late stage of level five, and its specific combat power can even compete with peak level five creatures.

Thane lamented how fast and powerful his master was growing up, and Gargaru couldn't help but sigh about how amazing Thain's growth rate was!

After meeting, they greeted each other familiarly, and Jiagaru said to Lu Lianman in a joking tone: "Junior sister, I told you before. Bar."

"If you don't delve into the profound truth, you will be surpassed by your own disciples."

Jiagaru has always had a good relationship with Lu Lianman, and because of his bold and rough personality, he often makes jokes among his teachers.

Faced with the ridicule of her senior brother, Lu Lianman pursed her lips, waved her white and tender fist and hit Jiagaru on the shoulder.

With Lu Lianman's strength, her actions were similar to tickling Gargaru.

When Gargaru saw this, he laughed "haha".

Teasing the little junior sister has always been a pleasure in their sect.

It's a pity that his fifth junior brother and sixth junior brother also left one after another.

This is the way to explore the truth. Towards the end, there will be fewer people around you.

Loneliness is a spellcaster who has reached the pinnacle and often appreciates touch.

Cherishing the present person is a sentiment that many spell casters will have when they reach a certain level.

Just like Thain had a similar feeling not long ago.

Facing Jiagaru's laughter, Lu Lianman puffed up her cheeks angrily and said, "Hmph, when my disciple becomes stronger, I will let him teach you a lesson."

Thain stood there awkwardly. This noisy atmosphere in the master's sect made him feel a little alienated at first, because he couldn't joke with his master Jiagaru like Lu Lianman.

But gradually, Thain still felt a burst of warmth and warmth.

Faced with the quarrel between Gargaru and Lulianman,

Trilis always looked at the two of them with a smile.

After the two of them had finished bickering and laughing, Cuilis asked about Gargaru's situation in recent years.

Gargaru had just been withdrawn from the central area of ​​the underworld star field battlefield, and he was not quite the same as the others.

Penas, another uncle of Thane, left the battlefield of the underworld star field early because of injury.

However, in recent times, it seems that he has almost recovered, and it won't be long before he leads his army to the Sanok Star Territory.

As for the other fourth-level magician of the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect, Aili De, well, he has never gone deep into the heart of the battlefield in the underworld star field.

During the time when he participated in the war in the Underworld Star Territory, Elide mostly did odd jobs on the edge of the battlefield in the Underworld Star Territory.

After all, in the central area, there are the most elite ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎‎ wizard civilization powerhouses and alliance legions in charge, so there is really no need for him, a fourth-level magician, to do anything.

For this reason, the person who is most familiar with the current battle situation in the underworld star field is undoubtedly Thain, a fifth-level uncle who has just withdrawn from the front line of the battlefield.

"The battlefield of the underworld star field is almost over..." Gargaru first sighed like a sigh after hearing his mentor's question.

Underworld star field.

Federal BE37081 War Zone.

In the endless silent starry sky around, a severely damaged transport ship floated here silently.

The electromagnetic sparks of "Zi la! Zhi la!" are one of the few sources of light and sound in this transport ship.

After an unknown amount of time, a "bang" sound of moving metal cabinets was heard. A federal soldier with a sickly pale face, wearing an old military uniform, climbed out of the single rest cabin with difficulty.

This Union soldier has no name. No, maybe he had a name before.

Was it called Hingeman or King Jack? Even he couldn't remember clearly.

This is the heavy consequence of repeated use of genetic repair technology. It may also be that the Gallente Federation's military cloning technology is not yet mature.

He is a Federation soldier born on the battlefield of the underworld star field. As soon as he gained consciousness, he went into battle and has never experienced the joy of being a human being.

He was a standard product of war, now numb. -------------------

PS: There is one more chapter, try to update it within an hour~

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