The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1536 Help and Response (Additional update)

Gargamel's Holy Tower Magician Troop and Azaria's Knight Legion have been fighting hard on the planet Sass for more than ten years, and their own logistical resource reserves are definitely tight.

Under such premise, the other party is willing to allocate half of the reserve materials to support the Kryptonian army, which is enough to show the sincerity of the wizard civilization.

After obtaining the corresponding supplies and urging the wizard civilization legion on the planet Saas to quickly evacuate and transfer from the plane, Thane came to Karazo and other fifth-level Kryptonian powerhouses.

"Gargamel and the others are already distributing relief supplies, which will be delivered directly to your Kryptonian army."

"Let me take a look at your injuries first," Thain said.

The first thing Thain dealt with was Drew, the fifth-level warrior who was the most seriously injured.

The Kryptonians did not develop an outstanding medical system. In the past history, the most effective way for injured Kryptonians to quickly recover from their injuries was to find some lazy doctors‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏ ‏Sex crystal absorption.

The former mother plane of Krypton was the most suitable place for these Kryptonian creatures to recuperate and reproduce.

But unfortunately, the mother plane that is haunted in genetic memory has completely become a thing of the past.

What is left to the Kryptonians is a hatred that will be unforgettable for generations to come.

Drew, the fifth-level Kryptonian warrior, was obviously seriously injured, but when Thain saw him, he found that the old man was in good spirits. He even smiled on his face, revealing a few severely damaged teeth.

Drew's right chest was penetrated. Unlike Cram's skin, which Thain once dissected and studied, which was tender and white, Drew's skin was yellow and thin, and the blood flowing in his veins and blood vessels was black, with a faint smell of decay. came.

This old man doesn't have long to live! Thain decided in his heart.

But this guy's mental state really doesn't look like that of a level five creature that is nearing its end of life and has been seriously injured.

Listening to Drew's rather happy and proud introduction, Thain learned that the opponent had destroyed a total of 13 giant space battleships with a length of one kilometer in the previous battle. The number of ordinary battleships destroyed was 564, and the number of ordinary unmanned battleships destroyed was 564. Hundreds of thousands of planes and blimps were destroyed.

This old man is indeed the most aggressive level five creature. Thain didn't gain much in the previous battle.

He is not like Drew, who will deliberately calculate how many he has destroyed.

If he were still a low-level magician, Thain might care about these data, because it would be directly linked to Thain's earnings after the war.

But as Thain advances to level four, there is no need to pay much attention to some ordinary kill numbers.

On the battlefield, what determines the direct benefits of knights and magicians above level 4 is actually the final victory of the war and the status of this position.

resources contained in the entire area.

The low-level knights and magicians plunder specific plane resources on the battlefield.

The experts above level four focus on an entire plane.

This is the gap between vision and pattern.

The true spirit masters may use the star field as the chessboard and the fourth-level creatures as the chess pieces to make a more vast and far-reaching layout.

"Your injuries are very serious, and your soul power is also very weak. I suggest you rest for a while and not participate in the battle again in the short term." Thain treated Drew's wounds and handed the opponent two gray potions. said.

"What is this? It smells pretty good." Drew opened a gray potion and asked after smelling it.

What flows in the potion is a viscous gray liquid with a little crystal light emerging from it.

Although this medicine looks ugly, it is a special medicine for Kryptonians specially developed by Thane in recent years.

One of its main materials is gray crystal, followed by some precious restorative materials collected and stored by Thain himself.

The fifth-level Kryptonian warrior Drew smacked his mouth and only drank half of one of the potions, but he kept the other half.

"My injury is not important. This precious medicine should be left to Ford and Missoli for their use," Drew said.

Drew's words moved the faces of several fourth-level Kryptonian warriors around him, especially those who were also severely injured.

There is a reason why Drew has such high prestige among the Kryptonian survivors. He has watched almost all Kryptonian warriors above level four grow up.

Although Drew has no offspring, he considers all Kryptonians to be his children.

In the battle with the Gallente Federation just now, a large number of Kryptonian warriors also died. Drew's inner mood was actually very heavy, and he was not as happy as he showed.

Faced with Drew's words, Thain said: "This gray crystal potion was successfully developed by Cram in cooperation with me in the laboratory."

"Although the production process is a bit complicated, I have a lot of inventory on hand, which can at least be used by every Kryptonian warrior above level four. You don't have to be so frugal." Thain sighed.

After hearing this, Old Man Drew's face became obviously a little happier.

He looked at Kram in the crowd and nodded, approvingly: "Kram did a good job!"

The old man should have listened to Thain's advice to Drew not to participate in battles in the future.

Drew probably still looks forward to the day when he can see the demise of the Gallente Federation.

Including that as a fifth-level creature, he lives

The help he brought to the survivors of Krypton would definitely be greater than dying.

Whether it is for his long-cherished wish or for the survivors of Krypton, he must try his best to survive and try to live as long as possible.

After Drew, Thane also dealt with the injuries of other Kryptonian warriors above level four.

Most of the people's injuries were not serious, but a fourth-level Kryptonian warrior named Ford was injured by the Kryptonite.

Fortunately, Thain came to the rescue in time and relied on his in-depth research on Kryptonian warriors in recent years to save this guy's life.

Ford had to thank Cram, because without Cram's dedication experiment, Thane would never have been able to achieve such a level of understanding of the physical structure of Kryptonians above Level 4, and it would have been difficult to create a special medicine like Gray Crystal Potion.

After tending to the injuries of a circle of Kryptonian warriors, Thane and Karazo came together.

They have some ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ things to talk about, and they also need to discuss the next direction of attack.

"Seeing the star-breaking cannon launched by the Gallente Federation, I couldn't help but wonder whether our home planet Krypton was also destroyed by such a blow." Karazor sighed.

Thain said: "The Gallente Federation seems to be able to develop extremely powerful power from the star core of the plane and destroy a plane. It is normal for them."

"I have to admit that the Federation Legion is really strong. Even Karl suffered a lot of injuries in the battle, as well as the lower-level soldiers who were seriously damaged."

"I have to thank you, Master Thain, and the two powerful wizards in the wizarding world named Gargamel and Azaria for being willing to give us half of the war supplies," Karazo said.

"Helping our friends is what we should do."

"And the Gallente Federation is indeed very strong, but our wizard civilization is even stronger." Thane said calmly.

That was what he said on the surface, but what Thain was thinking about was that he discovered in the previous battle that his blue fire seemed to have a much lower impact on the Gallente Federation ships.

The Gallente Federation also continued to make progress during the war.

Faced with the endless special effects attacks on wizard civilization, the Gallente Federation is also making targeted responses.

It is not Karazzo's character to enhance others' ambition and destroy his own prestige.

After a brief conversation, Karazzo asked: "Where should we fight next?"

Now that we have reached the star domain controlled by the wizard civilization, it is naturally the wisest to follow the advice of Thane and other powerful wizard civilization figures.

"How about Jupiter and Mars?" Thain said, pointing to a nearby planet on the star map. -------------------

PS: Chapter 84 needs to be added~

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