The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1537: Fighting from both sides

Jupiter and Mars are very close to the planet Sass, which is a low-level plane dominated by fire elements.

It is also the Gallente Federation creatures that have a greater advantage.

When Thane led his army to Mars, he first met with Arthur and others in order to thank them for their help in previous battles.

At this time, the Kryptonian Legion was still resting, and supplies from the Sorcerer Civilized Legion on the planet Sars were continuously delivered to the Kryptonian Legion.

No matter how good the words are, it depends on whether there are actual actions.

Just drawing cakes is not feasible.

When they noticed that many Kryptonian warriors had obtained magic potions and energy crystals from the wizarding world, Bruce and Gal Gadot's expressions softened a lot.

The fifth-level creature Arthur still looks carefree, but this guy is not stupid, and he has a clear mind.

"The Gallente Federation often uses the destruction of planets as a means. The Kryptonian planet back then and the current planet Sars are all proof."

"The Sanok creatures are still allies of these federal armies, but before leaving, these federal fleets still fired star-breaking cannons at the planet Sars." Thain said.

"The Gallente Federation is indeed unauthentic!" Arthur nodded.

Although Bruce and Gal Gadot didn't say anything, the subtle expressions on their faces were still obvious.

"Next, we will attack Mars and Jupiter, and cooperate with the wizard civilization army in this star field to drive the Gallente Federation fleet out of here as soon as possible to prevent more plane planets from being destroyed at the hands of the Gallente Federation."

"A few of them have not signed a contract with our wizard civilization, so there is no need to take action next," Thain said.

When Arthur heard this, he laughed twice and said: "Anyway, I have already taken action just now. Maybe the Gallente Federation has grudged me. I will also help you next. Just treat it as an activity." Muscles and bones.”

Following Arthur, Gal Gadot also expressed his position: "I will not directly participate in the battle, but I can help you take care of your casualty transport ships and logistics ships."

Bruce and Barry still haven't expressed their opinions, but after experiencing what they saw and heard, they probably have a general understanding of the Gallente Federation and wizard civilization.

Thain said: "A few of them can go to the space fortress of our wizard civilization to rest for a while, including those seriously injured Kryptonian warriors. They will also be sent to the fortress for treatment later."

"The battle between Jupiter and Mars should not last too long."

"According to the intelligence information we have collected, the Gallente Federation does not have many legions on that planet," Thain said.

Beyond Jupiter and Mars.

Rolling magma is boiling from the surface of the planet. The temperature of this planet is higher than imagined.

"I hate the most

I'm tired of the flame environment. "Arthur, shirtless to his upper body, stood in the starry sky and looked down.

The Gallente Federation Legion of Jupiter and Mars can only rival two level four creatures at best.

After hearing that the wizard civilization's support legion was coming from behind, the planet's federal fleet completed its retreat early.

And in the surrounding starry sky, there are many federal legions supporting from other areas.

The war purpose of these federal fleets should not be to fight to the death with Thain and others, but to retreat alternately and block them step by step. This is their real goal.

This battle did not last long.

When Arthur had just condensed the third waterspout from his wrist, the Gallente Federation fleet was already out of sight.

Not long after, a fourth-level magician named Fenos appeared in front of Thane. He was the resident magician of Mars and Jupiter and had been trapped in Mars and Jupiter for nearly seven years.

Gallente‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏ Due to the hasty retreat and the limited power in this local battlefield, the Federation failed to attack this low-level fire-attributed plane when it left. Carry out deep destruction.

After exchanging a few words with the magician Fenos, Thain asked him to lead his war-ready army and go with them to other battlefields.

This star field is in charge of a level 6 powerhouse from the Wizarding World. Thain's sudden appearance and the fact that he led the surrounding legions to participate in the war must have exceeded the expectations and advance deployment of the level 6 powerhouse from the Wizarding World.

But Thane couldn't control that much. According to his judgment, what he and the Kryptonian Legion did should not violate the overall policy of the sixth-level wizard civilization powerhouse.

And the slogan of Thain and others is to assist the besieged wizard civilization legions.

Thain himself has been trapped in sieges many times, and he knows how much people in desperate sieges long for the appearance of friendly legions.

"The sixth-level magician in charge of the Sanok Star Territory, according to Gargamel, is a sixth-level light-based female magician named Fatis."

"I hope this master can detect our intentions and mobilize his legions on the frontal battlefield in time to coordinate with us." Thain sighed.

Although the overall strength of Thane and others is not bad, they will not be able to gain favor if the Gallente Federation is made angry and sends all its legions to surround and suppress Thain and others.

The most perfect situation would be for Master Fatis and others to put pressure on the frontal battlefield.

Under the pressure of the two parties, the Gallente Federation decided to speed up its retreat from this star field.

Following the battlefield of Mars and Jupiter.

Planet Deser, the multidimensional plane of Kela, the meteorite belt in the sky, the battlefield of the Scorched Land...

Thane led the Kryptonian legion, united with the rescued wizard civilization legions, and traveled to many places behind the Sanok Star Territory.

They even destroyed two buildings

The supply satellite of the Lunt Federation.

The results of the battle cannot be said to be very impressive, but at least they caused the Gallente Federation Legion to be devastated.

It was also during this process that the main army of the wizard civilization located on the frontline battlefield of the Sanok Star Territory seemed to have a clear understanding and cooperated very well to launch a fierce attack on the Gallente Federation Army.

Thain and others were able to travel to many battlefields with a small number of troops, and also destroyed two federal supply satellites. In fact, they mainly relied on the "power" created by the main army of the wizard civilization on the front line.

Otherwise, according to Thain's original prediction, he would only toss around in two or three planetary battlefields at best, and then stand still and wait for reinforcements.

How could it be like the last one, which almost turned the rear area of ​​Sanok Star Territory into a pot of porridge.

More than a dozen planets and dimensional battlefields have been greatly affected by the legions encircled by Thane.

Ultimately, the Gallente Federation was forced to make an early decision to withdraw from the Sanok Star Territory.

Facing the complete withdrawal of the Gallente Federation, the only fifth-level creature left in the Sanok Star Territory is a fifth-level Sanok named Sauru , begging the Federation not to give up on them.

This fifth-level creature is a "human king" who was re-elected after the death of the native sixth-level creature in the Sanok Star Territory.

Regarding the request of this fifth-level Sanok man, the federal response was: "Either stay here and wait for the liquidation of the Wizard Civilization Legion, or move with them to the Golden Rock World Group."

The Golden Rock World Group is a medium-sized star field battlefield that the Gallente Federation spent a lot of energy and invested a lot of materials in planning.

In the Golden Rock World Group, the Gallente Federation is confident of giving the Wizarding Civilization a head-on blow and reversing the previous decline in this local war zone.

Not to mention, in addition to the Golden Rock World Group, the Gallente Federation also plans to open up the surrounding areas and connect with the ancient desert wasteland world that is expected to be promoted to a large-scale world civilization to form a new main battlefield.

Now, there should be movement in the ancient desert world.

Naturally, there was no need for the Gallente Federation to tell the fifth-level Sanok king about this information and subsequent war plans.

So there were only two ways before him, accept or reject.

In the end, a fifth-level Sanok man named Sauru had no choice but to lead the remnants of his men and follow the Gallente Federation Army to evacuate from the Sanok star field.

When leaving the Sanok Star Territory, Sauru took a handful of soil from the mother plane with him.

His dark and piercing eyes stared at the war-torn Sanok Star Territory that had become a mess, and he said in a daze: "We will definitely come back."

Sauru, the fifth-level Sanok, is not the only sad existence in the star realm who leads the remnants of civilization to leave their homes and flee from their mother plane.

But how many similar powerful civilizations have returned to their mother plane to establish themselves?

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