The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,535 New Weapons (Additional Update)

The cyan energy beam just now was indeed aimed at the metal ship where Bruce and others were.

But this energy beam was not entirely deliberately targeted by the Gallente Federation.

After Arthur and Gal Gadot indirectly joined the battlefield, almost no one noticed that in the orbital path of the metal ship, Yuri, driving the Flame Constructed Golem, passed through the starry sky.

Due to Yuri's outstanding performance on the battlefield, she had just been targeted by several main attack ships of the Gallente Federation.

Including the cyan beam, it was also aimed at Yuli, but because the ballistic trajectory happened to be in this direction, it also hit these metal battleships on the edge of the starry sky battlefield.

The starry sky battlefield outside the planet Sars has become very chaotic after the arrival of Gallente Federation reinforcements.

Almost all creatures have their own battles that need to be dealt with. Naturally, no one will pay attention to this detail.

Gargamel, who had been following Thain not far away, discovered this situation.

When he noticed that two level five creatures and two level four creatures emerged from the destroyed ship, he was first surprised.

Then when he saw two of the strong men joining the battlefield, Gargamel glanced at Thain who was not far away from him, and couldn't help but ask: "Master Thain, are you trying to force them to join the battle?"

At this time, Thain's attention was also diverted to the edge of the battlefield, so he naturally knew what Gargamel was referring to.

With a slight "hmm", Thain did not explain much about the matter.

"It seems that Master Thain is on a special secret mission."

"Whether it's those foreign gods or these powerful alien warriors, I've never seen them before in the Wizards' Alliance."

"Master Fatis, who is in charge of the battlefield in the Sanok star field, should be in the direction of the Sanok planet now."

"Master Thain, do you want to break through now and meet Master Fatis?" Gargamel asked.

"There's no rush, let's finish dealing with the battlefield in front of us first," Thain said.

With Arthur and others helping, and all the Kryptonian warriors fighting hard, the battle in the stars outside the planet Sass lasted for more than a month, and the Gallente Federation Army finally retreated slowly.

It is impossible for the Federation to fight against the wizard civilization in this star field. After discovering that Thane and others are a tough nut to crack, the retreat and transfer of these Federation fleets was quite decisive.

Thanks to the Kryptonian warriors, all of them are creatures of level one or above, and they are not afraid of death when facing the Gallente Federation.

If it were ordinary alliance plane creatures, no matter how many they were, their level was not high enough and their morale was not high enough, it would be difficult to fight against the Gallente Federation's fleet encirclement and suppression.

In this battle, the Federation showed off three new weapons, which made Thane look at him.

One is specifically aimed at the bottom legion, called the gravitational collapse bomb.

Suddenly thrown onto the starry sky battlefield, except for the demigod-level creatures that had the ability to break free, other low-level warriors were absorbed into it and basically ended up being twisted and twisted.

There is another type that is aimed at creatures above level four, called Gellart Ray.

This seems to be a newly developed particle ray weapon by a federal scientist named Gellart.

There were three Kryptonian warriors above level 4 who were hit by this Gellart ray, including Drew who was the fastest, fiercest and most forward.

A large part of Drew's right chest was penetrated by this Gelato ray.

Fortunately, the kryptonite in the center of the chest was not injured, but such a serious injury was enough to make Drew, who is old and has declining physical functions, walk a long way from the door of death. suffered.

The last new weapon, introduced by Gargamel, is called the "Star Breaking Cannon".

This is a powerful planet-level weapon that the Gallente Federation has frequently used on the battlefield in the Sanok star field in recent years.

The energy-gathering time of the Star Breaker Cannon is far less than that of the heavy weapons that the Federation set up at the main gun position of the ship in the past, but it possesses a power that scares most creatures on the plane - destroy the world!

The operating principle of the star-breaking cannon is not to directly penetrate the earth's core with supreme power.

It is more like a specially-made planetary mortar. After hitting a low-level or micro-plane, it will cause its core to shatter, and then drive the entire plane into a collapse process.

Of course, not all planes can be shaken by the Gallente Federation's star-breaking cannon.

Generally speaking, the foundation thickness of medium-sized and above planes is enough to withstand the power of this kind of star-breaking cannon.

If the Gallente Federation fleet wants to destroy medium-sized and above planes, it must use higher-level weapons—such as the doomsday weapons that once destroyed the planet Cybertron and deep space drilling.

And the star-breaking cannon is not completely effective for low-level planes.

Some low-level planes with thick plane barriers and profound foundations also have the ability to withstand the power of the star-breaking cannon.

But obviously the Sass planet, which is suffering so much that even its native creatures are about to become extinct, does not meet this level!

When the planet Sars was attacked by a star-breaking cannon and entered a self-destruction program, the Gallente Federation fleet also began to evacuate from this starry sky battlefield.

The idea of ​​​​the Gallente Federation fleet is very simple. If I can't get it, you can't get it either.

The war between the two top civilizations, destruction and killing, is not the purpose.

Both sides are actually competing for resources.

Survival resources, material wealth, civilization territory, etc.

The Gallente Federation's approach of destroying it even if I can't get it is a bit rogue.

But war is like this. Whoever talks to you about morality would probably do the same thing if it were a wizarding civilization.

The process of weakening the enemy is itself a way to increase one's own winning rate.

"This low-level plane has entered the stage of self-destruction. Hurry up and evacuate all our legions still stranded in this plane." Thane said to Gargamel and Azaria.

There are still two space fortresses that the wizard civilization can still activate on the Sars planet. According to the current progress, all combat legions can be withdrawn in time.

In addition to explaining this point, Thane also said to the two knights and magicians of the Wizarding World: "In the war just now, the Kryptonian Legion was also seriously damaged."

"I would like to discuss with you two, whether we can allocate part of the logistics resources of our wizard army to the Kryptonian army?" Thain discussed it. asked in a tone of voice.

In the foreign war of wizard civilization, the gap in welfare between the local knights and magician legions and the alien legions of the alliance is very large.

Basically all critical resources, especially restorative props, must be given priority to the local legions of the Wizarding World.

The alien legions of the Alliance are all stepmothers, and will only share a small portion of the profit.

This is a very normal thing.

Cannon fodder must have the consciousness of cannon fodder. Where do you come from so many requirements?

But this must not be done at this time. Thain also wants to win over other alien civilizations to join the Wizards Alliance. He must show the majestic and heroic side of the Wizarding World.

Thain himself has a lot of restorative resources on hand, but most of the resources he has on hand are suitable for creatures above level four, and the quantity is very small.

How could it be possible to take care of all the bottom legions of Krypton?

In order to quickly restore the Kryptonian army, which had suffered heavy losses in the war, it was necessary to rely on the logistical strength of the wizard civilization army stationed on the planet Sass.

"Don't worry, this resource is not for nothing. When I return, I will replenish it and return it to you with the war material reserves of the Ashes Holy Tower Legion." Thain said sincerely.

In response to Thain's request, Gargamel said: "Master Thain, your words are beyond the pale. It is our duty to help support our friendly legions!"

"That is, if Master Thane and those Kryptonians hadn't supported us, we might not have been able to hold on long ago."

"Damn, the star-breaking cannon has been used! I'm not sure that I can lead my knight army to successfully break through when the plane collapses." The fifth-level knight Azaria said. -------------------

PS: There is one more chapter, which will be updated within an hour~

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