The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1534 Foreshadowing

A strong and advanced civilization must be in a state of continuous development and progress.

This is true for the wizarding civilization, and so is the Gallente Federation!

Compared to a dozen or even hundreds of thousands of years ago, have Kryptonians changed in any way?


They have become poorer, with fewer creatures above level four, and a lower population base. The Kryptonian warriors have become weaker due to the lack of a suitable growth environment...

This is a sad reality.

Correspondingly, the Gallente Federation has become stronger and stronger.

In particular, the opponent's technology has gone through several changes and reached a level that even the wizarding civilization is afraid of.

At this time, outside the planet Sars, when they reached this starry sky battlefield, the Kryptonian warriors above level four quickly encountered the war fleet that the Gallente Federation had transferred from battlefields on other planets.

Stronger firepower, a more orderly fleet array, and more diverse attack methods, this is the true performance of the Gallente Federation Legion in the war !

In the previous rampage on the planet Sars, it was this group of Kryptonian warriors who took advantage of the sudden attack from behind, and their high-level combat power far exceeded that of the Gallente Federation. It was a nearly crushing battle.

But if the number of senior leaders participating in the war on both sides were placed on the same level, would the Kryptonian Legion still be so relaxed?

The large number of fallen Wizard World legions, as well as the even larger number of Wizard Alliance legions that have died in battle, have long been proven by actual data that the Gallente Federation is not a soft persimmon that can be manipulated.

When the Kryptonian warriors rushed out of the planet Sars with their passion, they faced the frontal firepower of the Gallente Federation's support fleet.

A large number of casualties are inevitable.

Including Carl, the fifth-level Kryptonian warrior who had rushed the hardest and killed a Federation flagship, he was also intercepted now.

What stopped Karl was a giant federal mecha that was nearly two thousand meters high.

The size of the Gallente Federation's giant mecha is not completely fixed.

Most of the Federation's giant mechas are made of special memory alloys, which can freely shrink or increase in size according to wartime needs, and even change the weight and outer metal density.

The weapons used by the giant federal mecha in front of me are two blue chain saws.

Dazzling sparks burst out from between the chainsaws.

In terms of personal strength, the giant mecha that had just had a brief confrontation was actually on par with Karl.

Karl has never seen this kind of mecha creation before!

Not only Karl, but also Karazo and Delin, in his

There is no similar introduction at all in the Gallente Federation information we have received.

Moreover, the Kryptonian survivors’ understanding of the Gallente Federation is still hundreds of thousands of years ago.

But the current Gallente Federation is not at all what it used to be.

Including those ordinary battleships, they are also very different from what is recorded in the Kryptonian records.

Fortunately, crossing the level of strength is not that easy.

It is impossible for the Gallente Federation to develop its warships to the point where all of them can threaten creatures above level four.

Although the Kryptonian casualties have occurred, the Gallente Federation has also suffered losses.

Many of the federal fleet commanders who had just come to support were a little confused as to where such a group of alien warriors came from, and they were so fierce and fearless that they were much more difficult to deal with than the ordinary plane combat legions of members of the Wizards Alliance.

A very small number of ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎‎‎‏‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ Destroyed Kryptonians.

The Federation Legion still has many plans for the Kryptonians.

Some ships with relatively large reserves of information even record the weaknesses of the Kryptonians and their most common fighting methods.

With powerful information exchange capabilities, this information about the Kryptonians was transmitted to all Gallente Federation combat units on the surrounding battlefields in a very short time.

The greatest weakness of Kryptonians is the kryptonite on their chests.

As long as the Kryptonite is injured, the impact on the Kryptonians will be more serious than damage to their brains, hearts and other organs.

And in federal records, kryptonite is a Class A war resource designated by the Gallente Federation military.

The Kryptonian warriors who appeared in front of them both inside and outside the Sass planet all have life levels above one level. For these federal fleets, they are also a considerable asset!

"Destroy them!" Orders were issued one after another to all the federal legions in the surrounding starry sky battlefield.

For the Kryptonian warriors on this battlefield, the biggest threat to them is not those federal space battleships with astonishing main and secondary guns.

Instead, the battlefield was densely packed with countless drones like locusts.

The attack power of these drone swarms is not very high. Even a first-level Kryptonian warrior can resist five or six strikes without any problem.

But these extremely large groups of drones all had tricky attack angles and were even more flexible, and they all aimed at the Kryptonian's chest.

It's just that not long after the confrontation between the two sides, most of the Kryptonian warriors who suffered a large number of casualties were covered.

The Lunt Federation's drone swarm was injured.

"What do you mean, do you want to help them?" In a metal ship located near the outer area of ​​the battlefield, the fifth-level strongman Arthur put his hands behind his head and asked the three people around him.

Bruce, the strong man of the black bat civilization, was silent at this time, and Barry, a fourth-level creature in the electric world, was also silent now.

Only Gal Gadot was slightly moved at this time.

The drones that occupy the main component of the Federation Legion are inanimate and are entirely metal technological creations.

After all, I have been getting along with these Kryptonians for a while. Seeing that a large number of Kryptonian warriors suffered heavy casualties due to the ravages of drones, Gal Gadot really wanted to help them.

However, before Arthur and others could discuss the outcome, a cyan energy beam hit the metal ship where several people were located, from far to near.

The people of Krypton ride on metal ships driven by ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎, which is obviously not comparable to the Gallente Federation’s space battleships.

In a series of explosions, the metal ship completely collapsed.

In the flames, the figures of Bruce and others gradually appeared.

"I didn't mean to do it. They hit me first. I have to fight back, right?" Arthur flicked the flames still attached to his shoulders.

The firepower of the Gallente Federation fleet cannot be underestimated. Arthur has already discovered several targets that can threaten him on this starry sky battlefield.

Powerful and gushing water power appeared from under Arthur's feet. This normally arrogant fifth-level creature flew straight towards the nearest large federal ship.

Gal Gadot, who also joined the battlefield, behaved much more low-key than Arthur.

She did not target the Gallente Federation space battleship, but focused mainly on the extremely large number of drones on the surrounding battlefield.

A pale golden shimmer emitted from the round shield on Gal Gadot's left hand, blocking a large area of ​​drone energy rays for the surrounding Kryptonian warriors.

The short sword held in the other hand was swung forward, and a large explosion sounded one after another.

With level four creatures personally targeting these drone groups, the effect is quite obvious.

Bruce Wayne and Barry were still motionless at this time.

But what they don't know for the time being is that whether they take action now or choose to wait and see, the drone groups on the surrounding battlefield and all the federal warships paying attention here have already locked and recorded their information.

This information will eventually be aggregated into the federal central database.

This paved the way for the federal policy to follow.

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