The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,533 Take the initiative

"You two, just wait for me for a while. I'll be ready soon." After noticing the arrival of the two powerful wizards and civilizations, Thane said without stopping his movements.

Thain was quite happy to see the familiar creatures of wizard civilization again.

No matter how submissive the foreign creatures are to him, the ones who can really make Thane feel close to him are the compatriots from the mother plane.

"It's okay, master, do you want to help? I can help you chop off the hand it wants to resist." The fifth-level knight Azaria asked, holding a heavy steel sword.

Thain's current strength and coercion is stronger than Azaria's.

Knights generally respect the strong, and the knowledge of magicians can convince most knights. Therefore, knights of the same level respect magicians.

Thane ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ glanced at Azaria’s rusty but soaked heavy sword with a lot of blood, shook his head and rejected the kindness of the fifth-level knight.

"Cut off its hands, and my specimen won't be perfect."

"You can help me limit the black smoke on its body, and I will pay you." Thain said.

"Master, what you said is obvious. Why would I ask you for payment?" Azaria said with wide eyes.

When Thain is at the fourth level, with the help of the Phaseless Mask and several core mysteries he has mastered, he can face off against the fifth-level creatures.

Now that he has been promoted to level five, his combat power has naturally increased significantly again.

The process of capturing and suppressing the fourth-level Sanok in front of him alive was not cumbersome.

While the collection of specimens was about to be completed on Thain's side, the battlefields in other directions on the Saas planet were also coming to an end.

Those Kryptonian warriors are really fierce.

Whether it is the momentum or the personal fighting ability, it is eye-catching.

A large number of federal ships crashed from the sky during this period.

The Kryptonians who were unwilling to let the Gallente Federation Legion escape even pursued them outside the planet Sass.

Except for a few federal ships that escaped, the vast majority of the federal legions were destroyed in this surprise attack from behind.

On the other hand, there are still many remnants of this planet's indigenous biological army.

This is because the Kryptonian warriors are not interested in the Sanoks.

After completing the final work of specimen collection, Gargamel, who had been silent for a long time next to him, asked: "Master

As a fire elementalist, you actually control an impressive army of plant monsters. It's really surprising. "

"These plant troll legions look a bit familiar to me... Do you have any relationship with Master Lulianman?" Gargamel asked.

Seen saw this and replied: "Lu Lianman is my mentor."

"Ah?!" Gargamel looked stunned.

The fifth-level knight Azaria looked at the two of them in confusion, and he did not recognize Lu Lianman.

"I have had several encounters with Master Lu Lianman when I was in the Wizarding World, including at the back of the battlefield in the underworld star field. I also met Master Lu Lianman several times before."

"I didn't expect that Master Lu Lianman would actually train a fifth-level fire elemental master disciple as a fourth-level plant magician?" Gargamel asked in surprise.

"Hoo!" Level 5 knight Azaria also exclaimed at this time.

"The sect I belong to is the Jade Fire Master Sect. Although my mentor is a plant magician, our sect mainly produces fire elemental masters."

"Haha, master, have you seen my mentor on the battlefield of the underworld star field? How is she now?" Thain asked with a smile.

Originally, because of the rescue, Gargamel and the two owed Thain a huge favor.

Now that Lu Lianman has a new relationship, the conversation atmosphere between the two parties has become much more harmonious.

Gargamel and Lu Lianman cannot be called close friends, but they are certainly ordinary friends.

In fact, because of Gargamel's eccentric personality, he doesn't have many friends in the wizarding world.

Lu Lianman is a magician who can communicate with Gargamel normally.

Because he had asked Lu Lian Man to refine a special potion in his early years, Gargamel has not lost contact with Lu Lian Man these years.

Thain has long discovered that his mentor is really popular in the wizarding world, and it seems that she has friends everywhere.

This is the benefit of mastering a skilled potion technique.

No matter what kind of high-level or rare potion you want to make, someone will always ask for it.

Thain's alchemy is similar, but he rarely refines magic tools for outsiders.

Only when Thain needs something from others, he will refine something for others on the condition of refining equipment.

Apart from this, Thane is self-sufficient most of the time, and his alchemy mainly serves himself.

The acquisition of a Level 4 living specimen can be regarded as the first shot of Thane returning to the battlefield in the star field controlled by the wizard civilization.

However, before he could reconnect with Gargamel and Azaria, the Kryptonian Legion, which had already rushed outside the planet, received some not-so-good news - several war fleets from the Gallente Federation had already provided support. Upon arrival, in addition, there are some combat devices that Kryptonians have never seen before.

After taking a look at the smoke-filled Sath planet, Thain said: "The indigenous biological legions on this planet are not of concern. Our main concern is the starry sky battlefield outside the plane and the Gallente Federation Legion."

Gargamel and Azaria were convinced of this. Gargamel said: "More than 80% of the dozens of planes and hundreds of resource planets in the Sanok Star Territory have been completely destroyed by our wizard civilization army‏‏​​ ‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏Conquer and conquer.”

"Currently, there are only a dozen planets, including the planet Sass, where wars are still breaking out, and the reason why the indigenous creatures on these planets can still resist so tenaciously is because they borrowed the power of the Gallente Federation."

"We don't need to take the initiative. As long as we persist, we will be able to wait for the main army of wizard civilization." Gargamel said.

Thain has just arrived in the Sanok Star Territory and is not particularly familiar with the situation here.

Gargamel's analysis was sound and well-founded, which aroused his approval.

However, Thane does not intend to completely stand still and wait for reinforcements. The Kryptonian army he brought is very strong, plus there are hidden combat forces such as Bruce Wayne. If he takes the initiative and cooperates with the frontline wizard civilization army, the results will be great. It is estimated to be larger.

Moreover, Thain also hopes to use real war to help the Black Bat Civilization, the Wonderful Plane, and the Planet of the Sea make the decision to join the Wizards Alliance.

"It is certain to defend the existing plane, but I think we can try to send troops to rescue other nearby planets."

"The crisis on the Sass planet seems to have been resolved now, but in the surrounding starry sky, as Master Gargamel said, there are still more than ten planets where fierce wars are going on, and those planes are all at a slight disadvantage to our wizard civilization. battlefield." Thain said seriously.

Azaria, a fifth-level knight, had no objections to Thain's decision.

After pondering for a moment, the fourth-level magician Gargamel also nodded in agreement with Thain's statement. -------------------

PS: There is one more chapter, updated before one o'clock~

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