The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1532 Suppression

The coordinated attack by the garrison of the Sorcerer Civilization on the planet Sars was quite timely.

When Thane and the Kryptonian Legion launched a fierce attack on the enemy forces on this planet, there was only a moment of silence. The Wizard Civilized Knights and Magician Legion stationed in the two bases also launched a counterattack.

Being attacked from both sides, the Gallente Federation Legion and the Sanoks on the planet Saas were in disarray.

They didn't know how many reinforcements from the wizarding civilization were coming here, but just the fact that the fourth and fifth-level creatures with shocking power fluctuations appeared one after another was scary enough!

"We have the advantage in the battlefields of several planets around us."

"Withstand the pressure, I will call fleets from other battlefields to support us!" A federal lieutenant general ordered the captains of each ship in the flagship.

But the problem now is that the Gallente Federation‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏on the planet Sars, there is no shortage of low-level legions, mainly because the high-level combat power ratio is a bit big.

After all, after eleven years of uninterrupted siege by the wizard civilization legion on the planet Sass, there are only two usable level four or above combat forces left.

The legions supported by the Gallente Federation in the Sanok Star Territory seem to be quite large, with more than 10 million, but this small amount of troops is scattered across various battlefields, which is a bit overwhelming.

Moreover, the Federation does not want to compete with the wizard civilization again in the Sanok Star Territory.

Affected by various factors, as well as future war mobilization plans, after several rounds of troop withdrawals from the planet Sars, the Gallente Federation has only invested three soldiers with level 4 or above in this low-level plane.

They have an advantage over the two powerful wizard civilizations Gargamel and Azaria who are stationed on this planet, in that their own fleet energy reserves are relatively sufficient, and the ship's firepower has always been maintained at saturation.

But no matter how many and how powerful these high-level Gallente Federation fleets are, can they compare to the numerous Kryptonian legions that have just arrived on the battlefield in this star field?

In order to avenge the Gallente Federation, these Kryptonian warriors are already gearing up.

Whether they are strong men above level four or low-level Kryptonian warriors, they have all been fully prepared in the past period.

Not to mention the Gallente Federation Legion on the planet Sass, even if the Gallente Federation fleets from the other two planets in the surrounding plane battlefields are transferred over, in the field of high-level combat power, Thane and these Kryptonian powerhouses are absolutely invincible. Not false!

"General, these alien civilization legions that suddenly appeared seem to be extinct Kryptonian creatures."

"Should we shift our strategy first?" Flag

Inside the ship, a petty officer asked. This guy is very knowledgeable and can actually recognize Kryptonians.

"What did you say?!" the federal lieutenant general said angrily.

"Look there." The sergeant pointed tremblingly at the holographic energy screen.

What appeared on the screen was the scene of three level five Kryptonian warriors killing everyone.

In addition, in other split screens, there are also battle scenes recording the actions of fourth-level Kryptonian warriors.

The opponent's firepower is indeed beyond what their federal fleet can shake.

Including applying for support from the battlefields of other surrounding planets now, it is a bit late.

"Boom!" Another violent explosion and force impact came from the east side of the flagship.

Another level five biological power fluctuation!

But this time, it was no longer the Kryptonian ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ who took action on the light screen, but the elemental power fluctuations of the fifth-level magicians of the wizard civilization that they were familiar with.

"It seems that these Kryptonian creatures that have been exterminated are now involved with the wizard civilization."

"It's over."

"Even if we order the fleet to evacuate now, it will be difficult to escape from this planet." The sergeant murmured to himself.

The lieutenant general in the flagship had experienced far more battles than this noncommissioned officer. In fact, the lieutenant general had a premonition that something was not good as early as the moment the Kryptonians appeared.

Rather than being chased to death while escaping, it would be better to stay here and fight them fiercely.

On the holographic energy screen, I saw an extremely young fifth-level Kryptonian warrior flying straight towards the flagship. The opponent's blue combat uniform and red cloak were reflected against the background of the dark sky of the Saas planet. Extremely eye-catching.

The federal lieutenant general couldn't help but sigh: "Alas."

The eastern battlefield of the planet Sars.

Thain, who maintained the transformed form of the Ash Demon, used an elemental cage to restrain the level 4 Sanok man in front of him who was constantly trying to struggle.

This Level 4 Sanok is the only remaining native Level 4 creature on the planet Sass.

The hidden wounds accumulated from years of war and the weak will of the plane could not give him more blessings, making this guy's performance on the battlefield very poor.

Even Yuri can suppress the opponent on her own, let alone a fifth-level creature like Thain.

Thain wants to capture the opponent alive!

A Sanok man whom Thane had never met before.

This fourth-level creature, like a nigger, will undoubtedly enrich Thain's specimen collection.

In the process of suppressing the opponent, Thain did not choose a gentlemanly one-on-one duel, but instead roped in Yuli and Kram...

It is precisely because of this that this guy lost so quickly when facing Thane and the others, and now he has almost lost his ability to resist.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for Thain to capture the opponent alive even with a level five master.

Level 4 creatures are not soft persimmons. Even if they cannot be defeated, they can still fight by escaping or self-destructing.

Unlike now, the opponent is like a monkey, imprisoned by Thane in an increasingly narrow elemental cage.

The hot and mind-corrosive gray flames around him made the fourth-level Sanok man howl miserably.

Layers of black smoke seeped out from its body surface and mouth and nose. This black smoke seemed to be the unique power possessed by the Sanok people.

While Thain was still strengthening the elemental cage in front of him, one behind the other, there were two strong men exuding good fighting spirit and magical aura. , arrived here.

The knights and magicians stationed on the planet Sass have arrived.

Thain didn't pay much attention to that fifth-level knight, but it was another fourth-level magician who aroused Thain's interest.

Judging from the aura and attire of the other party, this seems to be a wizard.

Gargamel and Azaria, who had just arrived on the battlefield, looked at the level four Sanoks who had been suppressed in the elemental cage with some astonishment.

The battle ended too quickly, and they hadn't even made a move yet.

In addition to Thain's own elemental pressure, which has reached a level that is extremely frightening and shocking, the other two level four experts who are still assisting Thain have also attracted the attention of Gargamel and the two.

One of them is Yuri, who is still releasing tranquilizer bombs on the Sanok people in the elemental cage.

This tranquilizer bomb is a one-time magic weapon that Thain made during his free time in recent years.

After incorporating some components produced from high-level creatures above level four as raw materials, the actual combat effect looks quite impressive.

The other person who assisted Thain was naturally Cram.

Layers of invisible air waves appeared around Kram.

A series of red rays shot out from Kram's hands, and these rays finally locked the hands and feet of the fourth-level Sanok in a solid state.

Compared to those few, the tough fifth-level Kryptonian warriors like to use their steel bodies to ram into Gallente Federation ships.

Kram's fighting style in recent years has become more and more artistic.

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