The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1529: Supporting the Battle

After leaving the Holier star field, what was before Thain and others was once again a vast and endless pitch-black starry sky.

According to the star map route, they would have to sail at full strength for 71 years before they could reach the next medium-sized star field called the Hundred Flowers World Group.

It was a medium-sized star field dominated by plant-based creatures, and its strength was not considered strong.

And the creatures in that star field never like to fight.

Many plane worlds in the star realm like to deal with that group of plant creatures.

"The Hundred Flowers World Group... the distance back is getting faster and faster." Thain sighed as he stood on the bow of the ship.

71 years later, Thain and his party arrived at the border of the Flower World Group and were warmly received by the plant creatures of this medium-sized plane.

Thain has indeed seen the sincere and friendly side of this medium-sized plane creature.

However, ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ However, when they learned that Thain and his party were going to the wizarding civilization, these plant creatures in the Hundred Flowers World Group suddenly fell silent.

At this time, this star field is not far from the Sanok star field that the wizard civilization is attacking.

The medium-sized world civilization of Sanok Star Territory is about to be wiped out in just a hundred years!

Naturally, the Sanok Star Territory refused to acknowledge their funding of the Gallente Federation.

Although the wizard civilization has sufficient evidence, the creatures of the surrounding star civilization may not necessarily believe it.

The Flower World Group is relatively close to the Sanok Star Territory. These plant creatures with a calm and simple character are very worried about the powerful wizard civilization, and the next target of their attack will be them.

"I am a magician in the wizarding world. Please rest assured that our wizarding civilization will never bully the weak planes and races in the surrounding star fields for no reason."

"As long as you don't collude with the Gallente Federation to harm our wizard world army, the frontline of our wizard civilization will never be easily directed at our friends." After arriving outside the World of Flowers, Thain said to the few people who appeared in this world Said a plant creature above level four.

Having been in the star world for a long time, Thain can speak freely in some scenes.

Never bully weak planes and races?

What about the Flame Insect World and the White Sand World that have been annexed and conquered by the Holy Tower of Ashes!

Before conquering these low-level positions, the other party did not collude with the Gallente Federation and harm the creatures in the wizarding world.

So I can only say that some words are good to listen to, but they cannot be taken seriously.

Although the creatures in the Flower World are simple, they are not fools.

Especially those fourth and fifth level plants

A strong person is used to seeing wind and waves.

The biggest difference between plant-based creatures and other creatures is that they rarely give up and leave their home plane.

The vast majority of plant powerhouses are rooted in their mother plane, integrated with the mother plane, and share weal and woe.

Just like the fourth-level God of Biran that Thain came into contact with in the Biran Forest World.

There are not many medium-sized plant planes in the Wizards League.

What Thain learned was only the activation of the fairy world and a few other planes.

Generally, this kind of world will produce a large amount of precious plant materials and various restorative resources.

Based on Thain's understanding of the wizarding civilization, the attitude of the top management of the wizarding world towards this Hundred Flowers World Group is definitely not focused on annexation and conquest, but should be more inclined to win over and integrate.

"As long as your Hundred Flowers World has never aided the Gallente Federation, I‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​‎​‏‏ can ensure that you are fine!" Opposite Thane, there was a level 5 creature that looked like a willow tree. said.

These plant powerhouses in the Hundred Flowers World communicated with each other. Finally, a fifth-level creature that looked like a peach blossom presented Thain with a pulpy essence of flower liquid and said: "This is our sixth-level creature Qiong in the Hundred Flowers World." The essence condensed by His Majesty King Kyoka.”

"We can guarantee that there is absolutely no collusion with the Gallente Federation."

"But because the Sanok Star Domain is relatively close to us, we have had some resource exchanges and exchanges with them in the past." The peach blossom replied.

"So that's it. I understand. I will clarify this matter with the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization. I will never involve you unjustly." Thain's eyes lit up. After receiving the essence of the flower, he presented it to the plant creatures in front of him. promised.

In terms of value, although the essence of the flower in front of you is not as good as the golden apple, it seems to be a bit higher than the Amethyst Insect King Honey.

Made into a potion, it is definitely worth a lot of money.

After bidding farewell to this group of creatures from the Hundred Flowers World, Thane and his team continued to drive towards the wizard civilization.

During the time he left the wizarding civilization and lived in the surrounding starfields, Thain also roughly figured out the attitude of the surrounding starfield civilizations towards the wizarding world.

Most of the worlds are naturally afraid of wizard civilization.

In fact, there are not many people who are hostile, because the foreign policy of wizard civilization has been relatively mild in the past tens of thousands of years.

Basically, they win each other over to join the Wizards Alliance. Only those who refuse to join will be suppressed and annexed with strong measures, such as the Neisse civilization.

In these surrounding worlds, faced with the ever-expanding wizarding civilization like a rolling wheel, some are clinging to the main idea.

Some even tried to make contact with them, while others covered their heads and settled in a corner, pretending that they could not see the wizarding civilization. Others showed a faint resistance to the wizarding civilization.

Fortunately, the wizarding world has a great enemy, the Gallente Federation.

The plane worlds that are hostile to wizard civilization are probably all joining the Gallente Federation.

Coupled with the scalability of the alliance system, it is not as strong as other forms of civilization.

So far, there seems to be no interstellar organization similar to the "Anti-Wizard Alliance".

Not developing the star environment around him into the opposite. This is the wisest decision made by the high-level wizard civilization and the leaders of previous civilizations.

The wizarding civilization can stabilize the Gallente Federation on the battlefield, not because the wizarding world itself is much stronger than the Gallente Federation, but because of the wizarding civilization‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​ ​‎​‏‏There are too many alliance member planes under Ming’s command.

The size of the Wizards Alliance far exceeds the combined size of the Gallente Federation and its vassal world civilizations.

When Thane and others arrived in the Sanok Star Territory, several fierce battles were taking place here.

The Sanok Star Territory is finished, including the medium-sized world Sanok Plane, which is also on the verge of destruction under the attack of nearly ten million legions of wizard civilization.

The reason why there are still several battlefields in the Sanok Star Territory today is not because of how tenacious their resistance is, but entirely because twenty years ago, these Sanok creatures who were on the verge of destruction finally ushered in the Gallente. Federal aid!

The Gallente Federation Legion did not know exactly where they set up the cross-dimensional fixed-point transmission device, and successively invested nearly 10 million fleets in the Sanok star field.

The emergence of these legions did not actually prevent the collapse of the Sanok civilization.

But their appearance here should be because the Gallente Federation wants to show its attitude, that is, the Federation will not give up every ally easily.

It's quite ridiculous to say that when it was conquered by the wizard civilization, the Sanok civilization strongly denied that it had colluded with the Gallente Federation.

But now that the federal army appears in this star field, what does this mean?

Without the support and early arrangements provided by the local strongmen of the Sanok civilization, the Gallente Federation would not have been able to support tens of millions of legions so suddenly and quickly in the Sanok star field.

"We have to prepare to fight. We need to support the wizard civilization legion in this star field battlefield!"

In the metal fleet, Thane pointed at a planet surrounded by the Gallente Federation Legion and said.

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