The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,530 The Charge of the Kryptonians (Additional Update)

A fierce battle is about to break out.

On the issue of rushing to the aid of the war planet in front of them, the Kryptonian Legion naturally stood firmly with Thane.

Bruce Wayne, Arthur, Gal Gadot, Barry and others, because they represented their respective civilized groups, did not rashly participate in the war on the planet in front of them.

Only after the meeting with the top leaders of the Wizarding World is over and practical alliance measures are made, will they stand unequivocally with the Wizarding Civilization Army.

However, the Blue Star creature, which had already decided to join the Wizards Alliance, chose to share the same enemy with the Kryptonian Legion at this juncture.

Among the 300,000 Kryptonian legions, there are also many ships produced by Blue Star and a few participating creatures.

The strength of the Blue Star creatures at this time is not very good, but their attitude is still worthy of ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎.

Thain, who activated the true form of the Devil's Law, was the first level four or above creature to rush towards the warring planet not far away.

It is no longer accurate to call the real body of "Devil's Law" at this time, because as Thain advanced to level five, his elemental body transformed and improved again.

The raging ash flames ignited on the surface of Thane's body. Now he should be called the "ash demon".

The gray flame has the property of devouring and annihilating everything.

And under Thane's deliberate control, his flame core can continue to switch.

Whether it is the green fire with extremely strong toxins and violent destructive power, or the blue fire with special decomposition effect on metal materials, Thane can take advantage of the situation on the battlefield and be at ease.

At this time, the most original battle of ash and fire was chosen because the enemy combat units on the planet in front were not entirely the metal fleet of the Gallente Federation.

The Sanok star field is a medium-sized star field that mainly follows the path of self-evolution.

Although this star field has developed certain technologies and manufacturing industries in the past tens of thousands of years, it has not gotten rid of the characteristics of a cultivating civilization as a whole.

This is a very ordinary and well-behaved world civilization.

It's not strong, but it's not a rookie who has just been promoted to a medium-sized world civilization.

If there is no collusion with the Gallente Federation, the future development momentum of plane worlds like the Sanok Star Territory is still quite good.

It's a pity that premature entry did not make the Sanok people become chess players, but made them

Reduced to a pawn similar to cannon fodder.

Now if the Gallente Federation hadn't sent many fleets to assist them, the Sanok people would have been wiped out by the powerful wizard civilization.

In the entire Sanok Star Territory, the wizard civilization currently has an absolute advantage.

The Gallente Federation does not seem to want to have any major conflict with the wizard civilization in this star field.

The other key local battlefields selected by the Federation should be the areas around the Golden Rock World Group and the Ancient Desert Wasteland World.

But because the planet that Thain and others arrived at was exactly at the very back of the Sanok star field, the Gallente Federation and the Sanok people had a greater advantage here.

The Wizard Civilization Legion, which had already broken into this place early, was temporarily out of touch with the rear army, and instead became the besieged disadvantaged party.

Thane and others entered the battlefield as a new force, obviously catching the Gallente Federation and the Sanok people by surprise.

The Sanoks are also a type of humanoid creature. They are taller, three meters tall, with black skin and slender bodies. From a distance, they look like black sticks.

The wizard civilization army that broke into the planet in front of them seemed to have at least three knights and magicians of level 4 or above.

Because Thain saw three huge space fortresses.

Two of them are still floating and firing at low altitude, and another one has crashed on a battlefield in the southern part of the planet. Thick smoke and fire surround the crashed space fortress.

The firepower of the Kryptonian fleet is far from comparable to that of the Gallente Federation fleet, even with the help of Blue Star creatures.

Therefore, those who really rushed into the plane and served as the main battle legion were the 300,000 Kryptonian warriors.

On the planet in front of us, the total strength of the fighting legions on both sides is enough to be calculated in the millions.

The number of 300,000 Kryptonian warriors is indeed small, but they are all elites of level one or above!

This is a powerful helping hand that can make the final decision.

When the Kryptonian warriors easily broke through the lines of the Gallente Federation and the Sanoks and swept through them, it was obvious that both sides were confused.

Carl, the fifth-level Kryptonian, is the fastest one.

Relying on his youth and strength, Carl relied on his steel body to run rampant.

Three Gallente Federation giant battleships, each about a kilometer in length, were destroyed in succession.

This seemingly barbaric and primitive fighting method can inspire the revenge ambition and pleasure deep in the hearts of Kryptonians.

The other two level five Kryptonian warriors are not slow either.

Karazo sat in the center and issued combat orders to 300,000 Kryptonian warriors in an orderly manner.

Drew is a lot older and is even blind in one eye. No one knows how he rushed so far forward and almost caught up with Karl.

The main target of these Kryptonian legions is the Gallente Federation legion on the battlefield of this planet, but they have no desire to attack the Sanok people.

The hatred of the Kryptonians for the Gallente Federation is engraved in their bones.

Once again on the battlefield, facing ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ .

Of course, Thane cannot be like the Kryptonian warriors, focusing on the Gallente Federation fleet and fiercely K. On this planet, the power of the Sanok people is still considerable, especially the number of the opponent's bottom legions.

Before Thain's army arrived, the planet's wizard civilization army had been trapped in two corners, waiting for reinforcements.

Looking at this slightly familiar scene, Thain couldn't help but remember that when he was stationed in the radiation arc world, he also waited with such difficulty for the arrival of the wizard world army.

Now, Thane is the one supporting others.

Although Thane did not have many low-level legions at hand, including the Kryptonian warriors who mainly rushed towards the Gallente Federation fleet, Thain was not without troops at his disposal.

In addition to the few Kryptonian and Blue Star legions led by Kram, Thane took out a large number of seeds from his space equipment.

This was in the early years, when Thain went out from the wizarding world for the second time, his mentor Lu Lianman gave Thain a total of 500,000 green seeds.

When Thain was in the Beholder World Star Territory, he had been performing the task of garrisoning the logistics base, and he didn't usually need this thing.

Later, they were suddenly attacked by the Gallente Federation's shadow fleet. Because they were fighting in the starry sky outside the plane, the Green Source Seed played a negligible role, so it was useless at the time and has been retained until now.

Unexpectedly, these green seeds would play a role in the battlefield of Sanok Star Territory today.

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