The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1528: Cram’s Changes

"You're really going to kill me this time." Kram, who regained consciousness on the experimental table, said weakly to Thain.

At this time, Thain also sat slumped beside the experimental table without any image.

He never imagined that the situation just now was so dangerous.

The experiment that Thane conducted just now was about the experimental research on removing the kryptonite from Cram's body.

Kryptonite is extremely important to Kryptonians. It is not only the source of their power, but also plays a role in the body similar to the heart.

According to Thain's research data, taking out the Kryptonite and physically strengthening it may directly increase the strength of the Kryptonian warriors.

Besides that, because Kryptonite is closely associated with Kryptonian warriors.

So much so that Thane couldn't help but wonder, what would happen to the Kryptonian warriors if the Kryptonite was taken out?

It turns out that curiosity can kill.

Because of Thain’s desire for research, Cram was really on the verge of death.

Fortunately, there were no serious consequences in the end, otherwise Thane wouldn't know how to face Karazo and other Kryptonian powerhouses.

Is it said that the wizarding civilization is a powerful world that advocates freedom, equality, and friendship?

If the Kryptonian issue is not handled well, the subsequent work of wooing the Black Bat civilization and other other worlds will become exponentially more difficult.

"I was negligent this time. I should have conducted multiple in vivo verifications before starting the experiment." Thain wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

"I felt like I was about to die just now. That feeling was really..." Kram, who was on the experimental table, looked at the blazing white magic light directly above his eyes and said a little helplessly.

Her expression was a little tangled, but it was more of confusion and a light, special artistic conception that seemed to be immersed in it.

Thain had never dabbled in the mystery of research between life and death before.

Because he has never died, he has no way of knowing what it is like to die.

If it is transformed from a flesh-and-blood creature to an undead creature, Thain does not think it is death.

But just now, after Crumb was taken out of the kryptonite, her vitality plummeted, and even Thane could hardly feel her vitality.

Perhaps at that moment, Cram really realized what real death was.

So Thain listened calmly. Most of Klam's words were meaningless murmurs, and Thain frowned slightly.

Some water stains left from the experimental bench.

Thain was startled when he noticed the water stains and the special smell. Kram, who was on the experimental table, also suddenly stopped talking. Thain noticed that the other person's face was slightly red.

"This is a normal physiological phenomenon, you don't need to worry about it, Kram."

"Ahem, I promised you the magic wristband, I have already made it for you."

"Because there are some alchemy materials left, I made another necklace for you." Thain hurriedly changed the subject.

Cram also came back to his senses at this time. I don’t know if he was following Thain’s topic and diverting his attention, or if it was really the matter. Cram said: “I seem to feel that my body is peeling off with the kryptonite just now. Outside the body, some changes have occurred.”

"Oh? Really? Then let's go back and test it." Thain said.

After Cram almost had a major accident in his last experiment, Thain temporarily suspended all research on Cram.

However, the research results of the past few decades are still quite rich.

Thane explored the properties of kryptonite, ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎ and gray crystal much more in-depth.

This special energy is really amazing.

No wonder it becomes the source of strength for Kryptonians.

After that, Cram also received the magic equipment that Thain personally crafted for her.

It was made by Thain, the alchemist master, and was at least a medium-level artifact.

Although Thain has not yet begun to dabble in the craftsmanship of world-class secret treasures, with his current ability and speed of progress, it will be a matter of time before he does so.

What Cram mentioned was that after taking the kryptonite out of her body, her body underwent some subtle changes. After experimental testing, it turned out to be true!

After that, Cram's body went through a very rapid period of transformation and evolution.

In terms of pure strength, Kram's combat power was only at the early stage of level four before. However, after this experimental accident in which she almost died, her power and coercion rapidly improved to the middle stage of level four.

If all the kryptonite power in the body is stimulated in a combat state, Kram's strength can also experience a small increase in a short period of time.

Regarding this situation, Thain's final explanation was that the experimental accident encountered on the experimental bench was equivalent to causing Cram to experience a life and death crisis on the battlefield.

The evolutionary instinct of cells and genes was released at that moment.

Kram felt that his body had undergone some subtle changes, which was also due to this.

However, at least in the short term, Thain and Cram will not touch similar experimental plans.

That experience was something Cram would never forget, and Thain would not act rashly without getting more accurate and detailed experimental data.

After all, Klamm was still his.

A friend, not an experimental subject who is still being explored by Thane.

It was also against this background that Thane and others came to the Holier Star Territory.

The Holier star field is a small star field, and it is also one of the two star fields that Thain and others pass through to go to the star field controlled by the wizard civilization.

There are only five planes with complete rules in this star field. The strongest one is only a mid-level fifth-level creature, and there are four other fourth-level creatures.

In the Hollier plane, Thain and others did not go.

With the strength of these people, it would be no problem to directly capture the Holier Star Territory.

But Bruce from the Black Bat Civilization, Arthur from the Planet of the Sea, and others have no reason to fight for Thane and others now.

Karazo and other Kryptonian warriors did not want to cause trouble.

Therefore, when passing through the Holier Star Territory, Thain and others, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, are equivalent to taking the initiative to miss the creatures and natives of the Holier Plane. Strong.

Those local strong men in the Holier Star Territory knew what was going on and did not jump out at this juncture to cause any trouble for Thane and others.

For those creatures in the Holier plane, there are actually not many choices left for them.

As the wizarding civilization extends its tentacles of power here, there are only two outcomes waiting for them - surrender or destruction.

Only the Kryptonians, Blue Star creatures, and the Black Bat civilization, which are relatively intelligent ethnic civilizations, have already made plans in advance.

"How did I find that your skin has gotten better recently?"

"And your body proportions..."

"Are you planning to grow your hair?" Misori, a fourth-level Kryptonian female warrior, asked her best friend in front of her strangely.

The people who understand the subtle changes best are often not the opposite sex with whom they have a good relationship, but the same sex with whom they have more contact.

In recent years, Missori has been living alone due to emotional problems, and occasionally stays with Kram.

Misoli couldn't help but have doubts about the various changes that had taken place in Kram, especially the fact that Kram's aura of strength seemed to have improved in recent times.

Women all like to compare.

Even if they don't compare openly, they will compare secretly.

In the past, the most beautiful female warrior of Krypton was Missori, and Kram had always been her foil.

Whether in terms of strength or appearance, Kram is somewhat inferior to Missori.

(ps: In terms of appearance, it may also be related to the fact that Kram never dresses up.)

Faced with Missori's question, Kram laughed twice, held up his short hair that had grown to his earlobe with his right hand, and casually replied: "Is there any?"

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