The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1527: Experimental Sacrifice

There are three routes from the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Territory to the Wizard Civilization Controlled Star Territory.

Karazo and Thain finally chose the route that was smoother and didn’t take too long.

According to the instructions on the star map, the Kryptonian metal fleet is moving forward with all its strength and will arrive in the Sanok star field approximately 152 years later.

During this period, Thain and others will also pass through two star fields, as well as a vast, lonely, and dark blank starry sky.

"I didn't expect that I just entered the space crack to escape and got lost for a short distance in the time and space channel."

"But the coordinates that finally appeared in the material star realm are already so far away from the territory controlled by the wizard civilization."

"If I had wandered in the time and space channel for a longer time, I'm afraid I would have faced a real 'time and space exile'." Thain couldn't help but sigh again.

After embarking on the journey back to the wizarding civilization, Thain's daily life is still mostly peaceful.

Most of the time, Thain would stay in the lab with his head covered.

He has many experimental topics at hand: the exploration of power after promotion to level five, the study of kryptonite and gray crystal, the exploration of the rules and anomalies found in the surrounding starry sky, the improvement experiments on Yuri's constructed golem...

Even though Thain has always consciously not allowed himself to be partial to science, in the process of real growth research, he has inevitably dabbled in more and more fields.

In a way, this really distracted Thain's mind and energy.

But it also made him more knowledgeable and profound.

The Thain of more than a thousand years ago and the Thain of today are completely different academic achievements.

On this day, when the Kryptonian fleet arrived at a blank star field called "Darkness", Kram found Thane.

"Why don't you go out for a walk? Is it interesting to stay in the laboratory all year round?"

"Arthur, Gal Gadot, and the others have already gone outside the fleet."

"It is said that this blank star field once produced a special treasure called the 'Essence of Darkness', which was also auctioned in Free Star City." After Kram came to Thane's laboratory, he sat on the sofa with a familiar face. , poured himself a glass of magic juice and said.

Thain and Kram were already very familiar with each other, and her appearance did not even affect Thain's movements in front of the experimental table in the slightest.

At this time, Thain was observing a flame that he had recently researched. This flame was of average power and extremely mediocre in nature.

The only special thing is that the original fuel used by this flame to burn is the gray crystal he collected from around the Blue Star.

Thane may not necessarily gain any benefit or increase in strength from this experiment.

Just like a proverb in the wizarding world, a thousand experiments may not all succeed, but one success is enough to make up for the energy invested in a thousand experiments.

Most of the time, the results obtained by Thain's experiments were unsatisfactory.

More than 99% of experiments are done to pave the way for the success of the next experiment.

But if suddenly there is an experiment that achieves the desired results, and it will actually have a profound impact on Thain's strength and future research direction.

So that sense of accomplishment and satisfaction cannot be understood by creatures from other planes.

As Crumb put it, though she and Thain were already familiar with each other.

But she still didn’t know Thain well enough, and she couldn’t understand the meaning of Thain’s daily boredom in the laboratory.

Ignoring ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏Ignoring Cram who was just tasting the magic juice, Thain was still concentrating on the experiment at hand.

After working hard for a long time, Thain gradually broke away from the experimental state.

During this period, Crum almost drank all the magic juice that Thain had prepared recently. She waited for Thain for three full days!

"What do you want from me?" Thain asked in a calm tone while handling the instruments on the experimental table.

According to what he knew about Kram, the other party probably wasn't looking for him to chat this time.

Cram was not surprised by Thain's very direct way of talking.

After a moment of coyness, Kram said, "Didn't you say last time that you would make me an artifact wristband?"

"Oh? Are you willing to cooperate with me in conducting some experiments?" Thain paused while handling the experimental equipment, then raised his head and looked at Klam in surprise.

He naturally remembers this matter. So far, it is a pity that he has not been able to conduct in-depth research on Kryptonian warriors above level four.

"Well, I've thought about it. I don't plan to find a partner anyway, so why not make myself live a better life."

"Having stronger strength can also protect more Kryptonians."

"I don't want to be like Missoli, because of emotional things..." Kram said.

It can be seen that her willingness to accept Thane's experiment is also related to the experience of another fourth-level female Kryptonian warrior Missori.

Thane didn't care about the reason why Kram accepted the experiment, nor did he care about the problems that another fourth-level Kryptonian female warrior was facing.

Thain, who had just finished a fire magic experiment, was already a little tired, but Cram represented

The mysteries of Kryptonian warriors above level 4 made Thain feel refreshed and instantly full of energy.

"For such a rare living specimen of a fourth-level Kryptonian warrior, I have to ask Yuri to help me."

"Let's go to Anatomy Laboratory No. 2!" Thain said to Klamm.

Thain's words made Kram's mouth twitch, and she suddenly regretted it.

But in the end, she did not make the decision to go back on her word. She just said to Thain before entering the laboratory: "I'm not used to being looked at by others. Can you cover my eyes?"

"Also, can you be the only one to participate in the experiment? Your constructor subordinates should not participate, right?" Cram said.

After all, Crum was Thane's friend, not a slave who allowed him to take whatever he wanted.

So Thain thought for a moment and then agreed to Cram's request. Thain said: "Don't worry, the real experimental process is not as good as you think. fear."

"I'm not sure, you will like this process after you actually feel the effect of my experiment."

"In addition to collecting and studying your body tissues, I can develop a scientific and rational training plan for you based on the evolution of your Kryptonian creatures." Thain smiled at Cram.

Taking a deep breath, Crum walked into Thane's laboratory.

Cultivation is timeless, and experiments and truth exploration often make it easy for people to ignore the passage of time.

Thirty years later.

Kram in the laboratory exclaimed.

Weak moans and extremely chaotic power fluctuations filled the area around the experimental table, and the entire laboratory was shaken to pieces by the sweeping waves of energy.

In front of the experimental table, Thain, who had always been calm and steady, had a rare look of panic in his eyes.

A trace of sweat emerged from Thain's forehead as he looked at Klam who was gradually losing his breath of life in front of him.

Thane quickly put the kryptonite back into the opponent's body.

"Bring me a pulse stun gun, the one with the highest power." Thain said to Yuli who entered the laboratory.

Not long after, Yuli walked to the experimental table carrying a giant stun gun that looked like a syringe.

Not caring about maintaining the demeanor of a magician, Thain pointed the stun gun at Cram's chest and suddenly activated it.

"Bang!" Kram's body, which was already weak, tensed up instantly and he was lifted a certain distance away from the experimental table.

Looking at the crystal ball information that fluctuated slightly around the experimental platform, Thain said: "Increase the power and come again!"

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