The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1526: Just a Bird (Additional update)

Thane obtained the information about the collusion between the Gallente Federation and the ancient desert world from the Collector at the cost of a star core.

The star core is a bit more precious in the star realm than the godhead of a fourth-level creature.

Although Thane's star core was only mined from a micro-plane, it still made the collector very happy.

"You actually know that the Gallente Federation has begun to collude with the ancient desert wasteland world."

"Then do you know what the specific battle situation is like in the Underworld Star Territory now?"

"There is also the situation in the Beholder World. If you know anything, you might as well tell me." Thain said.

Faced with Thain's inquiry, the collector laughed awkwardly and said: "The war situation in the underworld star field that I know is all information that is generally known to the sixth-level creatures of the surrounding star field civilization. It is not a secret. .”

"It seems like the fight on the main plane of the underworld is quite fierce."

"But now I heard that the war is almost over. According to the information I got, the war in the underworld star field is expected to end within three hundred years. Master Thain, when you go back, you should know more and more detailed information about this than me."

"As for the beholder world you mentioned, I'm sorry, it's too far away from me, and I didn't deliberately collect information about that star field."

"But considering that the war in the underworld star domain is almost over, the progress of your wizard civilization's war in the beholder world should not be slow." The collector speculated.

The collector's answer made Thane nodded.

This level five creature only knows more about the situation in the surrounding star field.

The dominant battlefield in the hinterland of the underworld star field, as well as the situation in the more distant beholder world, are really beyond his reach.

Therefore, regarding this part of the information, he did not ask Thain and others for money.

After getting all the information they and others were concerned about from the Collector, Thain and the others said goodbye and left.

Thane is now more and more eager to return to the wizarding civilization. Not only does he report to the wizarding civilization, he also discovered the inert crystals, and also attracts Kryptonians, blue star creatures, and many other worlds including the black bat civilization to join. Wizards Unite.

Including the movements of the Gallente Federation and the ancient desert wasteland world that the other party has attracted, it is also important information for the wizard civilization.

According to the information obtained by Thane and the evidence obtained from collectors, the ancient desert wasteland world is indeed the most powerful world in the surrounding star field that is most likely to be promoted to a large-scale world civilization.

In this top-level civilized war between the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding World, the number of large worlds behind the two companies is undoubtedly an important weight that affects the balance of the war.

Just the Beholder World Star War that Thane participated in is enough to see the war.

The severity of the tragedy.

No matter what, the wizard civilization must stop the Gallente Federation's conspiracy to win over the ancient desert wasteland world and annex many weak star regions around it.

Even directly prevent the ancient desert wasteland world and promote to a large world civilization.

During this period, the Black Bat civilization, which has always been at odds with the ancient desert wasteland world, is the best target for the wizarding world to win over.

Different worlds, including the Wonderful Plane, which are wary of the ancient desert wasteland world, are also the best candidates for the Wizards Alliance.

When Thain left, the Collector played with the brilliant star core in his hand. He seemed to be very satisfied with the treasure in his hand. After pondering for a moment, he said to Thain who was about to leave here: "I have another piece of news. Just treat it as It’s given to you for free.”

"I heard that the medium-sized world Ocean Planet has recently been attracted by the ancient desert wasteland world."

"Of course, this information has not been confirmed and its credibility is very low."

"I just heard about it by chance from an old friend." The collector spread his hands and said.

Thane and Karazor looked at each other, thinking of Arthur, the son of Neptune, who came to Free Star City together, and said nothing for a while.

"I know, it's a pleasure to work with you. I hope there will be a chance to cooperate next time." Thain nodded.

"We will meet if we are destined," the collector said with a carefree smile.

After leaving the collector's office, it wasn't long before it was time to gather.

The Kryptonian Legion also completed certain supplies in Free Star City and took action on all the previously captured slaves.

Bruce Wayne, Gal Gadot, Arthur, Barry, and Carl appeared together.

Including Cram, who had a good relationship with Thain, also followed several people.

According to Cram's introduction, several people had just participated in an auction held in Free Star City.

Because too many powerful people above level four suddenly appeared, a lot of final treasures were temporarily added to the auction.

It really made Gal Gadot and others see the world for the second time.

"The auctions held within the wizarding civilization have higher standards, and sometimes, world-class secret treasures will appear."

"When the time comes, I will take you to see it." Thain said to everyone.

Thain's words really aroused everyone's fascination.

A world-class secret treasure... Ever since the Kryptonians were beaten to death, there has never been a treasure of this level.

The Wonderful Plane is just a low-level plane, and it is estimated that there are no world-class secret treasures.

Only the Black Bat Civilization and the Planet of the Sea should have world-class secret treasure suppression capabilities.

It is still unknown what the world-class secret treasure of the Black Bat Civilization is.

But the world-class secret treasure of the sea planet should be easy to

It’s their famous Neptune’s Crown.

It is said that once the royal family members of the Planet of the Sea accept the power inheritance of the Sea King's Crown, they will be infused with the original will of the plane and be promoted to level six in one fell swoop!

This is also the simplest and most convenient way to advance to level six in the legends of the surrounding star fields and planes.

"Bruce from the Black Bat Civilization is really rich! He frequently sells items at auctions."

"I took a fancy to an artifact wristband, but in the end I was reluctant to buy it." Crum shook his head and said.

Kryptonians are generally poor, and fourth-level warriors like Kram are no exception.

After listening to Kram's words, Thane turned to look at her and said, "As long as you are willing to assist me in conducting some experimental tests, I will make a wristband for you."

Cram was stunned by Thane's words, and then the fourth-level Kryptonian female warrior lowered her head and said nothing, as if she was thinking about whether it was worth it.

Sean‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏Enze did not continue to pay attention to Cram, but walked to Bruce and mentioned to him the news that he and others had just received: "We are free from The collectors in Star City learned that the ancient desert wasteland world has surrendered to the Gallente Federation."

"Changes in the surrounding star fields are about to occur, including some fleets from the Gallente Federation that have also landed in the Golden Rock World Group."

"You Black Bat civilization should make plans early." Thain said.

The information mentioned by Thane made Bruce raise his head suddenly.

This matter was indeed of great importance. Bruce did not doubt that he was involved. After thinking about it for a while, he called a level four black bat civilization expert.

In addition to Bruce, there are two fourth-level black bat experts in the legion supported by the Black Bat Civilization this time.

One of them is now staying around Blue Star, and the other one is the person next to Bruce.

"You first return to the Black Bat Civilization, quickly inform other Black Bat Civilization leaders of this information, and remind them to beware of the ancient desert wasteland world!" Bruce said seriously.

After sharing this intelligence information with Bruce, Thane came to the Crown Prince Arthur of the Planet of the Sea.

Since the Collector learned that the Planet of the Sea was in collusion with the ancient desert world, even he himself could not guarantee that it was definitely true, so Thain had no way of explaining anything right away.

He could only ask from the side: "Arthur, what do you think of the ancient desert wasteland world?"

Arthur, a level 5 strong man from the sea planet, was a little strange about Thain's question.

He first stared at Thain for a while, and then said sweetly: "The ancient desert wasteland world is just a bird!"

Arthur's answer made Thane sigh in relief. -------------------

PS: Chapter 88 needs to be added~

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