The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,525 Important Information (Additional Updates)

This is a male humanoid.

At first glance, they look quite similar to humans in the wizarding world.

But this guy has six fingers, and what's extremely cool is that he wears a huge gemstone ring on four of his fingers.

There are faint energy fluctuations coming from these gem rings.

It is a fifth-level creature worthy of the title of "Collector". Just adding up these "artifact-level rings" on the opponent's hand, the power it unleashes will not be low.

Moreover, this collector appeared with his feet on a white pedal. Thain vaguely noticed that one of the collector's legs seemed to be lame.

"Let me see, this is..." After the collector appeared, most of his attention was indeed focused on Thain.

At this time, Thain is in a state of breath concentration, and there is no false ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎‎ to provide cover.

This collector has neither super strength nor Bruce Wayne's sense of sonic law, so naturally he cannot see through Thane's true nature.

But it was precisely because of this that he became more interested in Thain.

"Uh, are you a wizard-civilized creature?" The collector, who was stepping on the pedal, bent over and stared at Thain for a long time, then suddenly raised his waist and said in surprise.

"Oh? How did you see that?" Sean asked slightly surprised.

Being able to see through his identity at a glance, this collector has made such a big name in Free Star City, so he seems to have some skills.

"I can sense the temperament of these guys in your wizarding world as long as I get close to them. It's not like I haven't been exposed to them before."

"You must be a magician, right? And it seems that you have a very powerful breath-containing tool. You can't even see through my true state." The collector turned around and said, and with some curses, he greeted the people in his laboratory. Slaves work.

"What a bad luck. Is the war between the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization about to reach here?"

"It seems that the news is correct. I have to move away quickly." The collector cursed.

"Hingis, Kulaman... come out to work soon, we are moving!" the collector greeted.

The collector's residence in Free Star City is definitely not small. After all, a whole giant meteorite has been hollowed out.

Dozens of humanoid or non-humanoid slaves appeared one after another. These slaves generally had second or third level life levels.

This is collected

The collector seems to enjoy it quite a bit. Those humanoid slaves are all handsome men and beautiful women. I don’t know where he collected so many alien species.

The most eye-catching thing among them is the two twin girls with ponytails. Their appearance is surprisingly the same, and they all have demigod-level power.

I really don’t know where the collector got this superb pair.

Including those non-humanoid slaves, many of them have extremely high collection value in Thain's eyes and are regarded as extremely rare biological specimens.

When he saw the many collections of this collector, Thain's inherent collecting habit was revealed - most magicians have a strong desire to collect, especially in the field of collecting specimens.

However, Thain and Karazor did not forget what they were here for, including the words the Collector turned around to complain about‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎, and they did not deliberately avoid them. Two people.

Upon seeing this, Karazo, who was relatively familiar with the other party, took the lead and asked: "The war between the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation is about to spread here? How did you know?"

"This Master Thane is my friend. He ended up here accidentally. He is not a war legion representing the wizard civilization." Karazo said.

Karazo's words successfully stopped the collector.

He turned around and glanced at the two of them, then nodded belatedly and said: "Yes, the latest movement of the wizard civilization army is in the Sanok star field, which is still two star fields away from here."

"Including the Gallente Federation Legion. I heard they just landed in the Golden Rock World Group."

"During this period, it should be enough for me to run away." The collector said to himself.

As an interstellar broker with considerable wealth, the Collector will never easily deal with some powerful world civilizations.

The disparity in strength makes it difficult for him to profit from it.

The collector's lame leg is the best proof.

The reason why the collector has been trying to cure this leg is to give himself a profound reminder.

Sanok Star Territory and Golden Rock World Group.

Thane and Karazo looked at each other, and they realized that they seemed to be able to get more information from the collector during this trip than originally expected.

"We need to know all the information you have, especially about the latest war trends between the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization."

"In addition, I also want the latest star map of the route to the star domain controlled by the wizard civilization."

"You can set the price as you wish." Karazo said solemnly.

Karazo's words made the collector chuckle.

Sure enough, he temporarily stopped calling the slaves to move, and instead he and Thain came to sit down in front of a triangular sofa.

The Collector's character seemed a bit bohemian, and he actually crossed his legs directly in front of Thane and Karazzo.

While shaking the soles of his feet, the collector raised the sunglasses he just took out and said, "My fees are not low~"

The information I got from the collector was indeed worth the money.

In addition to giving Karazo a star map, which at least describes the route to the star domain controlled by the wizard civilization, he also sold it to Thane and More important information from Calazzo.

One of them is the wizard civilization's conquest of the Sanok Star Territory.

Another thing is that the Gallente Federation sent troops to the Golden Rock World Group and seemed to have reached some kind of strategic cooperation with the Ancient Desert Wasteland World.

The wizard civilization sent troops to the Sanok Star Territory because this medium-sized world civilization had a friendly relationship with the Gallente Federation in its early years, and it seems that it also supported the Gallente Federation with a lot of war materials behind the scenes.

This situation occurred when the wizard civilization suffered two consecutive defeats in the underworld star field.

The impetuous Sanok creature seemed to believe that the Gallente Federation would ultimately gain the fruits of victory in this battle of top civilizations, so it surrendered to the Gallente Federation early.

Unexpectedly, the Gallente Federation suffered a big loss in the underworld star field right after.

The wizard civilization legion, which has gradually eaten away the main vanguard fleet of the Gallente Federation in the underworld star domain, has its hands free this time, and of course it has to clean up the creatures in the Sanok star domain along the way.

The war is raging over there now, and I heard that the wizard civilization has sent many legions to target the creatures in the Sanok star domain.

The Gallente Federation landed on the Golden Rock World Group because that world group was discovered and stored a large amount of rare metal materials, many of which were used for ships, drones, and mechas manufactured by the Gallente Federation. Needed supplies in short supply.

The ancient desert wasteland world is not adjacent to the star domain controlled by the wizard civilization. The Gallente Federation sent troops to the Golden Rock World Group probably to lure the ancient desert wasteland world to join the war with the wizard civilization.

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