The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1524 The Collector

Bruce Wayne's statement aroused Gal Gadot's approval, but other strong men, including Thane and Karazor, disagreed.

Including Arthur, a level five strongman from the Planet of the Sea. His Planet of the Sea is also in the surrounding star field, but Arthur really doesn't care much about the threat posed by the ancient desert wasteland world.

In terms of plane levels, the Planet of the Sea, the Black Bat Civilization, and the Ancient Desert Wasteland World are all medium-sized plane levels.

Arthur really didn't feel that the ancient desert world was any better than him.

Once Arthur succeeds to the throne of Neptune, enjoys the blessing of the Crown of Neptune and the power of the plane, and is promoted to level six, Arthur is confident that he can lead his civilization and create a new era.

At that time, all ancient desert and wasteland worlds will have to stand aside.

This guy's conceited character is deep in his bones.

I don’t know if it can be changed in the future.

Thain believes that the composition of the wandering people in the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Territory is not only caused by the ancient desert wasteland world.

It is estimated that the war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation has also affected many worlds in the surrounding star fields.

It is possible that many of the wandering groups that appear in the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Territory at this time are hostile to the Wizarding Civilization or the Gallente Federation.

A chaotic star field with such a complex pattern cannot be easily integrated with just a few words.

Free Star City is an interstellar city built on the gray rugged meteorite belt.

Because there are no dimensional barriers to provide a suitable living environment, most of the creatures that usually haunt this interstellar city have a life level of one level or above.

Thain also asked how the survivors of Krypton used to live in this chaotic sea of ​​​​stars.

Karazor's answer was that in addition to developing the surrounding star fields and demiplanes, Kryptonian warriors would sometimes take over some tasks issued by Free Star City under the leadership of level four experts.

Most of the missions released by Free Star City are vendetta missions, and some involve resource extraction and mercenary missions.

For example, the ancient desert wasteland world once hired several wandering races in this star field to participate in their external wars.

The truth is so absurd.

Obviously there are many wandering groups in the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Region, all of whom have a grudge against the ancient desert wasteland world. However, stimulated by sufficient resources and wealth, there are still many wandering groups and gods from other worlds who are willing to follow.

Let’s work together in the ancient desert wasteland world.

From this point of view, the possibility of successfully realizing the statement made by Bruce, the fifth-level black bat civilization expert, is very low.

After entering the Free Star City, Karazo easily asked two fourth-level Kryptonian warriors to take the slave cannon fodder they captured along the way to the designated location for sale.

Although the most common resources in Free Star City are slaves and population, the hard currency here is energy crystals.

Inert crystals are rare elements that are indispensable for the growth and development of Kryptonians.

But so many years of wandering life have also allowed Kryptonians to barely absorb and use some energy crystals with ordinary properties.

I don’t know if this is another level of “evolution”.

Of course, it is impossible for all three hundred thousand Kryptonian warriors to enter Free Star City.

Only less than one-tenth of those who finally entered it were‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏. The other Kryptonian warriors stayed there together with their metal fleets. Outside Free Star City.

From the perspective of a well-informed fifth-level magician in the wizarding world, Thane had to admit that this interstellar city was indeed well built.

Although it is far from as tall and prosperous as those star ports outside the wizarding world, it combines too many characteristics of star civilization and wandering races. Therefore, after arriving in this star city, Thane and others felt a unique flavor. .

Especially Gal Gadot, Arthur and others, seeing this kind of multi-racial and multi-civilization integration for the first time, also showed great emotion.

Only Barry, a fourth-level lightning creature, has seen a lot of the world and has always been in a calm state.

Its steady yellow electric glow is the most intuitive reflection of its mood.

"From the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Territory to the Wizarding Civilization Controlled Star Territory, you should have to travel a long distance."

"I need to find the information broker first to get a more detailed star map route, and then I can lead the army to set off." Karazo, who has a stable personality, said.

The feeling that Karazor gave to Thane was very similar to the King of the Huyas he knew, including the situation of their tribe, etc., there were also similarities.

After contact in the future, maybe the leaders of these two ethnic groups will become friends and learn from each other's advanced experience in commanding the remnants of civilization.

Karazo went to do business, and Thain naturally went with him.

Gal Gadot, Arthur and others, who came to Free Star City for the first time, began to move around freely after agreeing on a meeting time.

After all, they are tall

The superior fourth-level creatures are definitely at the top of all living beings in this star city, and there is no need to worry about their safety.

Ignoring Gal Gadot and others who were very curious about Star City, Thane followed Karazo to the grotto area in the middle and lower floors of Star City.

In Thane's impression, the more powerful a being is, the more he likes to live in high places.

This seems to be to reflect the feeling of being cold at high places, or to demonstrate a sense of superiority over all living beings.

But the interstellar broker in front of him, who has a good reputation in the Sea of ​​Chaos star field, is obviously not one of them.

Not only does he live in a dirty and messy area similar to a slum, but he also heard that the people he interacts with are not limited to creatures above level four.

Some weaklings with low strength can sometimes see each other and get some valuable information from their opponents.

All in all, this guy nicknamed "The Collector" seems quite mysterious.

At least Karazo didn't know the other person's real name. He just introduced that the other person was a white-haired, rather neurotic guy with a fifth-level life level.

The huge stone door suddenly opened. When Karazzo revealed his identity and intention, the interstellar broker code-named "Collector" readily accepted Karazzo's request to meet with Thane.

From the outside, the environment where this interstellar broker lives is very dirty, but unexpectedly there is something else going on inside.

As far as Thain could see, the space inside the stone gate was very empty. It should have been built like this after hollowing out a large meteorite.

Including all kinds of things inside Shimen, they are also distributed in an extremely orderly manner.

Thain even saw rows of bookshelves and special specimens sealed in transparent crystal barriers.

Just like the code name of this interstellar broker, in addition to selling information about civilizations in the surrounding star fields, he also has a hobby, which is to collect all kinds of things.

If you want to get some valuable information from this interstellar broker, sometimes you don't have to pay a high fee. Maybe it's just a worthless item with high collection value, which may also impress the other party.

"Calazzo, my friend, you are here to take care of my business again."

"Let me see, have you introduced me to a new friend this time?" A more feminine and enchanting voice came from behind the rows of bookshelves.

Not long after, a level five humanoid creature with white hair appeared in front of Thane.

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