The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1523 Free Star City

The invasion from the "Kalagadu Tribe" took only half a day to basically clear out.

The Karaguadu tribe is the name of this wandering tribe that attacks the Kryptonian army.

It’s true that those who don’t know are fearless.

The average height of the Kalaguadu tribe is only about one meter, and they appear to be slightly stronger than the Blue Star creatures.

I really don’t know how they dared to charge the Kryptonian Legion.

A qualified first-level Kryptonian warrior can kill more than a dozen kalaguaduo with one kick.

When the Karaguados with huge mouths and weapons such as iron spears charged at the Kryptonian army, Thane suddenly remembered the saliva monsters he had seen in the magic illustrated book, which seemed to look similar to them. Quite similar.

Of course, the drool monster and the karaguado are completely two species.

The former is a creature that has been recorded in the wizarding civilization.

The drool monster is a parasitic species that specifically relies on certain powerful creatures to survive. By serving those powerful beings, it obtains living space and micronutrients.

There should be a fourth-level creature behind this Karagudo tribe.

At the beginning of the battle, Thain's Formless Mask keenly captured the aura of a level four creature outside the distant starry sky.

But when several level 4 and above Kryptonian warriors stepped out of the spaceship one after another, especially after the level 5 Kryptonian Carl appeared, the level 4 alien creature that had not yet appeared disappeared almost instantly and disappeared to nowhere. .

The speed of the opponent's escape and the decisiveness of his escape were astonishing.

It was this guy's escape that accelerated the defeat of the Karagudos.

In the end, more than 100,000 Kalaguados were killed on the spot, and tens of thousands more were captured.

Kalaguaduo, who had less than 20,000 men, managed to escape in panic.

It was also the Kryptonian warriors who saw that these Karaguados were extremely poor, and they didn't seem to have any valuable parts on them.

Otherwise, none of them would be able to escape!

"This battle is just an episode in our journey through the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Territory. As long as we don't leave here completely, other wandering groups will inevitably take action against us."

"Fighting and chaos are the eternal topics here."

"However, we have just wiped out a small ethnic group, and the next period

Time should be clearer. "The fifth-level Kryptonian strongman Karazo said to Thane and others.

"I didn't expect this place to be so chaotic. It's completely different from the star fields I've traveled to before." Gal Gadot muttered.

Thain's focus was in another direction. He said: "If we carry out a slave hunting operation here, there should be no shortage of slave cannon fodder."

Thain's words aroused Karazo's approval.

Karazo nodded and said: "The output of various types of crystals and other resource minerals produced in the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Region is very low."

"But there are some star wandering races here all year round coming from all directions, so fights and snatching of the living environment often occur."

"Compared to those energy crystals and rare resources, slaves and population are the most common materials here, followed by souls."

"On our next journey, we will pass through a Free Star City, where I will sell these captured alien creatures."

"Including the news I got about the war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation before, I also got it from a senior information broker in Free Star City." Karazor said to Thane.

"Free Star City?" Thain heard this and smiled dumbly.

Unexpectedly, in this chaotic sea star field, there is an interstellar city with the slogan of "freedom".

"Who established that Free Star City?" Thain asked curiously.

"I don't know. It seems to be formed spontaneously by various wandering groups in the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Region."

"We will also take the initiative to maintain stability in Star City. After all, almost all wandering groups also need a trustworthy platform for equal exchange of materials."

"Some people also say that there is a sixth-level creature behind Star City, but I have never seen it."

"I'm more inclined to think that this is the dazzling effect of spreading rumors."

"But an unfounded sixth-level creature really shocked the hearts of some unruly guys," Karazo said with a smile.

Most of the time, Kryptonians are reasonable.

Therefore, during the construction of Free Star City, the Kryptonians were the ones maintaining order.

Through Karazo's introduction, Thane learned more about the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Territory and the so-called "Free Star City".

It has to be said that if someone can integrate the power of the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Territory, I am afraid that this way

The total power possessed by the Star Territory exceeds that of the average medium-sized world civilization.

But it is really difficult to integrate here.

Even if a sixth-level creature is sent over, it is estimated that it will be difficult to achieve results in a short period of time.

During the subsequent journey through the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Territory, just as Karazo said before, Thain and others encountered two more surprise attacks in succession.

But the time between each time is quite long.

The Sea of ​​Chaos star field is not large, but there are too many rules and dangerous areas, and the level of the Kryptonian fleet is not very good, so the forward speed has been very slow.

During this period, there was even a Kryptonian ship that was accidentally involved in a starry sky vortex.

Fortunately, there were enough level four and above creatures in the fleet, and the rescue was timely, without causing too many casualties.

Even though the metal ship was completely scrapped, Thain and others were reluctant to enter the starry sky vortex to salvage the ship that had been reduced to scrap metal.

After several conflicts and accidents, the actual damage to the Kryptonians was not much, but there were tens of thousands more slave creatures.

These slave creatures are not worth much money, and most of them do not even have the first level of life.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. Kryptonians who are used to living a simple life still tend to go to Free Star City to replenish their supplies.

Including Thane, he was also curious about that Star City. Bruce Wayne from the Black Bat Civilization, Gal Gadot from the Wonderful Plane, and others also expressed their desire to visit there.

"The aggressive expansion nature of the ancient desert wasteland world has destroyed the order of the surrounding star fields, and many plane worlds have suffered greatly."

"If we can unite all the oppressed people to boycott the ancient desert wasteland world."

"I believe it will create a more reasonable order and a stable and peaceful environment for the surrounding star fields." Bruce, a level 5 black bat civilization expert, said.

Bruce's statement aroused Gal Gadot's approval.

Because the Wonderful Plane is not too far away from the Ancient Desert Wasteland World. Although there has been no conflict between the Wonderful Plane and the Ancient Desert Wasteland World in the past tens of thousands of years, there is still a sense of worry.

Creatures from fantastic planes have no good impressions of the ancient desert wasteland world that is keen on invasion and conquest.

The threat of the ancient desert wasteland world is much more intense than the impact of the Kryptonian Legion's attack on Blue Star.

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