The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1501 Different Concepts

Ordinary level five magic, of course, cannot clear the outer front of Blue Star Civilization.

But Thane's magic, because of its extremely strong blue fire decomposition properties, can melt even the metal fleet of the Gallente Federation, let alone the outer front of the Blue Star Civilization in front of it.

At this time, Thane flew out of the ship and made preparations before casting the spell.

In addition to Yuri driving the Flame to escort Thane, two other Kryptonian level four experts also came to Thain's side to provide cover at Karazo's signal.

The strength of the survivors of Krypton is indeed much greater than that of the Huyans.

They are all offshoots of the once medium-sized world civilization, which also shows that the potential of the Kryptonians is greater than that of the Huyans.

During this expedition to Blue Star, the Kryptonian legion brought by Karazo included approximately 700,000 people, including six Kryptonian warriors of level four or above. Two women and four men.

This is not the full strength of the Kryptonians. It seems that in another place, there are still a small number of Kryptonian legions and two other creatures of level four or above.

There is the base camp of the Kryptonian survivors. Before the livable blue star was discovered, the weak individuals of the Kryptonian survivors basically thrived there.

Kram, a fourth-level female Kryptonian, was curiously looking at Thane who was in the spell-casting and chanting stage.

Magicians in the wizarding world will perform a long prelude to casting spells when performing large-scale magic with great power or wide coverage.

Although in many chaotic battlefield situations, it is not suitable for magicians to have too much preparation work.

However, once the spell casting preparations are completed, the fourth-level magicians leverage the levers of mental power and the power of laws, and the magical elemental strikes exerted will far exceed the strength of the elemental power he possesses.

Large swaths of blue flame meteorites gradually appeared in the surrounding starry sky during Thain's spell summoning process.

This is an attack method beyond the understanding of ordinary Kryptonian creatures.

The evolutionary system of Kryptonians still relies too much on the kryptonite in their bodies.

And when Kryptonians fight, they mainly rely on their own physical strength and the energy contained in their bodies to fight.

It is completely different from the way Thain's arrangement mobilizes the power of elements in the surrounding space to strike.

This is the first time for many Kryptonians to see this type of attack. It is the first time for Blue Star creatures who have never experienced a plane war to come into contact with magicians in the wizarding world.

Large swaths of blue flames

The stone, under the control of Thane's mental power, smashed straight towards the blue star creature's front line.

A thin layer of energy light shield appeared outside the Blue Star front. This is an energy technology weapon developed by the people of Blue Star.

However, this thin layer of light shield was not enough to withstand Thane's attack.

After quickly breaking through the light shield defense, the blue flame meteorite instantly ignited the large metal array in front of it.

This was a sea of ​​​​fire that directly swept through the entire Blue Star outer battlefield.

When the power of fire appears in this starry sky, Thane becomes the "god" of the surrounding battlefield!

"Go ahead, you can get on." Thane motioned to the Kryptonian Legion next to him.

Kram, a fourth-level female Kryptonian warrior, was still in a state of shock and astonishment.

The intensity of Thain's fire attack just now is not exaggerated‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ to what extent, but it is capable of devastating blows to the Blue Star's outer front in front of it!

Including some Blue Star fleets, they also experienced large-scale collapse and escape under the attack of rolling flaming meteorites.

Low-level creatures often show normal phenomena such as collapse and fear when faced with higher-end, terrifying forces that they cannot understand and cannot resist.

Using smaller amounts of power and elemental power to achieve greater impact is a direction that every magician in the wizarding world should do and explore.

Karazo, the fifth-level Kryptonian strongman, reacts much faster than Kram.

With an order, hundreds of thousands of Kryptonian legions all approached the Blue Star front!

Because the visual impact just caused was too strong, many Blue Star Legions that had not been affected yet were in a state of collapse and panic.

There was one thing about the state of the Kryptonian Legion that surprised Thane.

The warriors selected by this wandering race in the astral realm, which no longer even has a home plane, actually generally have life levels above one level!

Also, with the strength of the Huya people, they can gather millions of legions.

The Kryptonian creatures are obviously stronger than the Huyans. With only 700,000 combat legions, it makes sense to ensure that everyone has a life level of one level or above.

Knights and magicians in the wizarding world are only qualified to participate in plane wars after they have a life level of one level or above.

Hundreds of thousands of Kryptonian legions, under the cover of firepower from metal battleships, flew towards the burning Blue Star front in the starry sky.

Thane’s weird fire magic,

It only has miraculous effects on metal creations, but its effect on ordinary flesh-and-blood creatures is not that intuitive.

Some brave Kryptonian warriors would even take the initiative to observe.

Kram, a fourth-level female Kryptonian strongman, did not rush into the battlefield at the back. When Thain asked, Kram said that she was the one Karazo asked to stay here to "protect" Thain.

It seems that these Kryptonians still have a certain impression of the weak constitution of magicians in the wizarding world.

After Thain released his magic, he did not leave again and went to the front line of the battlefield in person.

At the end of the day, this is just a Kryptonian war.

As a strong foreign aid player, Thain helped them get the first shot, which was enough to give them face.

If you are too diligent and proactive, it will arouse the Kryptonians' wariness and suspicion.

No ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏In the distant starry sky, the fifth-level Kryptonian Carl and Karazo were already fighting together.

These two level 5 experts who have a certain blood relationship are actually competing here for different ideas and pursuits.

Carl, the fifth-level Kryptonian, did not use any special weapons. Thain, with the unique vision of an alchemist, focused on Carl's blue shirt and red cloak for a long time.

That blue shirt is okay. In Thain's eyes, it can only be regarded as a good artifact, and it seems to use a lot of technological secrets.

But the red cloak had a different reaction.

Even if the red cloak does not reach the world-class secret treasure level, it is very close.

That kind of mysterious and obscure law fluctuations cannot be possessed by ordinary artifacts. Only world-class secret treasure-level props can have such power!

"Your father wore it when he bravely resisted the invasion of the Gallente Federation and fought to the last moment for our Kryptonian civilization."

"Now, after inheriting this cloak, you are going to become an enemy of our Kryptonian civilization and attack your own compatriots?" Karazo's eyes shot out two crimson beams of power, shooting towards Carl without any mercy. .

Karl, a Kryptonian at the early stage of level five, did not take action against his uncle as soon as he came up. While avoiding the opponent's attack, he argued: "Why must there be a war?"

"We can use a better way to communicate with the Blue Star people and achieve a win-win situation." Karl's red cloak was flapping behind him. He was young and extremely agile. Although his strength and pressure were not as high as Karazo's, he was still Time has not fallen behind either.

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