The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,502 Observing the Battle

The survival and reproduction of Kryptonians has become extremely difficult since they left their home planet, Krypton.

Whether it is Karazo or Karl, they are actually new generations of strong men bred from the gene pool.

At present, the rate of offspring produced by sexual union among Kryptonians is less than 5% of the entire population.

In other words, 95% of Kryptonians thrived through special embryos that had been frozen.

I have to say that this is the tragedy of a ethnic group.

Kryptonians are too dependent on a special growth environment!

The kryptonite on their chests gave them power far beyond that of ordinary astral groups.

But similarly, kryptonite is also the most important factor restricting the reproduction and growth of their tribe.

The biggest difference between Karazo and Karl is that he was born earlier and had been raised and cared for by the survivors of the first and second batch of Krypton‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​‎​‏‏.

Even with some special inheritance methods, deep in Karazo's memory, there are still images of the destruction of Krypton and the hundreds of millions of Kryptonians being hunted and slaughtered by the Gallente Federation.

Therefore, in terms of the development of the Kryptonian survivors and his usual attitude towards things, Karazo is more like a radical leader.

Although when Thain came into contact with him, he thought that the other party had a "serious" personality and was not the kind of person who would easily get hot-headed.

The new generation of strongman Karl is the youngest creature above level four among the survivors of Krypton, and inherits the most powerful bloodline of Krypton.

Since his birth, Carl has shouldered too many expectations and missions from the Kryptonians.

However, due to the partial lack of memory inheritance and the fact that it was too old, Karl did not have much hatred for the Gallente Federation in his heart.

What he knew about the history of Krypton was all obtained from some ancient documents or from the older generation of Krypton elders such as Karazo.

He was born without the hostility of Karazo and others towards the Gallente Federation, as well as the full sense of malice towards the cruel competition laws of this star realm.

In other words, Carl, the fifth-level Kryptonian, has some truth, goodness, beauty, and the concept of peaceful coexistence with others deep down in his heart.

Of course, during this process, Carl's Blue Star girlfriend also brought about great changes in him, especially in terms of cognition.

The battle between the two fifth-level Kryptonians is getting further and further away.

As he promised to the Blue Star people, Karl restrained the strongest Karazo.

In fact, there are three level five life forms among the Kryptonian survivors.

Except Carl and Carla

In addition to Zuo, there is a fifth-level Kryptonian named Drew.

It's just that the Kryptonian is older than Karazo.

Drew, who is very old and increasingly sluggish in physical condition, did not participate in the conquest of the Blue Star civilization this time. Instead, he and another fourth-level Kryptonian were stationed at the base camp of their Kryptonian survivors to protect those who had not yet arrived. A grown up ordinary Kryptonian below level one.

Except for Kram who was beside Thane, all the Kryptonian warriors rushed to the front line of the battlefield after the metal front was broken.

After hesitating for a long time, Cram saw that Thain's condition did not seem to have deteriorated, and then joined the battle.

But before she joined the battle, she was stopped by Thain.

"What's going on with that guy?" Thane pointed at the starry sky battlefield and asked another level four female Kryptonian.

There are only two female Kryptonian powerhouses who come to Blue Star ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏.

Kram, who has a red mushroom hair style, is the most ordinary-looking among them.

Another level 4 female Kryptonian strongman, with long flowing golden hair, including her battle attire, which is also an eye-catching ultra-short battle skirt.

In comparison, Cram seems much more carefree.

Thane has his eye on another female Kryptonian strongman, and certainly not because of her beauty.

After the battle started, another female Kryptonian strongman did not attack the Blue Star Legion immediately, but kept wandering around Carl and Karazo's battle group.

It was obvious that the female Kryptonian strongman cared about one of them.

"Oh, you mean Missori?"

"She used to be Karl's best friend, but it's a pity that Karl betrayed our beliefs." Crum shrugged.

Whether it was Kram, Misori, or Karazo, these Kryptonian strongmen obviously had a lot of compassion for Karl who had been "betrayed".

There are six Kryptonian powerhouses above level four who arrived outside the Blue Star front this time.

If they use all their firepower to target Karl, no matter how strong his personal power is, they won't be able to hold on for too long.

But in fact, despite the fact that Karazo has been scolding and scolding Karl, and when he takes action, he uses all kinds of powerful rays and moves to attack Karl.

However, in fact, the battle between Karazo and Karl was not a life and death battle.

Thain only watched the battle between these two level five creatures for a short while and lost interest in continuing.

On the contrary, the battle between ordinary Kryptonian warriors and Blue Star civilized creatures is much more interesting in Thane's eyes.

"You go ahead and I'll help you later."

"The magicians in our wizarding world are not as fragile as you Kryptonians think." Thane smiled at Cram.

Cram then nodded and rushed to the front line of the battlefield.

When low-level Kryptonians fight, the most common fighting method is to release energy rays from the eyes, mouth, chest, and fingers.

This energy ray has been temporarily named "Krypton Ray" by Thane. Its properties are very consistent with the people of Krypton, just like the power of fighting spirit mastered by the knights in the wizarding world.

Most Kryptonians will have a thin layer of combat uniform appear on their body after entering a combat state.

These Kryptonians seem to ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ don’t like heavy armor equipment. In Thane’s eyes, those combat uniforms can be regarded as somewhat sophisticated and are good equipment.

This shows that Kryptonians are still somewhat basic in the field of weapon refining and equipment manufacturing.

However, due to their long wandering career and the recent history of their race, no outstanding equipment manufacturers have been born. Thane vaguely felt that these Kryptonians did not perfectly develop the power of the kryptonite in their bodies with the help of their equipment.

Their use of power is still at a relatively primitive stage.

This can be clearly seen from their fighting status.

When Thane flew to the battlefield, he first flew towards a battlefield of demigod-level creatures.

A demigod-level Kryptonian warrior, one-third of the bombed body was annihilated by the numerous energy shells from the Blue Star civilization.

His lower body was severely injured, but he relied on his willpower to avoid falling and continued to fight.

——On the battlefield, it’s impossible to have no brains. This demigod-level Kryptonian warrior is the most typical counterexample. -------------------

PS: I'm very sorry, I only updated one chapter yesterday. During the training period, if there are less than 3 chapters, the missing chapters will be counted as outstanding chapters.

The monthly pass last month was 10653. Counting the two updates owed yesterday, I still need to add 93 chapters for everyone~

Don’t worry, Xiaodou will not default on chapter chapters for everyone. It has been six years since I wrote the book and I have paid back every chapter debt.

The update time is still uncertain in the past two days, Xiaodou is already doing his best. Today I will finish this chapter at 5 o'clock, and there will be another chapter around 7:30. Please understand Xiaodou, thank you QAQ~

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