The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,500 Integration and Coexistence

Blue Star, a blue planet of life.

It is different from the way that most technological civilizations have embarked on the path of developing heavy industry, persecuting the will of the mother plane, and constantly extracting resources and minerals from the mother star.

The special development process of Blue Star creatures enables their civilization development to achieve a certain degree of consistency with the will of the mother plane.

Blue star creatures never ask too much from the mother plane.

They will deliberately protect the ecological environment of the mother plane.

Therefore, in addition to its impressive technological power, there is also a very strong dimensional barrier on the surface of Blue Star.

For the arrival of the Kryptonian creatures, the Blue Star creatures had already prepared for it.

In fact, Carl, the fifth-level Kryptonian, initially acted as an invader and conqueror, leading a small group of Kryptonian warriors to arrive at the Blue Star Civilization.

At that time, Karl only had the fourth level of peak strength.

It was the simplicity of the Blue Star people and the abundant special inert crystals produced in this world that helped Carl complete the transformation of his life level and reach the fifth level.

It was also at that time that Carl gave up the idea of ​​conquering Blue Star by force and instead tried to find a way for Kryptonians and Blue Stars to coexist peacefully.

You can’t say that Karl was wrong, I can only say that he was doing what he thought was right.

"The Kryptonian Legion is coming this time. Can we really resist their attack?" the Blue Star commander asked worriedly.

The appearance of Blue Star people is quite different from that of normal humans.

Their skin is blue, they have four arms, and their height is generally less than 1.5 meters.

It may be because Blue Star itself is a life planet dominated by water elements, so the bodies of Blue Star creatures are also mostly composed of water elements.

This direction of evolution is quite strange.

Blue Star Biotechnology did not embark on the path of using water elements, but instead developed technology.

Moreover, in the process of technological development, it has not excessively harmed the environment and the will of this plane, which is even more surprising.

Blue Star's development path, which is very different from the general plane world, is probably also related to the inert crystal produced by the planet.

If not, it would be impossible to explain where the massive energy consumed by technological civilization in its early stages of development came from.

Only the huge energy contained in inert crystals can allow Blue Star people to obtain the energy needed for development without destroying the environment.

This also shows that the Blue Star people have been able to develop the energy in this type of inert crystal to a limited extent.

Facing the Blue Stars

At the commander's words, Karl, who was standing beside him, pursed his lips and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Karl, who has been promoted to level five, is twice as tall as an ordinary Blue Star person.

He has an unusually strong physique and wears a blue shirt made for him by the Blue Star people.

The red cloak behind him is a treasure that Karl took with him when he left the Kryptonian survivors.

It is rumored that this is one of the few relics left by Carl's father.

Carl's father is a hero of the Kryptonian clan and the strongest person in the Kryptonian civilization back then.

Originally, it was with the earnest expectations of his Kryptonian compatriots that Carl grew to where he is today.

And before coming into contact with the Blue Star Civilization, Karl had always maintained an extremely fast growth rate and the most exaggerated talent for promotion.

Many of the older generation of Kryptonian experts believe that Kryptonian civilization will flourish again in the hands of Kar‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏.

Carl never let his people down. He even led a small number of Kryptonian warriors under his command to conquer Blue Star alone.

Blue Star was originally discovered by Karl!

But things are always surprising.

Karl, who went to Blue Star alone, did not succeed, and it was not considered a failure. He was "chaoled" by the Blue Star people!

The Blue Star people's gentle development philosophy and love for life shocked Carl's long-lonely heart.

Moreover, the sense of tolerance possessed by the will of the Blue Star plane and the gentle mother-like embrace it brought to Carl made Carl really unable to bear to destroy this planet.

Compared to the Blue Star people, this low-level planet that produces inert crystals is actually more suitable for the Kryptonians to develop and reproduce here.

So Carl wanted to find a path of inclusive development.

He has even considered combining the Kryptonians with the Blue Stars.

Carl himself now has a Blue Star girlfriend.

Despite the common aesthetic concepts of Kryptonians, Blue Star people do not meet their standards for mate selection.

But the reason why Karl chose the other party was because the other party was extremely kind-hearted.

"I will try my best to hold off my uncle, and the other Kryptonian warriors will be left to you."

"I don't want a meaningless bloody war to happen before our eyes. This battle is for the subsequent integration negotiations, not for a fight to the death." Karl said to the Blue Star commander beside him.

"Of course, this is what all of us at Blue Star are looking forward to."

"Why is there a war?" the Blue Star commander said, spreading his four blue palms.

In fact, the fifth-level Kryptonians Carl and Karazo are related to a certain extent, and their surname is "Al".

During the heyday of Kryptonian civilization, this was an extremely noble and famous surname.

Almost all Kryptonians believed that the man would lead them to the heights of large-scale world civilization.

But unfortunately...the Gallente Federation's powerful ships and cannons destroyed everything on the Kryptonian planet.

Not only their mother plane, but also their pride.

Outskirts of Blue Star.

Thain, who had already arrived in this star field, saw the defense line set up by the Blue Star civilization outside several mechanical satellites.

To be honest, I am used to seeing the steel front and the terrifyingly dense fortresses and fleets deployed by the Gallente Federation, and now I look at the starry sky defense front created by the Blue Star Civilization... Thane is quite impressed. The astonishment of a child playing house‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏.

Blue Star Civilization is not a world civilization that is good at war and keen on killing.

Although they have created technological weapons that are enough to threaten fifth-level creatures, in most cases, Blue Star creatures use their technology for a better life, rather than war and plunder.

Before the conflict with the remnants of Krypton, the Blue Star creatures had not even experienced a serious plane war.

Thain had long discovered that in the star field he was currently in, not only was the concentration of basic elements extremely low, but the number of planes with complete rules was also extremely rare.

After following the metal fleet of the survivors of Krypton for such a long distance, Thane failed to discover another plane with complete rules.

This is an extremely desolate, desolate and impoverished star field.

It is difficult to believe that in this star field environment, the Kryptonian survivors can develop to the present and find a special plane rich in inert crystals.

Looking at the "thin" metal front in front of him, Thane turned to the fifth-level Kryptonian strongman Karazo and said: "Since I am a guest, how about I help you first?"

"It is a bit expensive to directly release forbidden spell-level magic, but with the large-scale magic that I have mastered, it is enough to clear this metal obstacle." Thain mused.

The fifth-level Kryptonian strongman Karazo's pupils shrank, but then he said calmly and normally: "Okay, then I'll trouble Master Thain."

Not only Thain is interested in Kryptonians, these Kryptonian strongmen are also curious about Thain, a fifth-level magician in the wizarding world.

Clear out the outer front of Blue Star Civilization in one go? The fifth-level Kryptonian strongman Karazo was a little suspicious that Thane was telling lies.

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