The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,499 Blue Star Civilization

"Are the Gallente Federation and Wizarding Civilization already top-level civilizations?" Karazor whispered, thoughtfully.

It seems that this group of Kryptonians have been away from the star areas controlled by the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation for too long, and they don't even know that the civilizations of the two worlds have reached the top level of civilization.

I don’t know where the memory and cognition of these Kryptonians still remain.

Was it when the wizarding world was still in a medium-sized plane civilization, or was it a large-scale plane civilization?

However, according to the information Thane obtained from Sky City, the Kryptonian civilization was only a medium-sized world civilization back then.

At best, it is a mid-sized peak civilization with great potential.

It's a pity that it was destroyed by the Gallente Federation.

The fifth-level Kryptonian leader Karazo is not because of Thane's "theory of justice and evil" or the hostile relationship between the Kryptonian survivors and the Gallente Federation. , immediately express your attitude.

He just told Thain that he would not be the enemy of wizard civilization, and wanted to get more information about the Gallente Federation from Thain.

Karazor does want to take revenge on the Gallente Federation, but if the opponent's strength has exceeded his own limit, he will calmly consider future development.

Compared with revenge, the greater burden on Karazo's shoulders is the people under his command.

This fifth-level Kryptonian, who was already quite senior, was not blinded by hatred.

Thain also calmly analyzed the opponent's current mentality and ethnic situation from Karazo's performance.

Then Thane explained to Karazo that he accidentally ended up in this strange star territory because of the war with the Gallente Federation.

And he invited Karazo to lead his tribe to join the Wizards Alliance and jointly raise the banner of resisting the Gallente Federation.

Regarding Thain's invitation, Karazzo did not immediately agree to anything.

Instead, he turned around and invited Thane to witness and participate in another war with the vast majority of Kryptonians.

"Oh? A war with Blue Star?" Thain asked in surprise.

The star field that Thane was in at this time was quite far away from the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization.

According to Karazo, it would take more than two hundred years to reach the radiation area on the border of the two top civilization forces with a spaceship flying at full capacity.

Moreover, the astral world is three-dimensional, and there are many obstacles along the way.

There are countless dangerous places and special stars that need to be avoided.

Karazor hoped that Thane would wait. He was actually very interested in Thain's proposal to join the Wizards Alliance.

Blue Star Civilization is a special low-tech civilization discovered by Kryptonians in the past ten thousand years.

Kryptonians are extremely harsh on the environment in which they grow and develop.

After the Gallente Federation destroyed their home planet and fled their homeland to distant alien regions, the few remaining Kryptonian survivors could never find a suitable place to rest and cultivate.

The kryptonite located on their chests is indeed the source of their power.

But to a certain extent, this kryptonite is a shackle that limits the upper limit of their power.

Because there has never been a suitable plane with complete rules to live in, the number of Kryptonians has been decreasing.

The specific strength of Kryptonians including Level 4 and above cannot be compared with the situation when Krypton was still there.

Since the City in the Sky in the Wizarding World can focus on recording relevant information about the Kryptonian civilization, it must mean that this special group of creatures has its own merits.

The Blue Star discovered by the Kryptonians ten thousand years ago is a special planet that is extremely consistent with the biological properties of Krypton and also produces a large number of inert crystals.

Capturing the Blue Star will allow the Kryptonian survivors to experience a leap in strength in a short period of time.

But something unexpected happened during this period. A "traitor" appeared among the survivors of Krypton.

Karl, a Kryptonian in the early stage of the fifth level, was the first Kryptonian strongman sent to Blue Star. He gave up the plan originally formulated by his tribe to directly plunder the core of Blue Star plane and violently mine Blue Star's inert crystals.

Instead, he chose to cooperate with the Blue Star people in an attempt to turn Blue Star into the second home of all Kryptonian survivors.

This behavior of Karl, a Kryptonian in the early stage of level five, cannot be called a betrayal. It can only be said that his philosophy is very different from that of the older generation of Kryptonian strongmen.

And Carl is not just an example, he has even won over a small number of Kryptonians below Level 4 to accept his concept.

Fortunately, except for Carl, all the Kryptonian powerhouses above level 4 have firmly chosen to follow Karazo and forge a new glory for the Kryptonian survivors.

This time, this metal fleet is heading to the Blue Star battlefield.

One is to plunder the civilization of that low-level plane

Rich in resources, the second is to capture Carl, the Kryptonian traitor.

"The strength of Blue Star Civilization cannot be underestimated even among low-level civilizations."

"This is a technological civilization that has developed and explored level five power, and has occupied and developed many life planets and resource planets."

"If Master Thain is convenient, I hope he can help us."

"We Kryptonians will never forget the help the Master gave us." Karazo, a fifth-level Kryptonian, said to Thane.

If someone doesn't use it, it will become invalid upon expiration.

In terms of strength, it can be seen that the survivors of Krypton and the Blue Star civilization are comparable.

Maybe the Kryptonians are stronger,

Because Carl, the fifth-level Kryptonian, is not an out-and-out rebellious Kryptonian survivor, the opponent may not necessarily fight against his fellow Kryptonians on the battlefield.

With the addition of Thane, the frontal strength of the Kryptonian survivors is undoubtedly stronger.

Karazo is not a level 5 strongman who wants to save face and suffer. He is not immersed in the past glory of Kryptonian civilization.

If they can get Thane's help, the people of Krypton will inevitably minimize their losses in the next war.

And Karazo also roughly guessed what Thain was thinking and what his appeal was.

In short, similar to the king of the Huyans, the leaders of the remnants of this civilization are all very smart. Don't treat them as fools.

In terms of character and willpower, the leaders of these civilization survivors are stronger than the average fourth- and fifth-level creatures born from mid- and low-level planes.

Because they have tasted what the fruit of failure tastes like.

They are also more pragmatic and focused on long-term interests than creatures of level four or above in ordinary planes.

"We'd better win over this Kryptonian remnant. Their strength cannot be underestimated. They are much stronger than the Hu Ya people."

"And the Kryptonian creatures themselves are a special race with great potential. There are probably many people in the wizarding world who are interested in them."

"This time we try to return to the star domain controlled by the wizard civilization, we must rely on the help of these Kryptonians." Thane said to Yuri in private.

"Master, are you also interested in the inert crystals produced by the Blue Star civilization?" Yuli asked obediently.

Thain glanced at Yuli and smiled: "You understand me better and better."

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