The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,498 Picture

The original home planet of the Kryptonians should not be far from the wizard civilization.

Otherwise, one would not know the names of devils and devils.

But come to think of it, these Kryptonians have been away from their home planet for so long that they can't tell the specific difference between devils and devils.

Thain does not have any demonic blood in his body, but he has absorbed and utilized a large amount of demonic power.

"I am a fifth-level magician of the Wizarding Civilization. Dear Kryptonian strongman, it is a pleasure to meet you." Thane said after calming down the raging ash flames around his body.

The special and powerful ash fire prevented the Kryptonian powerhouse from completely letting go of his mind after walking out of the metal fleet.

However, Thain's identity as a magician in the wizarding world made the other party stunned.

"Are you from the wizarding world?" Karazo, a fifth-level Kryptonian, asked in surprise.

As‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏As the strongest and oldest being among the survivors of Krypton, Karazo was also born after Krypton was destroyed, but he undoubtedly absorbed Collected most of the information that the survivors of Krypton took away at that time.

The wizarding world was a powerful world that the Kryptonian civilization had originally come into contact with, and at that time, the relationship between the two world civilizations seemed to be good.

The Kryptonian civilization, which was once in a period of rapid development and activity, was destroyed at the hands of the Gallente Federation.

The kryptonite contained in their bodies was once coveted by the Gallente Federation.

It seems to be one of the precious raw materials that can be used as a battleship and some special secret weapon.

The greedy desire for Kryptonite led to the Gallente Federation's all-out war and near-genocide against Kryptonian civilization.

In such a time of crisis for the race and civilization, the vast majority of Kryptonians chose to fight tragically to the end of their lives.

There are also a few Kryptonians who, under the desperate cover of large forces, experienced a narrow escape before escaping the pursuit of the Gallente Federation and escaping to the alien space with difficulty.

Thane is not aware of the grievances between the Kryptonians and the Gallente Federation, but he probably knows that there should be no direct contradictions or conflicts of interest between the Kryptonians and the wizard civilization.

Because if there is a gap between the civilized world and the wizarding world, most of them will be eradicated by the powerful wizarding civilization.

If there are some hostile world races that have escaped the pursuit of the wizard civilization, when the wizard world records these civilized races, most of them will mention their grievances with the wizard civilization.

But while in Sky City, Thane saw no record of the Kryptonians being at odds with the wizarding world.

Is there hostility or not?

You can tell by looking at the status of both parties and the vague aura of coercion.

After looking at Thane for a long time and basically confirming that Thain's identity was true, Karazo, the fifth-level Kryptonian, relaxed a lot.

He raised his hand back, and not only did the two fourth-level Kryptonian powerhouses look at each other, they put away their vigilance and prepared for war.

Including this large metal fleet, they also shifted their weapons and all muzzles to the side.

"It turned out to be a powerful wizard from the civilization. I didn't expect to be able to come into contact with the friendly civilization powerful in our ancient records here."

"I am Karazo, a fifth-level Kryptonian. This is my real name." The Kryptonian leader on the opposite side said with sincerity.

Looking at the fifth-level Kryptonian in front of him, Thain thought and pondered for a moment, nodded and replied: "My name is Thain."

"Master Thain, I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to join our fleet for a chat."

"Our Kryptonian civilization was also a friendly civilization that had a very close relationship with the wizarding world." The fifth-level Kryptonian strongman extended his hand to Thain and invited him.

The relationship is too good to be talked about, but it should be non-hostile.

Looking at the fifth-level Kryptonian powerhouse in front of him, and then at the metal fleet behind him, Thane nodded and said: "That's fine, I just lived in this star field not long ago, and I have some information, and I want to consult His Highness Karazo. "

"Our Kryptonian survivors do not have a crown prince mechanism, and there is no clear relationship of superiority and inferiority. All Kryptonians are equal and work hard for the rise of the race."

"Master Thane doesn't need to call me 'Your Highness', just call me Karazo." The fifth-level Kryptonian strongman said very easily.

"Okay." Thain nodded.

This group of Kryptonians was a little more hospitable than Thane expected.

And it can be seen from various aspects that the Kryptonians have a better life than the Huyans that Thane has come into contact with before.

Including the average personal strength of the Kryptonians, it also exceeds that of the Hu Ya people.

Looking at the Kryptonian creatures passing by in front of him, Thain had to endure it for a long time before he suppressed the idea of ​​grabbing one and putting it on the dissecting table for study.

"It turns out that the Kryptonian civilization and the Gallente Federation still have this connection."

"The Gallente Federation is indeed an evil, ruthless and heretical civilization that advocates the destruction of everything."

"Our wizard civilization is not only for ourselves, but also for the peace and stability of the surrounding star field, we must completely eradicate such an evil civilization!" Thain said righteously in a relatively luxurious metal battleship. .

After being invited into the opponent's fleet group, Karazo, a fifth-level Kryptonian, talked to Thane straight to the point about the blood feud between their Kryptonian survivors and the Gallente Federation.

Moreover, the words of the fifth-level Kryptonian Karazo also revealed the idea of ​​​​revenge against the Gallente Federation.

Thain followed the other person's words and naturally showed his shared hatred of the Kryptonians, so that the atmosphere of the conversation between the two parties in the metal ship became more and more harmonious.

"I heard that the Gallente Federation has started a war with the wizard civilization?" Karazo, a fifth-level Kryptonian, asked.

"Yes, the Gallente Federation openly undermined the peace and stability of the surrounding star fields, led its vassals and servants, and despicably took the initiative to sneak attack on the border of our wizard civilization, thus starting a war between the two top civilizations."

"However, the Gallente Federation did not get a good deal. The main force of their vanguard fleet has been trapped in the underworld star field. Its other star field battlefields, such as beholders, The Great World and other fronts are all suppressed by our wizard civilization, and the strengths and weaknesses of the war are clearly visible."

"Evil will eventually be eliminated, and the wizard civilization that represents justice will surely win the final victory!" Thain said with confidence.

When you talk to a veteran, the other person will not be easily instigated by your few words.

What justice and evil? !

Karazo, a fifth-level Kryptonian, took over the responsibility of leading civilization from his predecessors, led the Kryptonian survivors, struggled to survive in the star world, and made it to today through ragged roads. What kind of ups and downs have he not seen?

Between justice and evil, only the winner is qualified to divide!

The winning side is naturally righteous, while the losing side will be described as evil.

However, from the perspective of the Kryptonians, the Gallente Federation, which destroyed their civilization and massacred countless Kryptonians, is indeed the "evil" party.

Karazo, a fifth-level Kryptonian, is the main fighting faction among the Kryptonian survivors who is firmly hostile to the Gallente Federation and attempts to lead his civilized survivors to avenge their ancestors and compatriots.

Otherwise, if the Kryptonian survivors had left the radiation-controlled star field of the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization for so long, even the two top civilizations would have thought that this race had become extinct.

But some Kryptonians, led by Karazo, actually still had the energy to pay attention and find out that a war had broken out between the two civilizations.

Without a plan, it is impossible. -------------------

PS: Participate in training from today to July 2, and the update time will be uncertain during this period.

Try to maintain three updates, if not busy, it will be five updates.

I hope readers will understand~

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