The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,497 Kryptonians (Additional update)

The leap in life levels is not so easy to accomplish.

Not long has passed since Thane was promoted to level four.

There are many reasons why we can maintain such a rapid breakthrough growth rate.

Thain felt that his ability to reach the fifth level so quickly was also related to drinking many golden apple potions...

After being assigned by Thain, Yuri piloted the Flame to construct a golem, patrolling the surrounding starry sky very carefully, and protecting Thain.

Thain has quite a lot of auxiliary props and materials on hand.

After all, Thain had long felt that he had reached the qualitative transformation stage of the fifth level. As early as when he left the Wizarding World, he had prepared many breakthrough props for himself.

Later, he performed garrison duties at the logistics base behind the Beholder World for many years, and he had no shortage of resources.

After Yuri left, Thain immediately arranged a large number of energy-gathering magic circles and various law materials in this fire attribute demiplane.

The concentration of flame particles in the surrounding space‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​‎​‏‏ is several times higher.

Some of the embodied flame rules were even presented in front of Thane.

Taking a deep breath, Thain entered a deep state of meditation in this flame environment.

Cultivation takes no time.

437 years later, a metal fleet appeared in this star field.

This is a relatively obvious technological fleet.

When she discovered this fleet, Yuli, who had been hiding nearby, couldn't help but tense up.

However, after paying attention to the sailing fleet for a period of time, Yuli discovered that the other party was not the Gallente Federation fleet.

Yuri, who followed Thane to the Gallente Federation homeland, also had a general understanding of the various styles and styles of the Federation fleet.

Moreover, her database of Lieyan also stores most of the Federation warships and mecha models that she has come into contact with so far.

The metal fleet in front of me was a bit bigger in size, but its style was completely different from the Gallente Federation fleet.

And based on Yuli's observation and combat experience, this fleet is not very strong, and may even be about the same strength as the original Huyan fleet.

The only thing that arouses Yuli's fear is that there seems to be more than one level four or above creature with a very special aura in this fleet!

Fortunately, Yuli's hiding skills are very deep, and the opponent's fleet group does not seem to have strong detection capabilities.

This large-scale metal fleet is just passing through this star field, and they have their own things to do.

Just when Yuri thought that she would just pass by this metal fleet group of unknown strength without interfering with each other.

A familiar and violent wave of law aura suddenly came from the center of this star field.

Feeling such fluctuations, Yuli's face changed.

Regardless of continuing to hide her figure, she drove the Blaze Constructed Golem and rushed straight towards the source of the fluctuation.

With such violent fluctuations, the metal fleet of unknown origin had obviously discovered the clues.

Especially when Yuli stopped hiding and turned into a stream of light rushing towards the starry sky not far away.

Only then did the fleet realize that there was such a fourth-level creature hidden close to them.

"Lord Karazo, there is a level five power fluctuation. Should we detect it?" A humanoid creature in the metal fleet said to the commander in front of him.

Most of the creatures in this metal fleet are humanoid intelligent creatures. At first glance, they look very similar to humans in the Wizarding World and the Gallente Federation.

However, if you look closely, you can still find many subtle differences.

In particular, these humanoid creatures generally have a diamond-shaped crystal in their chests, which seems to be the source of their power.

The commander of this metal fleet is a middle-aged man with a reserved aura.

The diamond-shaped crystal on his chest is darker in color, and he is also the strongest person in this fleet.

Because of the barrier of the metal battleship ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ and the middle-aged man himself concentrating his strength, when Yuli was lurking nearby before, she did not find out that the other party actually possessed The fifth level of life!

The middle-aged man with short silver-gray hair actually didn't want to cause trouble at this juncture.

However, considering the upcoming combat mission and the ethnic mission he was shouldering, he, with his stable personality, was unwilling to let an unknown hidden danger suddenly appear behind his fleet.

"I hope the other party is not here to interfere in our war with Blue Star. Either befriend him or find a way to expel him..." The middle-aged man looked at the direction Yuli left with a serious look.

Kryptonians can no longer afford any losses...

The absolutely powerful elemental power made Thane look at his body curiously.

His current legal form is undoubtedly much more condensed than at the fourth level.

The surging power of light and fire elements, with Thain as the center, surged in all directions.

The entire surrounding starry sky became much brighter.

Thain himself has not dabbled too much in the divine realm, or in other words, the power of the realm.

But with the intensity of the laws and elemental power he now masters, the power that explodes is enough to prop up a domain that belongs to him in a certain space around him - the domain of ashes!

Any creature that enters Thane's realm will be eroded by the power of Thane's realm.

On the contrary, Thain can obtain power blessings that are absolutely beneficial to him in the field.

The changes brought about by being promoted to level five are more than that.

There are many changes that require Thane to understand carefully.

Of course, the biggest gain is that Thane can finally unleash the full power of the Phaseless Mask!

Including all the insights and secrets left to him by Master Jos in Mask of the Formless, Thain can finally read them at will.

This is the inheritance from a top sixth-level magician in the wizarding world.

Master Joes is good at light and fire

His accomplishments in the fields of , sonic, alchemy and other fields impressed even Thain.

After being promoted to level five, the changes brought about are greater than imagined.

At this time, Thain is definitely not an ordinary fifth-level creature.

At the fourth level, Thain can compete with ordinary fifth-level creatures in a short period of time.

As he successfully advanced, the elemental pressure displayed by Thain, who had just broken through, could even compete with late-level fifth-level creatures.

Perhaps they also discovered this situation, and the metal fleet that followed Yuli to the vicinity of this demiplane slowly stopped.

Yuri drove the Flame and quickly returned to Thain.

Looking at this fifth-level creature with an astonishing aura, the creature in the metal fleet really didn't want to have any conflict with Thain.

A moment later, three creatures of level four or above flew out of the metal fleet.

The person at the front is naturally the leader and commander of this fleet. He has a power level of level five, which is almost at the late stage of level five.

The two people behind him were two level four creatures with relatively ordinary auras.

The most eye-catching symbol of these three level four and above creatures flying out from the metal fleet is the prismatic crystal on their chests.

Both sides stared at each other for a long time.

Both parties seemed to be thinking about something or recognizing each other's identity.

"Kryptonian?" Thane tried to ask.

He had seen some introductions about Kryptonians in the Sky City in his early years.

This seems to be a civilized race that had contact with the wizarding world, but it seems to have become extinct.

Thane's ability to remember the Kryptonian race has a lot to do with the "Kryptonite" contained in their bodies.

This is an extremely special inert crystal, but it contains extremely mysterious and huge power.

For a while, the wizarding civilization vigorously searched for similar inert crystals, but unfortunately found nothing.

The inert crystal that is as famous as "Kryptonite", in the records of the wizard civilization Sky City, there is also the special mineral "Tide Crystal".

Fortunately, Thane is a knowledgeable magician and knows enough things.

If another knight from the wizarding world appeared here, he probably wouldn't be able to recognize who he was.

When Thain recognized the other party's identity, the other party seemed to recognize Thain.

"Uh, are you a demon or a demon?" The fifth-level Kryptonian leader looked at Thane with a slight frown.

The image of Thain at this time is indeed difficult to associate with the magician in the wizarding world.

In general, he still maintains his true form of the Devil's Law, and the raging green flames are still surrounding him. He doesn't look like a "good person" in any way.

The two fourth-level Kryptonian warriors who also flew out of the metal fleet were a little short-sighted and did not recognize Thane's identity. They were always on alert and prepared for war. -------------------

PS: 90 more chapters need to be added~

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