The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,496 Breaking through Level 5 (Additional update)

Suddenly, a blazing white energy elemental beam penetrated through the endless silent starry sky.

After a long time, two figures, one red and one white, flew out of a space-time window.

What flew out of the time and space window were naturally the severely injured Thain and the Flame's golem.

At this time, Thain's body surface and the surface of the Flame's metal armor showed very obvious erosion of time and space.

This is the damage you will suffer if you stay in the space-time channel for a long time.

In addition, the real time spent in the material star realm is definitely not the passage of time felt by Thane in the time and space channel.

Anyway, fortunately, he successfully rushed back to the material star realm.

"The concentration of elements in this star field seems to be very low. Let's find a place to deal with the injuries first." Sai‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ Well, he analyzed it. After taking a look at the situation in front of him, he said to Lieyan beside him.

Lieyanhao's eyes flashed, and she, who had lost consciousness over a large area of ​​her body, used her hands to protect Yuri inside her body, and followed Thain.

Thain finally chose the side of a concave meteorite block as their temporary habitat.

In the star realm, the element concentrations and attribute emphasis in different star realms are greatly different.

At present, the element concentration in this star field is low, but it does not cause Thain to pay too much attention.

However, this star field seems to have quite a lot of fire or light attribute planes.

Because the overall feeling of this star field is very bright, unlike the beholder world where Thane and others were before, because too many rules and complete planes were shattered, so that the star field in the feature film was full of darkness. People feel depressed.

After arriving at the side of the meteorite, Thain poured another golden apple potion.

He carefully took Yuli out of the cockpit of the Flame, then opened a golden apple potion and fed it into Yuli's mouth.

You can never have too much of this top-notch restorative tool.

I don’t know if Thain has experienced too many dangers over the years, and he is wearing out very quickly.

Seeing that there were only two golden apple potions left in his hand, Thain couldn't help but sigh.

The Flame's constructed golem is also in a state of self-repair at this time.

The Rubik's Cube on her chest was still glowing, but the energy in the Rubik's Cube had been almost exhausted in the previous battle.

Fortunately, Thane went to the Beholder University

When the world was performing its mission, it had already discovered another function of the Rubik's Cube in advance and accumulated a lot of energy amethysts.

When Thane took out a large pile of energy amethyst from the space ring, the eyes of the Flame's golem also became a little brighter.

With the top potions and a sufficient number of restorative items, Thain and Yuri recovered quickly.

But mental and willpower fatigue cannot be restored immediately with medicine, and Thain still wants to take a rest.

Yuri was put back into the manned equipment by Thain, and the Flame's golem was also put away.

Thain explored the surroundings. He still wanted to determine where he was now.

"Based on the short time I spent in the space-time channel after entering the space rift, I should not be too far away from the star field where the Beholder World is now."

"Hope‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏I hope it is still within the star domain controlled by the wizard civilization."

"It shouldn't be possible to enter the Gallente Federation again, right?" Thane shook his head and said.

After looking around the starry sky, Thane chose to fly towards the nearest star.

The Beholder World is a large-scale alien world that has only been added to the Wizards Alliance during the last two Wizards Alliance conferences.

Judging from the length of time it has been a member of the Wizards Alliance, it can be seen that the star field it is located in is actually located in the border area of ​​the territory controlled by the Wizards Alliance.

Fortunately, the Beholder World does not directly border the Gallente Federation's star boundary. After Thane leaves the time and space channel, the probability of re-entering the Gallente Federation territory is not high.

However, the astral realm is three-dimensional.

The distance between the Beholder World and the Gallente Federation is not exaggerated. Who knows if he will be unlucky enough to enter the Gallente Federation.

The probability of directly entering the territory of the Gallente Federation is not high, and Thain is more inclined to speculate that he has arrived at the wizarding civilization or other world civilizations that have not yet had in-depth contact outside the borders of the Gallente Federation.

Nowadays, those who are a little better informed about the different worlds surrounding the two top civilizations should be aware of the fierce war that is breaking out between the Wizarding World and the Gallente Federation.

Under this premise, for those plane worlds with low strength, the wisest approach is to protect themselves wisely and stand cautiously.

Therefore, even if Thain's identity is exposed, there should not be much danger.

Thain did not find a plane with complete rules in the surrounding starry sky.

This starry sky,

It is true that there are many fire and light attribute planes, but Thain discovered that they are almost all broken planes and demiplanes.

Thain's own Law True Body attributes are mainly based on the laws of fire and light.

So after arriving at the nearest star, Thain jumped into it without even thinking about it.

In the plane, the rich and explosive fire elemental power factor makes Thain feel extremely comfortable - this is a fire demiplane.

After taking a "bath" in this fire demiplane for several months, Thain finally recovered his mind and state and began to consider his next move.

Or leave directly and find a way back to the wizard civilization.

Or...try to hit level five!

In the star field where he is at this time, the average element concentration‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ is indeed a bit low, but it is better because there are many fire and light demiplanes, which can be regarded as a comparison. Suitable breakthrough environment.

And more importantly, Thain had already broken through the shackles of life in the previous desperate crisis.

Now that his condition is gradually recovering, it is considered a safer approach to advance to level five in one go.

In this unfamiliar star field where people are unfamiliar, personal strength is the greatest guarantee.

Thain, who has experienced successive dangers in recent years, desperately hopes that his strength can reach a higher level.

Only in this way can we be more at ease in civilized wars.

After pondering for a long time, Thain decided to attack Level 5 on the spot.

Because in his current state, even if he successfully returns to the wizarding civilization, he will probably not perform any combat missions for the time being, but will try his best to break through the current realm.

Anyway, there is a breakthrough everywhere, why not choose to hit level five faster here.

Maybe with a higher realm and stronger strength, his subsequent return to the wizarding world will become much smoother.

"I have decided to break through to level 5 right here. During this time, you can stay by my side to protect me."

"By the way, explore further afield to see if there are intelligent creatures and plane civilizations with complete rules."

"If there is, it's best not to alert the enemy. It's best to wait until I complete my breakthrough and promotion before we act together." Thain said to Yuli and the Flame.

"Master, how long will it take for your breakthrough this time?" Yuli asked.

"Between three hundred and five hundred years." Thain muttered.

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