The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,493 Encirclement within encirclement

This is a devastating battle.

At least for the attackers of the Gallente Federation, this is indeed the case.

The asymmetry of absolute strength makes it difficult for this wizard civilization army stationed at the logistics base to effectively counterattack the federal fleet.

When Thain and Yuri struggled to reach the central area of ​​the Federation fleet, the base behind them had been ravaged to a great extent.

In the base, the hard-working biological legions that were temporarily recruited were annihilated in batches.

The few wizard civilization combat troops who stood outside the base were also wiped out one by one by the powerful firepower of the federal fleet.

The knight legions under fourth-level knight Ben Laming were basically wiped out during the charge.

They were glorious, and they died on the way to the charge.

The only thing that annoys the Gallente Alliance ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ is that Thane and Yuri keep moving around like two annoying "little bugs" After tossing and turning, he was still unwilling to kill him.

The Black Secret Fleet has transferred a lot of firepower to target the master and servant of Thain.

Some fleet beams and tracking missiles did hit.

But more firepower can always be narrowly avoided by Thain and Yuri at extremely tricky angles.

In this process, Thain's world-class secret treasure, the Phaseless Mask, took the biggest credit!

On the civilized battlefield, it is true that only the capable and strong can survive to the end, and they must be supplemented by a certain amount of luck.

Maskless Mask has helped Thain a lot on the battlefield more than once. With his super data analysis and observation skills, Thain can always find a glimmer of hope in dangerous situations.

However, in Thain's current situation, there is no absolutely safe place.

When the Wizard World Legion near the logistics base was basically wiped out, including the large amount of war resources stored in the base, they were also taken away by the Gallente Federation Shadow Fleet.

The Black Secret Fleet, which had basically "completed" its set mission, gradually focused its firepower on the two masters and servants of Thain who were "jumping up and down".

Some special ships are already preparing to launch space jump procedures under the orders of the fleet commander.

The reason why the Black Hidden Special Affair Fleet is able to cause such chaos behind the Beholder World is that they rely on their space jumping ability.

Of course, the commander's own ability to respond to emergencies is also critical.

"Can you still hold on?" Thain had already poured a golden apple potion into his mouth.

In the entrance, he turned to look at Yuli.

In the melee just now, Thane was hit by at least two energy beams that were as powerful as a single blow from a level six creature.

This is the most serious injury, and his legal body is almost broken.

The gap between the life energy levels of the two classes would have been long gone for ordinary fourth-level creatures.

Not to mention, there were other levels of fleet firepower coming at him like dense rain.

Fortunately, Thane also has the golden apple potion.

With the powerful recovery ability of the golden apple potion, Thain was able to continue to maintain fighting status.

This also caused Noxa, the commander of the Gallente Federation fleet, to express dissatisfaction with not killing Thane.

"Master, I can't do it anymore, you should leave first!" Yuri said to Thane inside the Lieyan golem that was already ignited with flames and filled with thick smoke. ‎​‏‏ said.

The blow Yuli suffered was no less than that of Thain.

At this time, frequent alarms echoed in Yuli's cockpit. According to the feedback from the Lieyan's autonomous consciousness, the Lieyan was in danger of system collapse and explosion.

Yuri was already prepared to use her body as a shield to resist for a while.

At this moment, Thain couldn't stop and put Yuli into the space equipment, because those federal fleets would not give Thain this opportunity.

In a hurry, Thain saw Yuli and the Flame in danger and thought of something. He immediately took out the Rubik's Cube and patted the Flame.

When the Rubik's Cube approached the Flame in the chaos, a bright blue light lit up.

Immediately afterwards, at a damaged deck gap on the chest of the Flame, the Rubik's Cube merged with it almost perfectly!

After completing the fusion with the Lieyan, a richer blue light lit up, and the special mechanical repair power swept up and down the Lieyan.

The original damaged gaps and thick smoke were repaired with incredible power in a very short period of time.

The golden apple's effect on Thain is equivalent to the current effect of the Rubik's Cube on Yuli.

Suddenly releasing a faster burst of speed than before, Yuri rushed in front of Thain, hugged Thain, turned around, and flew forward at an extremely fast speed.

It was also the moment when Yuri hugged Thain in the Flame and turned around, two ship attack beams of different red and white colors passed by them with great difficulty.

These two beams of light, without exception, both possess level six power strikes.


Although Yuli and Thain escaped their frontal blows, the true form of law on Thain's back was also wiped out by the aftermath, and a large piece of the metal carapace of Yuli's constructed demon was melted.

Fortunately, one of them has the golden apple potion and the other has the Rubik's Cube, so they can still hold on.

At this time, Thain's face was extremely pale.

The size of his demonic true form has shrunk to about two meters, but he cannot escape the attacks from all directions by the federal fleet.

When it first broke out from the Gallente Federation star field, it had two level six intelligent robots, Optimus Prime and Megatron, to attract firepower to it, and there were also a large number of other level four and above intelligent robots as assistance.

But who can Thane rely on now?

On the contrary, it is because he is the strongest person in the wizarding civilization who has the highest life level and is still struggling. He has become a thorn in the eyes of the Black Hidden Special Love Fleet and a thorn in the flesh.

Even though he still had a few golden apple potions on hand, Thane felt like he couldn't hold on any longer.

Maybe the next blow would be the end of it for him.

If he was injured and died too quickly, he wouldn't even have time to take the golden apple potion.

Could it be that his destiny is to be on the front line of the civilized battlefield, beaten into pieces by the Gallente Federation fleet, leaving almost no dregs behind? Thain suddenly thought extremely pessimistically.

Yuli was still holding Thain firmly at this time. After receiving the blessing of the Rubik's Cube, she flew faster than Thain.

Moreover, the relatively large metal body of the Flame Golem itself can also help Thain block some of the firepower coming from all directions.

Trying his best to let Thain live a little longer, Thain suddenly felt that he owed a lot to Yuri in front of him.

But there is one thing. I don’t know if it is considered as a comfort to Yuli. Thain said: "We may die together."

Faced with Thain's expression, Yuri had not yet made any reply when suddenly there was another loud "Boom!" This time the noise came from the other side of the forbidden starry sky battlefield.

The source of the movement must not be the Gallente Federation fleet, then there is only...

"Hey, hey, I finally caught you. Fortunately, you are not too far away from here!" A voice of spiritual power echoed in the starry sky, and a sixth-level magician with the waterfall ice crystal law factor wrapped around his body was seen. , appeared on this battlefield.

At the same time, two more level six biological waves appeared around the battlefield.

The federal secret fleet that originally surrounded Thane and others is now the one being surrounded!

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