The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,494 Survival from desperate situation

The sudden appearance of reinforcements from the wizarding civilization did not let Thain and Yuri breathe a sigh of relief.

Because they may not be safe at this time.

Sure enough, a series of suppressed spatial forces appeared not far from Thain's field of vision.

Feeling the coercion of the terrifying power contained in it, as well as the results of the analysis by the Phaseless Mask, Thane couldn't help but bitterly said: "It's over."

Impossible to resist, unable to evade, and certain death!

Thain has a certain degree of confidence in the strength of his abilities. Even if he utters such desperate words, he must be dead.

The sixth-level magician who had just arrived in this starry sky battlefield seemed to have discovered Thain's crisis.

He did not immediately attack the federal fleet. Instead, he raised his magic wand forward, and a special ice mirror of law quickly appeared in the starry sky. Condensation.

With the strength of this sixth-level magician, he could not block the energy-gathering attack of the black hidden fleet in a hurry.

When condensing the law ice mirror, he said to the sixth-level wizard civilization experts on the other two sides: "Try to keep the fourth-level magician Thain!"

The other two strong men at level 6 in this starry sky battlefield are a level 6 knight and a level 6 alliance creature.

Among them, the knight wearing heavy brass armor was closer to Thane.

Faced with the assignment from the sixth-level magician, the knight didn't say much. In silence, he rushed here with his head downcast.

After all, they are their own creatures in this plane. Whether Thain can survive depends on them.

The other sixth-level alliance creature is too far away, and it may be that it is afraid of the already formed space rail gun. Although it is also flying in the direction of Thane, it is more targeted at the numerous Gallente Alliance in the surrounding stars. ships.

A series of bloody storms and successive explosions appeared in the Gallente Federation fleet group.

How did the Black Hidden Special Love Fleet annihilate the garrison of the Wizard Civilization Logistics Base before? Now these Level 6 wizard civilization creatures dealt the same heavy blow to those Gallente Federation ships.

The vast majority of Gallente Federation ships are fragile, and the Black Secret Fleet's own protective capabilities are not outstanding.

The ships that can truly threaten level six creatures are only a few in the entire huge fleet.

The end of this Gallente Federation fleet is coming, but Thane has no time to pay attention to his surroundings.

The rail gun, which was enough to tear apart space, suddenly shot towards Thane.

Because the rate of fire is so fast and it has a locking function, with the strength of Thain and Yuri, they can't resist it even though they try their best, and it's even harder to dodge.

But Thain was not one to sit still and wait for death. At that moment, Thain did not give up his struggle!

He was tormented by why his power was so weak.

When Thane struggled with everything he had.

He felt that the shackles of his life that had been stuck for a long time seemed to have finally broken open.

Unfortunately, right now, it seems it's too late.

The railgun that tore apart space shot straight towards Thane.

However, before hitting Thain, the railgun hit first was the law ice mirror condensed by the sixth-level magician.

This ‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏Wizard Civilized Magician has studied the secrets of laws that are really special. The ice mirror of laws he condensed does not have a strong ability to withstand frontal strikes. On the contrary, it has Extremely strong "rebound" and "refraction" attribute factors.

Facing the Space Railgun that was preparing a strike from the Heiyin Special Affair Fleet, the law of ice realm condensed by this sixth-level magician could not easily be blocked.

Almost at the moment of contact, the law ice mirror, which exuded a cold aura, was smashed into ice slag on the ground.

But precisely because of this, the space railgun that was originally shooting straight towards Thain actually deviated a little bit.

A slight deviation in angle is the difference between life and death!

With the help of the Phaseless Mask, Thain quickly caught the situation and immediately grabbed Yuri's constructed golem arm and flew diagonally sideways.

Another loud shout came from the sixth-level knight who was flying over.

A golden sword, in the hands of this sixth-level knight, destroyed countless federal ships blocking the way.

The strength of Thain's demonic law body is also exaggerated, but compared to the sixth-level knight in front of him, it is still a bit insignificant.

A golden round shield was also thrown by the sixth-level knight at the same time.

I don't know if it worked or not, but he threw it directly towards Thain's position.

Dense explosions and space turmoil appeared around Thain and Yuri.

Because too many collisions at the sixth level of power happened right around him, Thain's body once again felt a strong sense of tearing.

Yuri's situation is not much different from that of Thain, but the master and servant are both

They have been leaning on each other tightly without separation.

The violent turmoil and impact caused Thain to fly a long distance uncontrollably.

With a will, Thain forcibly stabilized his body of law. Before he could take the golden apple potion again, Thain first observed the situation around him.

At this time, the surrounding starry sky battlefield was already in a state of decay.

There were not only three sixth-level creatures who came to participate in the siege of the Gallente Federation's shadow fleet.

In the outer areas of this starry sky battlefield, there are already faint traces of the Wizard World Legion.

The support came so quickly, and Thain, who was belatedly aware of it, couldn't help but sigh a little.

However, the arrival of support does not mean that the crisis between Thain and the two of them has been resolved.

If Thain and Yuri had not held on for a while, I am afraid that this shadow fleet would have escaped in time, so it is now surrounded by the wizard civilization army. This The Federation fleet's resentment towards Thane and the two men is undoubtedly huge.

Even if the main fleet group cannot escape, they still have enough strength to make Thane look good!

He felt another dense beam of light coming toward him, which confirmed Thain's conclusion.

Looking around, in addition to a large number of ruins and remnants of law power factors, the space railgun fired just now also shattered the surrounding space, causing a large number of space cracks to appear.

A golden round shield hovered directly above Thain not far away. His ability to still have some energy left behind probably had a lot to do with that round shield.

Those scattered space cracks should be caused by the force of the collision between the rail gun and the round shield.

He took another look at the dense energy beams around him, and saw that several level six wizards in the wizarding world and other wizarding civilization legions were far away from him.

Thain said to Yuri: "We can't stay here, we have to find a way to leave."

Yuli did not answer Thain at this time. She had been seriously injured and lost consciousness. Several federal attack beams had just been aimed at the cockpit of the Flame.

On the other hand, the Lieyan still maintained its basic combat capabilities. The Rubik's Cube was still embedded in its chest. The Lieyan could also understand Thain's words.

Looking around, Thain said regretfully: "We can only enter the space crack to try. I hope what is left for us is not a place of death."

After saying that, Thane looked at the Flame and said, "Hold on to me."

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