The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,492 Space Railgun (Additional update)

As Thain and Yuri frequently shuttled between the vanguard flanks of the Gallente Federation fleet, the wizard civilization army stationed at the logistics base also launched an all-out counterattack.

When Thane noticed the huge power gap between the two sides, he realized that this logistics base could not be defended by defense alone.

In addition to ordering a small number of magician troops and some knights to hold on to the fortifications around the base, he quickly asked several demigod-level knights of this knight army to immediately lead his army to rush out of the base and follow Thain. Fight "sports warfare".

"If this logistics base is located in a plane with complete rules, we may be able to defend it with the help of plane barriers."

"But there are empty star fields all around here, and there are too few defensive help to rely on. Only by rushing out with me and disrupting them can we have a chance of survival!" Thain said to several Aibalut‏‏​​ ‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏The empire demigod knight said.

It may be Thane's previous decision-making and deployment that aroused the recognition of these Abalut Empire knights.

It may also be that Thain's heroic appearance of activating his demonic form and charging into the federal fleet gave these knights the illusion that they were under the command of a powerful knight.

In response to Thain's order, these hastily assembled Magic Empire knights showed no resistance or doubt at all. They immediately set off with their troops and rushed towards the federal fleet group in front of them.

At the same time, the slave creature cannon fodder in this logistics transfer base that originally needed to be transported to battlefields in other dimensions was also released.

How effective these slave creature cannon fodder can be, no one knows.

But at least it has a little more strength.

It would be better for them all to rush out and fight in a scattered state than to be hit by a volley of firepower from the Gallente Federation's fleet.

Regarding the defense commander of this logistics base, after Thain quickly issued a few orders, he no longer had the energy to pay attention to the lower-level legions under his command.

Because he is also under a lot of pressure!

As the only level four wizard civilization combat forces on this battlefield, Thane and Yuli were obviously under the special care of the Gallente Federation's special fleet.

Various energy rays that were enough to make Thain's scalp feel numb were shot at him one after another.

If it weren't for the help provided by Wuxiang Mask, Thane would have shown his decline long ago.

After all, this federal "shadow fleet" is a special fleet labeled as comparable to level six creatures. Its firepower coverage intensity and ray craftiness far exceed Thane's previous experience in the radiation arc world.

"Boom!" A series of explosions came from far away in the starry sky again.

That was the direction where fourth-level knight Ben Laming and others were supposed to appear.

In the keen insight of the Faceless Mask, Thane seemed to capture a hint of the familiar fluctuations of the explosion of the space fortress and the fall of the fourth-level creatures.

But these fluctuations served no purpose other than making him feel more pressure and a little despair.

Not long after, Thain clearly felt that the attack density of the federal fleet in that direction had increased a bit.

So Thain turned around and charged in the opposite direction with Yuri.

"What's going on with those two wizard civilization level four creatures?"

"Kill them immediately!" In the flagship of the Black Secret Fleet, Admiral Noxa of the Samsung Federation angrily punched the LCD light in front of him‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​‎ ​‏‏Board.

A wisp of green smoke floated in front of General Noxa. The smooth LCD display panel obviously could not withstand the robotic arm of the Federation admiral.

At this time, one-third of Three Star Federation Admiral Noxa's body was covered in metal machinery.

This was a trauma caused to him by a level six powerhouse in the wizarding world.

The last time, Noxa almost didn't make it back to the Beholder World alive for rest and supplies.

The amputation of one-third of his body made General Noxa's character more aggressive and irritable than before.

But most of the time, General Noxa is still rational.

He used his glorious achievements time and time again to demonstrate his abilities to the soldiers of the fleet under his command.

How much the wizarding civilization hates the "Shadow Fleet" led by him can prove how much he has contributed to the Gallente Federation.

It's just that if the combat instructions required by General Noxa are not completed for a long time, the three-star general will gradually be unable to suppress his emotions.

"We have at most 150 quantum hours of fighting time left. If the battle cannot be resolved within 150 quantum hours, we must leave this battlefield no matter what!" the three-star general yelled angrily.

"Activate the space railgun and kill those two guys for me!" Noxa ordered.

"Yes!" a non-commissioned officer replied immediately.

General Noxa seemed angry, but in fact it could be seen that he had not lost his mind.

The federal general still adheres to his bottom line in combat.

Strictly control this raid within a period of time,

It is to avoid being detected and suppressed by other legions of the wizard civilization.

It's fine if he dies himself, but he must be responsible for the members of his fleet!

General Noxa also wants to take his soldiers and return to the Gallente Federation alive in the future.

Including the Beholder Great World Battlefield, which was in a hard-fighting and besieged state, the five-star admiral Awell Senhow and others also had great expectations for this dark special fleet.

"After this war crisis is over, if I am promoted to marshal, I will recommend you to the federal military and be promoted to a five-star general!" When Awell Senhao visited Noxa, who had a third of his body erased, he said Zeng said while holding his only intact left hand.

The space rail gun is the strongest attack method of the Black Shadow Fleet, and it is much more powerful than the six-level beams that Thane felt before.

Moreover, the space rail gun ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ is a range-type strike method. Its powerful space distortion force can not only easily tear apart the bodies of level six creatures, but can even artificially Create some space-time wormholes.

In the past few years of attacking the logistics resource transfer base in the wizard civilization, the number of times the Black Secret Fleet has activated the space railgun can be counted on one's fingers.

On the one hand, it consumes a lot of energy and cannot be discharged several times.

On the other hand, the space movement caused is very large, which may not be noticed by the powerful wizards and civilizations in this star field.

Now that the space railgun has been brought out again, it also shows how much the Gallente Federation fleet attaches great importance to Thane.

The last person to die from the space railgun was a fifth-level knight from the Wizarding World.

On Thane's side, as he continued to charge towards the Gallente Federation fleet, he gradually discovered that this Federation fleet was not as elite as he thought.

The Wizarding Civilization has carried out encirclement and suppression attacks against them several times, which is effective.

In addition to the better armor and overall protection of the warships in the front row of the shadow fleet, Thane noticed that many warships in the middle and rear of the opponent's fleet had obvious signs of wear and patching.

Feeling some inexplicable pressure in his heart, Thain glanced at Yuli beside him and said, "Let's rush!"

Behind Thane and others, the Ebalut Empire Knight Corps, who were fighting together, had been completely wiped out by the Gallente Federation fleet in a very short period of time. -------------------

PS: There are currently 10,536 monthly tickets, and 92 more chapters need to be added ~

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