The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,491 Struggle (Additional update)

The fierce battle was about to break out, and once it started, it entered a white-hot stage.

With so many fleets from the Gallente Federation with outstanding stealth capabilities lurking here, they are definitely not doing "tourism"...

Considering the general trend of wizard civilization on the battlefield of the Beholder World's star field, and the overall strength gap between the two sides, the strategy pursued by this federal special fleet must be a plan to succeed in one blow and retreat quickly!

"Whoa!" A blue focused beam was suddenly launched from the flank of the federal fleet group.

A light-prismatic fortress that was originally suspended on the right wing of the logistics base was unable to dodge. Under the impact of this concentrated beam, several violent explosions occurred in succession.

Thick smoke billowed out from it, and finally the light prism fortress exploded again!

The fire produced by the explosion even made many wizards and civilized legions who were closer feel dazzling.

This is a strike beam that is comparable to a strike from a sixth-level creature. Only such a powerful attack method can destroy a light prism fortress with one strike!

Thain also has a certain understanding of the large and medium-sized war platforms in the wizarding world.

Except for war airships and other equipment, which are not worth mentioning in the eyes of creatures above level four, other war platforms, such as light prism fortresses, etc., even with Thane's attack methods, it is difficult to kill a light prism fortress with one blow. !

Not to mention, the crashed and exploded Light Prism Fortress had obviously undergone secondary improvements and enhancements using the magic energy technology of the Ebalut Empire.

It is very different from the light prism fortresses commonly seen on the market.

The explosion of the light prism fortress made Thain look uncertain in this starry sky battlefield.

Fourth-level knight Ben Laming's family fortune is obviously not as rich as Thain's Holy Tower of Ashes.

In the absence of the opponent's space fortress and himself, there were only two light prism fortresses that arrived at this logistics base first.

Thain could only be thankful that most of Ben Laming's knight corps had arrived at this logistics base.

Otherwise, even if Thain is extremely capable, it would be difficult to defend this place on his own.

"We must hold on and wait for other reinforcements from the Wizarding Civilization to arrive!" Thain shouted almost the moment the Light Prism Fortress exploded.

The Gallente Federation fleet showed powerful ray beams comparable to the sixth level of power, which did not scare Thane.

He had discovered this a long time ago.

There is a big difference between a level 6 attack ship and a real level 6 creature.

If the opponent hits a fixed target, it will naturally be accurate every time.

But if it is aimed at an extremely flexible fourth-level creature like Thain, it will be different from a real sixth-level creature!

Seeing the federal fleet rushing in front of him like a mountain, Thane gritted his teeth and took the initiative to fly towards the weak point of the opponent's fleet.

Constructor Yuli also provided support to Thain in the shortest possible time.

The two masters and servants cooperate with each other, and they may not be unable to fight in such sudden surprise battles.

On the battlefield, Thain only maintains his true form of a demon with a body size of 200 meters, which is the most suitable for the current battle.

It is true that Thane's true form of law can be condensed larger, but what's the point of making it so big... Is it a living target?

Thane, who has extensive experience in the war with the Gallente Federation, naturally knows what kind of combat capabilities he should show at what time and under what condition.

If it weren't for forcing the Gallente Federation fleet to take action as soon as possible and reminding the stationed Knight Legion to enter combat status, Thane would rather keep his fighting form smaller in order to reduce the attack area of ​​the Gallente Federation fleet.

Yuri followed Thain to the Gallente Federation on an infiltration mission, and was familiar with many of Thain's ideas and fighting habits.

The master and servant cooperated well and were able to produce a good counterattack in such a sudden attack.

"Boom!" A small group of Gallente Federation ships exploded and crashed.

It turned out that it was Thain and Yuri who rushed towards the weak point of the assault fleet and finally achieved certain results.

The combat performance of Thain and Yuri was also noticed by the Wizarding World Legion stationed at this logistics base.

On such a civilized battlefield, creatures above level four are the objects of belief and worship of the lower-level combat troops.

If the battle between creatures above level four is won, it will naturally bring a huge increase in momentum to the underlying legion.

If one's own level 4 creatures are defeated, it will create a pessimistic atmosphere like a crushing defeat.

The outstanding performance of Thane and Yuri undoubtedly restored a lot of momentum that had been slackened by the explosion of the Light Prism Fortress.

The counterattacks of the garrison of the wizard civilization started one after another at this moment.

But looking at the firepower output ratio of both sides, you can

See the huge gap between the enemy's and our own forces.

Trying to block the attack of the Gallente Federation's assault fleet by oneself is simply a matter of course.

The key point for both sides now is, how long can Thain and others last? When will the wizard civilization’s support troops arrive?

Fierce explosion flames surged past Thain.

When Thane jumped over the wreckage of a nearly 200-meter-long battleship, he suddenly felt regretful that he should not have transferred the Ashes Holy Tower Legion so early.

Otherwise, with the strength of the Ash Holy Tower Legion, as well as the firepower and other war equipment of the Ash Fortress, they should be able to sustain the coverage and attack of these Gallente Federation fleets for a long time.

But then again, there is a chance that this extremely cautious Gallente Federation special fleet will not come even if the Ashes Holy Tower Legion leaves.

Although ‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏Although the battle has just begun, Thain has not discovered where the opponent’s flagship is yet.

But Thane had already predicted in his heart that the Gallente Federation fleet that suddenly visited should be the "shadow fleet" that had made such a famous name in the center and rear of the star field battlefield where the Beholder World was located.

"How damn unlucky!" Thain couldn't help but cursed inwardly.

The rear base stationed in this large star field for decades had never encountered this federal special fleet.

Now he is about to leave this war zone and go to the battlefield of the underworld star field, but Thain is blocked here.

What made Thain feel even more depressed was that he clearly felt that there was a strong "blocking" effect in the surrounding stars.

This kind of ban will not only make it difficult for Thain and others to spread the news, but also if Thain himself breaks out, it will also be extremely difficult for him to break through the surrounding space barriers.

This Gallente Federation "Shadow Fleet" has been doing ups and downs behind the Beholder World battlefield for so many years, and it obviously has two tricks up its sleeve.

The devil's wings behind him flapped again. Not wanting to stay in the same position for too long, Thane called on Yuri to fly to another flank of the federal fleet!

Now, the way Thain and Yuri fight is to look for areas with weak firepower in the fleet group in front of them, and he will rush there to create chaos and trouble.

Being trapped in the logistics base itself is the most stupid and brainless approach.

It is estimated that a few rounds of firepower from the Gallente Federation fleet group will be enough for Thane and others to drink a pot.

Only in sports battles can there be some possibility of struggle!

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