The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,490 An unexpected situation!

"You first go to the space teleportation array on the border of the Beholder World's star field and wait. I will catch up with you later."

"Ben Laming, the fourth-level knight of the Ebalut Empire who took over my station here, arrived a little later than expected. Some work has to be handed over." Thain said to Xia, Lenna, Meili and others in front of him. .

Of course, Meili and others had no objections to Thain's assignment.

The Ashes Holy Tower Legion, ready to go, rode the space fortress and headed deep into the starry sky.

Next to Thane, the only person left to accompany him was Yuli, who was driving the Flame.

Fourth-level knight Ben Laming doesn’t know what he’s doing!

The large army of knights under his command have all arrived at this logistics base on time.

Only the fourth-level knight Ben Laming himself, as well as the space fortress and small elite army he commanded, have not arrived yet.

According to a report from a demigod-level knight who has arrived, it seems that there is a slight problem with the space fortress of Knight Ben Laming.

It is currently undergoing emergency repairs in a demi-plane not far from here.

This logistics transfer base is not a large and important transfer base.

But it was impossible for Thane to leave on his own before Knight Ben Laming arrived.

He still has some sense of responsibility!

Knight Ben Laming did not arrive, so Thain had no choice but to step in and command most of the knights under his command who had arrived first to deploy the logistics base.

Of course, these Ebalut Empire knights would not disobey the defense instructions from a fourth-level magician.

And several demigod-level knights who have arrived know that, to be honest, their palace master did something wrong.

The handover came a little later than the expected handover time. If this kind of thing really needs to be investigated, it can be big or small in nature.

To put it more seriously, Knight Ben Laming is suspected of dereliction of duty, and someone in the Ebalut Empire may even impeach him for this.

To put it mildly, it was just a little late. Considering the war situation in this logistics base and surrounding areas, the negative impact was minimal.

It's just a pain to Thain, so he has to stay a little longer.

After working in logistics for decades, Thain assigned these knights to do their job very smoothly.

This knight army is also accompanied by a small number of magicians from the Ebalut Empire.

Under Thain's order, these magicians entered various magic towers and magic fortresses in an orderly manner to station themselves.

Thain's meticulous style of doing things has won the respect of several demigod knights of the Magic Empire.

Outside the logistics base, Thain looked at the stars.

The Ashes Holy Tower Legion has been away for a while. With the Ashes Fortress's space jumping ability, it is estimated that they have traveled a long distance now.


Knight Laming and his space fortress arrived a little later than previously mentioned.

If you don't stick to the bottom line, you won't be willing to leave this logistics base rashly.

Thain even wanted to go to the demiplane where the opponent's space fortress was hanging around to see what was going on!

"This Knight Ben Laming, I heard is also a member of the Donald family."

"As a famous business family in the Ebalut Empire, they shouldn't be just idiots." Thain couldn't help but curse.

Perhaps it was Thain's scolding that finally elicited a response.

A vague spatial fluctuation suddenly appeared in front of him.

Generally, low-level knights and magicians may not be able to sense it.

But Thane, who was wearing the phaseless mask, discovered a clue.

"Huh?" Thain raised his head and looked towards the area where the spatial fluctuations occurred.

There is currently nothing there.

But then, when Thane's brows frowned slightly, another obscure spatial fluctuation appeared.

Thain's eyes suddenly widened.

"The entire army is on alert!"

"Enemy attack!"

Two consecutive sounds of level four spiritual power spread throughout the logistics base.

All the knights and magicians who are stationed are a spirit.

Thain himself immediately activated the true form of the Devil's Law!

Under the dark starry sky, a ferocious flame demon with a height of two hundred meters appeared suddenly, waving its flame wings!

The logistics base where Thain and others are stationed is not located in a plane with complete rules.

This is a logistics base transformed from the starry sky meteorite belt. As the battle lines continue to move forward, the role of this logistics base is actually becoming smaller and smaller.

The perennial wars in the Beholder World Star Territory have caused a lot of damage to the fire plane of this large star territory.

For example, the starry sky outside the logistics base is so dark right now because there are no light sources around.

But it was this dark starry sky that actually became the cover for some federal legions.

It’s incredible!

It wasn't until the other party got close to this distance that Thane discovered them with the help of the Formless Mask.

Before that, the patrol legions and combat troops of other wizard civilizations in this star field failed to detect each other.

When Thain ordered the knights stationed at this logistics base to enter combat mode, many knights were confused about what was going on.

Including the few magician troops stationed in the magic tower, they did not find any abnormalities in the detection spectrum of the magic tower.

The field of vision gap between the fourth-level creatures and the bottom-level creatures is too big. It is impossible for Thain to explain anything now. He will use the actual truth to prove his discovery!

A big piece of blue

The color element star array appeared in front of Thain as he stretched his right hand forward.

These six-, eight-, and ten-point elemental star arrays are superimposed on each other and densely packed. They are the results of Thain's new spell models in recent years.

"歘!" When these elemental star arrays gathered to the extreme, they suddenly shot magic beams directly in front of where Thain was pointing.

The power blow released by Thane at this moment is enough to rival any level five creature!

Of course, Thain's performance also marked that he was doing his best at this time.

The suddenness, aggressiveness, and oppressive nature of the opponent's fleet's appearance all made Thain feel great pressure!

He must deal with it with all his strength!

The dense magic beam was indeed blocked by something when it shot towards the seemingly empty black starry sky.

The dark star screen camouflage was removed, replaced by a dense and dark ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎‎ ferocious Gallente Federation war fleet!

Thain's elemental strike was obviously effective.

With the combination of light elements and blue fire mysteries, the surfaces of many federal fleets sailing in the front row were ignited with blazing flames.

Even with the special hull material of this special federal fleet, it was unable to extinguish the blue fire in a short period of time. This also caught the commander of this fleet and the captains in the front row off guard.

Thain's action and the appearance of the Gallente Federation's special fleet made both sides stunned.

The Federation did not expect that Thain would discover them so early, and many fleets had not arrived at the combat position.

Those knight legions stationed at the logistics base never expected that the Gallente Federation fleet would sneak in here.

After a brief daze, the two sides instead fired at each other extremely violently!

The Wizard Civilization Legion occupies a favorable location and has many fortifications. Because it is a logistics base, its energy reserves are also extremely abundant.

On the side of the Gallente Federation, after losing the advantage of a surprise attack, they had the advantage of having a large fleet and sufficient firepower.

In terms of combat strength ratio between the two sides, the Gallente Federation side is far superior to the Wizarding World garrison side!

Thain even sensed the accumulation of ship beams comparable to level six firepower, which made his scalp numb!

"Boom!" There was another loud noise, coming from a certain starry sky outside the logistics base.

That starry sky was the direction where Ben Laming, the fourth-level knight, was supposed to lead the space fortress.

But now Thain could no longer care about the other party, and he didn't know whether the loud noise meant that Ben Laming and others also encountered an unexpected situation.

Maybe Ben Laming didn't arrive late on purpose, but that he had encountered certain situations long ago...

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