The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,487 Garrison Mission (Additional update)

The world of Hui Muxi.

This is the first resource transfer plane that Thane needs to station in after arriving in the star field where the Beholder World is located.

The deployment situation of the wizard civilization combat legions in the Beholder World seems really tense.

Perhaps it is because a large number of war legions have been dispatched to several star field battlefields including the underworld star field where the war situation is extremely fierce, so that even the legions stationed in the resource transfer plane here seem to be somewhat stretched.

After Thane's Ashes Holy Tower Army arrived outside the world of Ash Wood Xi, they hurriedly handed over the defense work, and a Wizard World Knight Army originally stationed in this low-level plane immediately went to the front line.

This knight army is heading directly to the front line of the Beholder World Star Field Battlefield.

The war in the star field where this large world is located is actually very fierce.

“In the future‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ there will be several batches of alliance biological legions and important war supplies arriving. Master Thain, just check them according to the data issued by the alliance. "

"There is generally no danger. The only thing you need to be careful about is that in the large star field we are in, there is a federal special operations fleet that will always attack our logistics transfer plane in this star field."

"I haven't seen it, but two brothers I know, and the combat legions they led, as well as the material base where they were stationed, were annihilated by the Gallente Federation's special fleet."

"I heard that there was a sixth-level magician from the Ebalut Empire who, thirty years ago, teamed up with two other sixth-level gods from the Alliance who had outstanding pursuit capabilities to set up a trap to try to kill this fleet."

"But in the end, their main fleet escaped. After that time, the federal fleet's whereabouts became more secretive and its attacks became faster."

"We all call them the 'Shadow Fleet'. Master Thain, you have to be careful." The fourth-level knight stationed in Hui Muxi's world said to Thain before leaving.

"I know." Thain said solemnly.

Thain had heard about the federal special fleet's attack on the logistics transfer base when he left the radiation arc world.

Unexpectedly, a hundred years have passed and this problem behind the battlefield of the Beholder World has not yet been resolved.

It probably wasn't that the wizarding civilization didn't pay enough attention to this issue. After all, there were three level six experts trying to encircle and suppress each other.

But being able to escape in the end only shows that the other party is too cunning.

I don’t know if the wizard civilization has deployed other forces to keep an eye on this “shadow fleet” in secret.

Judging from the past performance of that shadow fleet, even the material transfer plane stationed by fifth-level creatures was breached by them in a very short period of time, indicating that the opponent had at least a combat power comparable to that of sixth-level creatures.

After sending away the knight army stationed in the world of Ash Wood Xi, Thain and his Ashes Holy Tower Legion immediately settled in the world of Ash Wood Xi.

The Ash Fortress was parked in the plane by Thain, while all the Light Prism Fortresses were scattered and arranged outside this low-level plane by Thain.

The process of stationing in this resource transfer plane, which is responsible for logistics work, is actually very easy.

If there is no sudden invasion by foreign enemies, you can basically earn mission rewards by lying down here.

In addition, in Thane’s view, the world of Ashwood Xi is not likely to become the Gallente Federation. And there is no goal of eradicating the shadow fleet all year round.

Because Hui Muxi's world is an earth-based plane, naturally the party stationed in this plane will take advantage of it.

Secondly, not far from the Hui Muxi plane, there are several large-scale star field teleportation arrays of wizard civilizations.

Thain's Ashes Holy Tower Army originally arrived from there.

And every once in a while, new wizard civilization combat troops will arrive.

If the shadow fleet really chose this place, as soon as Bao Buqi started to take action, two newly arrived wizard civilization legions appeared behind it.

Of course, Thane could not guarantee that the commander of the Gallente Federation fleet had the same ideas as himself.

After arriving in the world of Hui Muxi, Thain still arranged all aspects of defense very seriously and carefully.

The fourth-level knight was right. Not long after Thain settled in the world of Hui Muxi, multiple wizard alliance combat legions and large quantities of war supplies arrived one after another.

A giant eight-nosed beast with gray skin that was thousands of meters away slowly walked out of the inter-star teleportation array.

Behind it, there were approximately two million small gray multi-nosed beasts, pouring out of the teleportation array.

This eight-nosed giant beast is called "Eight-nosed King", and it is a powerful alliance fifth-level creature.

After passing through the inter-star teleportation array, he first came to the world of Hui Muxi for a short stay, and was inspected by the wizarding world's garrison including Thane.

The magicians of the Holy Tower of Ashes are much more relaxed than those rough knights when it comes to reviewing supplies and the alliance's biological legions.

There are many knights who are not afraid of confronting the hostile legions of the Beholder World, but they are frightened by looking at a large list of data.

The ratio of knights to magicians of the same level in the wizarding world is basically maintained at 3:1, so the magician army is more scarce.

No wonder the Alliance would prioritize the transfer of Thane's Ashes Holy Tower Legion here.

"The number of legions is 200,000 more than what the alliance requires. It's very good. After a short rest in this plane, you can go to the frontline battlefield." Thain said to the Eight-nosed King.

Before accepting the order from the Wizards Alliance, all creatures above level four in all major alliance planes will consciously bring more subordinates.

Not only is ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ to show loyalty to the wizarding civilization, but it is also worried that some of the creatures under its command that are too weak will suffer some wear and tear during the migration to the front line of the battlefield. Caused dissatisfaction among wizard civilization.

For example, these multi-nosed beasts do not have war platforms such as space fortresses as transportation tools.

The car of the Eight-nosed King is a special giant gray stone platform, and most of the ordinary multi-nosed beasts are also crowded on it.

When he set off from the world of Duobi, the total number of legions under the command of the Duobi King was 2.4 million.

But after arriving in Hui Muxi's world, hundreds of thousands of lower-class people were killed on the way before even experiencing a war.

The harsh star environment, complex cosmic rays, and the impact of time and space chaos experienced when passing through the inter-star teleportation array are the biggest reasons for the damage of these low-level multi-nosed beasts.

After all, it is impossible for the Eight-nosed King to allow all his subjects to have life levels above one level.

There are always some cannon fodder who can't even withstand the journey.

"Yes, Master Thain." The Eight-Nosed King shook his eight long gray noses and said.

Since the Eight-nosed King, there have been other alliance gods such as the Fire Scythe Blood Beetle Queen, the Rongcan Fairy King, the Tree Vine Clam God, the Ice and Flowing Water Elemental Lord, etc., who successively led their legions to the world of Hui Muxi.

At the same time, large amounts of war supplies also arrived ship after ship. -------------------

PS: I was stuck in the last half hour of today and finally finished writing the last chapter~

There are currently 10,499 monthly tickets, and 93 more chapters need to be added.

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