The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,488 News about Hu Yaren

Seeing another alliance combat legion rush to the front line, Thane looked towards the depths of the Beholder World Starfield.

A steady stream of war legions have been thrown into the forefront of this large star field. The transit plane where Thane is located is just one of the many logistics planes in the star field where the Beholder World is located.

"According to the statistics of the Wizards Alliance, the number of beholders above level 4 in the beholder world is about three hundred."

"Even if it has some small and medium-sized vassal planes, and is coerced by the Beholder World to rebel against the Wizards Alliance, the real resistance of this large star field should not exceed 500 level four creatures."

"It is the legion strength that the Gallente Federation supports to the Beholder World. There is no way to get an accurate statistics."

"The war has been going on for quite some time now. I wonder what the specific situation is now?" Thain sighed.

After arriving in the star field where the Beholder World ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ was located, Thain only knew that the wizard civilization was still on the offensive side.

However, Thain did not receive accurate data on the specific ratio of battle losses between the two sides.

After all, he is just a "logistics guy" now, and there is no strong person that Thane can speak to in this large-scale star field battlefield.

If Master Cuilisi and others appear here, they should be able to learn a lot of information based on their sixth-level life level.

Also after arriving in the world of Hui Muxi, Thain still had no news about the Huya people.

Thain guessed that the Huya clan should still be in this large star field battlefield, but he didn't know where exactly.

The time limit for Thain's garrison mission in the world of Hui Muxi is ten years.

According to Thain's original conversation with the fourth-level magician assigned by the Wizards Alliance, in ten years, Thain can lead his army to the battlefield of the underworld star field. By then, there will be a new garrison in the world of Gray Wood to take over. he.

The garrison task in Hui Muxi's world is not cumbersome, and even a little easy.

In addition to receiving alliance powerhouses above level 4 and verifying large items of rare war resources, Thain needs to personally come forward.

Most of the other time, Thain was bored in the laboratory doing his own research.

The growth and progress of Xia Ya and Lenna during this period of time have stagnated a lot.

Just exercising and tempering experiments are no longer enough to make them make rapid progress.

After all, the knights still have to seek a breakthrough on the battlefield. What Xia Ya and Lenna need more now may be a hearty battle.

In the meantime, an episode worth mentioning is that Thain had earlier told Lenna to follow her heart and not have to restrain her desire to eat.

But over the years,

Lenna's body shape has not returned to its previous fleshy appearance, but still maintains the golden proportions of her body.

When Thain asked Lenna about these things, she replied frankly: "This is my true intention now."

“I used to think that nothing was as important as eating.”

"But now, I don't have much pursuit of those delicacies. Maybe it's because I've eaten most of the delicious food?" Lenna said to herself, tilting her head.

Thane couldn't answer this.

Thain's mission of garrisoning in the world of Hui Muxi finally went through twelve years before Shanshan arrived to replace his knight army.

Today, the war in the world of beholders is still fierce. It is said that the range of activities of the enemy beholders on the front lines has been limited to one-third of the total area of ​​​​the star field.

But the closer the war is to the present, the more difficult it becomes to fight.

Because ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ Because the beholders and the Gallente Federation Legion consciously shrank their defense lines, blocking the attacking legions of the wizard civilization step by step.

In the defensive war, those Gallente Federation legions really did everything they could.

Demiplanes, broken planes, void meteorites... can all be their positions to deploy blocking forces.

The army of wizard civilization pushed all the way and cleared away almost all the planes and meteorites in this large star field.

The entire central part of the Beholder World is now empty.

Only the wreckage and ruins that have not been cleaned silently tell the story of the fierce battles that took place in this star field before.

After leaving the world of Hui Muxi, Thain originally thought that he would be transferred directly to the battlefield of the underworld star field.

But what is surprising is that the wizard civilization's order transferred him to another resource transfer base for guarding.

This time, Thain is no longer stationed on a plane, but on a meteorite belt front set up by the wizard civilization in the star field of the Beholder World.

"Master Thain, your garrison performance in the world of Hui Muxi is very good. The resource transfer base is closer to the front line than the world of Hui Muxi. At the same time, it is more important there. I hope that Master can complete the garrison task well."

"The time limit for this garrison mission is four years." A powerful man from the wizarding world solemnly said to Thain through remote magic communication.

Sometimes, logistical security work is more important than frontline combat tasks.

Of course, Thain would not disobey this instruction from the wizard civilization. For his next garrison mission, Thain once again nodded to accept it.

During the years that Thain has been stationed in the world of Gray Wood Xi, he has not made any mistakes, and he has not seen any mistakes.

The "shadow fleet" of the Gallente Federation.

It is estimated that the higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization also saw this and felt that Thain was also a "lucky general" guarding the rear, so they transferred him to another logistics base.

As for the personnel transfer of the Wizarding Civilization, it failed to apply for Thane's request according to the agreement and transferred him to the battlefield of the underworld star field.

It can only be said that plans often fail to keep up with changes.

It just so happened that Thain encountered some changes in certain decisions and arrangements made by the higher-ups of the wizard civilization, or something happened to the enemy's army recently.

Is it possible that he, a fourth-level magician, can change the situation?

Thain, who went to the logistics base to accept the garrison duty, did not encounter any extension of the mission time limit this time.

However, after completing the four-year mission, the next mission assigned to him by the wizard civilization was to station...

This time ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏This time, Thain needs to be stationed in a demiplane named "Noxingsha", where a large number of the Wizards Alliance's defeated troops are resting.

What Thain needs to do is to wait or monitor these alliance creatures, and after they regain their combat capabilities, urge them to quickly move to the front line!

In the demiplane of Noxingsha, Thane actually inquired about the situation of the Huya clan.

It was a Level 4 creature from the Alliance who was severely injured, even half of his head was chopped off, who told Thane.

"The Huyans are much luckier. They seem to have been transferred to the Fick Star Territory. I fought side by side with them once fifty years ago." This fourth-level alliance god, who had half of his head cut off, scratched his head. He scratched his neck as if reminiscing.

Fick Star Territory Thane has only heard of the name and does not know much about the situation in that star territory.

After some special inquiries later, I learned that the Fick Star Territory is a medium-sized star territory closer to the Beholder World Star Territory.

That star field did not follow the beholders to rebel against the Wizards Alliance, but due to the appearance of many Gallente Federation fleets, there is now a war in that medium-sized star field, but it is not as intense.

During the frequent war mobilizations, the Hu Ya people were somehow transferred to the Fick Star Territory. Now it seems that it is indeed a good thing.

No wonder the fourth-level gods of this alliance would envy them.

The currently seriously injured fourth-level god of the Alliance should have been injured by the giant mecha of the Gallente Federation.

After throwing an ordinary recovery potion to the opponent as a reward for informing him about the Huya people, the alien god of the alliance kept nodding and bowing to Thain to express his gratitude.

"Recover your injuries as soon as possible and reorganize your army. There is still a shortage of people on the frontline battlefield." Thain glanced at the other party and said.

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