The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,486 Going out again (additional update)

Regarding Thain's implicit attitude towards participating in the war.

The fourth-level magician who came to issue combat orders to Thain smiled and said: "Wizard Civilization will take into account the personal circumstances of all magicians above level four who participate in the war, as well as the war demands they apply for."

"It is not difficult to transfer to the battlefield of the underworld star field. There is also a shortage of elites like you, Master Thain, there."

"But the problem now is that the Beholder World seems to be lacking even more."

"And it's just a garrison duty, and the alliance didn't ask you, Master, to enforce it."

"According to my experience, after you go to the Beholder World to station for a period of time, Master, and then apply to the alliance's senior management, it should be easy for you to be transferred to the Underworld Star Field battlefield." The fourth-level magician touched his cocked Goatee said.

This fourth-level magician is just a magician who conveys the combat instructions of the wizard civilization, but because he often delivers orders on behalf of the higher-ups of the wizard civilization, he has a higher level of knowledge and vision. , can clearly see many of its mysteries.

Thain thought carefully about what the magician said and felt that it made sense, so he nodded slightly.

"As a member of the wizarding civilization, when the wizarding world needs me, it is my duty to do so."

"I decided to give up the rest period of the next two hundred years and once again lead my army to the frontline battlefield." Thain said seriously.

"Okay, I will report it to the Wizards Alliance and register your combat mission, Master."

"Thank you, Master Thain, for your contribution to civilized warfare!" The fourth-level magician said with joy on his face and held Thain's hand.

The order regarding the war soon spread in the Holy Tower of Ashes.

The vast majority of Holy Tower magicians did not react too strongly.

After you have gradually become familiar with the rhythm of civilized warfare, you will become accustomed to various task instructions.

But with the experience of the previous war, all the war magicians in the Ashes Holy Tower this time have carried out their preparations to the extreme.

Obviously after experiencing the previous hard battles, everyone knew that the civilized war with the Gallente Federation was very different from the previous plane wars they had experienced.

However, this mission is only to perform a garrison mission at the resource transfer base behind the star field where the Beholder World is located. It should not be as dangerous as the forefront battlefield.

Before leaving again, Thain went to say goodbye to his mentor Lu Lianman again.

After the 25th Wizards Alliance Conference, Lu Lianman's Holy Tower of Blue Origin had not yet fought a war, but Thain had said goodbye to her for an unknown number of times.

There have been more farewells, and there is no such sad atmosphere as before.


Thain has used his past record to prove his ability to his mentor.

At least Lu Lianman believed that her disciple would not easily die on the front line of the war. This time she bid farewell to Thain and rushed to the front line. Lu Lianman tried her best to put on a smile on her face.

"Originally, I wanted to go to the battlefield of the underworld star field where Master and the others are, but I didn't expect that the alliance would send me to the star field where the Beholder World is."

"But it doesn't matter. It shouldn't take long to transfer him," Thain said.

"You still have to pay attention to safety on the front line of the battlefield. I also look forward to fighting side by side with you in the underworld star field." Lu Lianman said.

"Oh? Mentor, have you also received combat orders from the Wizards Alliance?" Thain said in surprise.

"Not yet." Lu Lianman shook her head and said, "But your master got in touch with me some time ago. It seems that I will be leaving soon."

“Teacher‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏ .”

"When you get to the front line of the civilized battlefield, you must pay attention to safety and don't rush in." Thain in turn warned Lu Lianman.

"Don't worry, your mentor, am I that fragile?" Lu Lianman rolled her eyes at Thain.

"Besides, I should be with your master and uncle by then. With the support of many magicians from the Elemental Gate, I should be fine." Lu Lianman said.

In response, Thane nodded.

Lu Lianman's abilities focus more on potion making.

The value of an excellent fourth-level pharmacist like her is probably comparable to some ordinary fifth-level magicians in the wizarding civilization.

Considering Lu Lianman's abilities and characteristics, it is unlikely that the wizarding civilization would send her directly to the front lines of the battlefield.

On the contrary, it was Thane, because he completed several tasks relatively well. In the eyes of the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization, he was a "capable" magician.

There is no telling if there will be any dangerous and critical tasks at that time, and the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization will want to let him take over...

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

After saying some more words to his mentor, Thain said goodbye and left.

Before leaving, Lu Lianman grabbed Thain and gave him three golden apple potions in addition to a space magic device containing 500,000 green source seeds.

"Teacher, I don't need so many medicines. I went to the battlefield of the underworld star field, and I have your master and the others to take care of me."

"You, on the other hand, are alone in the Starfield battlefield of the Beholder World. You must pay attention to your safety." Lu Lianman said, stroking her long green hair.

Thain clenched the golden apple potion and green source seed in his hand, said nothing more, and finally nodded heavily.

"Then we'll see you in the underworld star field, mentor!" Thain said.

"Yeah." Lu Lianman smiled.

After leaving the Holy Tower of Origin, Thane quickly led his Ashes Holy Tower Army to arrive outside the wizarding world.

The Ash Fortress, which had suffered heavy damage in the previous war, was almost repaired at this time.

With enough magic coins invested, at least it looks like new!

With the outbreak of civilized war, various war supplies have become increasingly scarce and their prices have risen in the Wizards Alliance.

However, ordinary war supplies have not become scarce for the major holy towers and knight halls in the wizarding world. On the contrary, they have more abundant supplies than before.

Including the price of repairing the space fortress in Thane, it has also been reduced by one-third compared to before the outbreak of the civilized war.

This should be caused by the policy tilt of the entire wizarding civilization, and it is a macro-level control.

Not only did he repair the space fortress, but in the years since he returned to the Wizarding World, Thain also ordered more than a dozen light prism fortresses, hundreds of war airships, and more magic cannons, mechanical bees and other weapons from the City of Steel.

Except that the Light Prism Fortress was not purchased in full, and in the end only seven Holy Towers of Ashes were sold.

Other war-type magic weapons, such as war airships, basically complete transaction orders in full.

The gathering of the slave biological army is indeed a shortcoming.

In the end, Thain only plundered another one million elite worm legions in the worm world, and brought with him about 300,000 dark creature legions and 200,000 elite centaur legions.

Considering that the legion under his command was still a bit small, Thane purchased another 500,000 low-level cannon fodder from the Wizards Alliance in the name of the Holy Tower of Ashes.

These slave cannon fodder from the Wizards Alliance are certainly not as good as those raised by the Ashes of Thane itself.

But there is no other way. Elite slave creatures cannot be easily bought at this juncture.

The rotten plaster can just pull out the pus. Thain didn't expect those slave creature cannon fodder to have much effect.

Their greatest use is to reduce the losses of the Ashes Holy Tower Magician Legion.

Pointing to the depths of the starry sky, Thane said: "Let's go!"--------------------

PS: Xiaodou is still on the train and still writing. There will be another update later~

Xia Ya's extra story has been posted to the Gongsong account. Brothers who are interested can check it out, but it's actually nothing.

Related extras in the future will be updated on Gongsong account~

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