The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,483 The secret of robot upgrades

After a hearty battle, with his brain cooled down again, Thane walked to the bed and drank the unfinished green potion juice that the little fox girl Ajieli had sent before.

On the bed, Ajieli was still in a comatose state.

With her body curled up, a fiery red tail swung in front of her, showing that I felt pity for her.

Lying side by side with Ajieli was Yuli.

But after all, she is a fourth-level creature, and she has followed Thain for body refining experiments all year round. Yuli is not like the little fox girl who has been completely tortured and lost her strength.

Seeing that Thain had stood up again, Yuri struggled to sit up, but was stopped by Thain.

"You go ahead and rest for a while, I'll go do some experiments."

"You said before that this energy amethyst can upgrade the intelligent robot family?" Thain looked at the purple crystal that was also placed next to the bed. asked.

"Yes, I found it in the laboratory before..." Yuli said softly.

Thane's laboratories in the Tower of Ashes were many, hundreds of them.

There are those specially used for pharmacy experiments, as well as those for body refining, alchemy, and fire element and light element magic research, etc.

The alchemy laboratory alone can be expanded and divided into more than a dozen different large-scale research laboratories.

Several of the research laboratories focus on the study of the mysteries of mechanics.

Energy Amethyst is a product of the Gallente Federation's technological product Rubik's Cube. Although it has been upgraded and strengthened by wizard civilization in recent years, including Thain, it has also been improved and modified a lot. However, most of the time, the Rubik's Cube is still used more by Thain. Those mechanical research laboratories.

Since it is a mechanical research laboratory, there are naturally some of Yuri's accessory golems, and even redundant robots placed in a corner of the laboratory!

Yuli's accidental discovery is that energy amethyst can upgrade and strengthen intelligent robots!

Many of the low-end robots in Thain's laboratory were made smart by the Rubik's Cube.

They are more useful than ordinary magic puppets.

Because of its intelligence, it can accept some extremely complex instructions.

When the little fox girl Ai Jieli usually cleans Thain's laboratory, she is followed by several low-level intelligent robot servants to help.

In his early years, Thain had considered purchasing some beautiful orc or half-orc female slaves from the orc world to serve him - Thain did not resist enjoyment.

But after he frequently participated in wars and various experiments, he gradually forgot about it.

Now it seems that these intelligent robots are more suitable to serve Thane in his laboratory than ordinary beautiful female slaves from other worlds.

Because Thain often conducts experiments, it may last more than ten years, and even longer in the future.

The same goes for participating in a war in a foreign land. Decades or hundreds of years can easily pass by.

If you buy some female slaves with lower life levels, they have not been tamed for a long time. With their low life level, they may grow old and die after only a few uses, and you will have to buy new ones by then.

Far less "durable" than the intelligent robot family.

It's a pity that Thane currently only has one humanoid intelligent robot, "Linda 2", which was brought back from the Gallente Federation.

This Federation robot with the appearance of an angel is also one of the few low-level robots in the Holy Tower of Ashes that has unlocked intelligence.

Compared to ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ Compared to those block-shaped or battleship-type intelligent robots, Thain, who was born in the wizarding world, is obviously more pleasing to the eye with humanoid intelligent robots.

The Norman Federation, a member plane of the Wizards Alliance, has extremely proficient artificial human technology.

Including during the Alliance Conference, Thain also saw many level four and above artificial beings in the Norman Federation delegation.

From the appearance point of view, those artificial humans are not much different from the humanoid creatures in the aesthetic and cognitive habits of the wizarding world.

Perhaps even because they deliberately catered to the wizarding world, those artificial humans of the Norman Federation, regardless of their male or female appearance, were all made to be extremely handsome.

What's more, there are other effects...

The artificial humans of the Norman Federation are essentially robots, and they should also be able to be unlocked by the Rubik's Cube.

Thinking of this, Thane was thinking about the energy amethyst and said to Yuli on the bed: "When Ajieli wakes up, you ask her to find Meili and order a batch of female-looking artificial beings from the Wizards Alliance. I am usually responsible for the cleaning and cleaning of the laboratory."

"There is no need for Ajieli to keep doing menial jobs. Compared to the cleaning work, I hope she can grow more as a shaman," said Thain.

"Well, I will relay these words to Ajieli." Youli said.

Thain nodded, held the energy amethyst in his hand, turned and left: "Then I will go back to the laboratory first to see what the situation you mentioned is like."

In the laboratory, Thain frowned slightly as he looked at a gray low-level intelligent robot lying sideways in front of the experimental table.

At this time, Thain no longer had the previous desires and impulses, and his brain was particularly rational and calm.

As robots are man-made products, it stands to reason that there is an "upper limit" to how high they can grow.

When it leaves the factory, it depends on what level the robot is and its combat power.

Unlike intelligent creatures, they can complete evolution through acquired hard work.

Before that, the robot family's strength could only be improved by rebuilding it, or by equipping it with new, more powerful weapons and equipment.

The last time the wizard civilization gave Megatron, the leader of the intelligent robot clan, a world-class secret treasure, a high-frequency shock wave blade, to enhance Megatron's strength in the form of external force.

If intelligent creatures can gain strength and rapid advancement by taking the golden apple and other heavenly and earthly treasures‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏.

Then the energy amethyst that appears in Thain's hand is the "golden apple" that belongs exclusively to the intelligent robot family!

Considering that before this, Thain's Rubik's Cube has shown its ability to repair damage to the intelligent robot family.

Comparing it to a golden apple is quite appropriate.

The gray low-level intelligent robot in front of me could only be compared to a high-level magic apprentice in terms of combat power before. It was the kind of small role that was only qualified to do odd jobs in Thain's laboratory.

But after getting a small piece of energy amethyst cut by Thain, Thain found that its metal shell had become a little darker in color, and its strength had also jumped to the first level!

The first level of power is nothing in Thane's eyes.

What surprised Thain was how could this intelligent robot complete the transformation of its power level without the blessing and upgrading of external forces?

Including in the Gallente Federation star field before, what principle does the Rubik's Cube use to repair the damage of those intelligent robots?

These are the mysteries that Thane hopes to explore and unlock!

Thain is not a mediocre person who only knows what is happening but does not know why.

When he completely unlocks these mysteries, there is no doubt that Thain's mechanical level will once again usher in a wave of transformational improvement.

However, at this stage, what Thane can directly use is that these energy amethysts should have a great effect on the intelligent robots of Cybertron and Yuri's Flame golem!

Blessing low-level robots is nothing. If it can have an increasing effect on advanced intelligent robots above level four...

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