The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1482: Weakness (Additional update)

After returning to the laboratory at the top of the Holy Tower, the first thought that came to Thain's mind was that he should recruit some top magicians.

The Ashes Holy Tower has been developing for a long time since its establishment.

The Holy Tower is gradually getting on the right track, and the number of apprentices and official magicians is steadily increasing.

In addition to Meili, there are also several other third-level magicians.

Two of them, Thain, at the suggestion of Meili, were also given the position of deputy dean of Holy Tower College.

But the demigod-level magician has always been one and a half sections of the Holy Tower of Ashes in Thain.

There are many demigod-level powers under Thane, but they are all slave creatures or shady characters.

If a holy tower wants to prosper and develop, in addition to Thain, the tower owner, suppressing everything, it also needs a few good helpers to assist him in developing the holy tower.

Meili is a good person in managing and coordinating the affairs of the Holy Tower, but because of this, her cultivation and truth exploration in recent years have fallen behind. few.

If the Ashes Holy Tower can have one or two demigod-level magicians sitting in the tower today, it will not require the tower master Thain to personally take action. With the various magic restrictions of the Holy Tower Academy and the holy tower authority granted to them by the tower owner Thain, they can Enough to suppress the troublemakers directly! Or get kicked out of the Holy Tower!

When Thain just brought Xia Ya back to the Holy Tower Laboratory, his expression was still extremely angry.

But after a while, his mood returned to normal.

Xia Ya deserves to be Natalya's mother, mother and daughter are simply carved from the same mold.

After noticing that Thain's face had returned to calmness, Xia Ya had the courage to ask Thain: "Uh, you shouldn't be angry anymore, right?"

"It's not that I have to do it in the Holy Tower, it's that guy who makes me intolerable!"

"What a toad, he also wants to miss me, a swan." Xia Ya said angrily.

When I did something wrong, not only did I not blame myself or feel guilty, but I found an excuse and looked very reasonable.

Xia Ya's performance left Thain stunned.

But because of this, Thain was in a daze and couldn't help but think of his wife Natalya.

When he first got married to Natalya, that rough female knight would always make trouble for Thane, especially Thain's laboratory was made a mess, so that later Thain strictly prohibited Natalya from getting close to his. laboratory.

It was also at that time that Natalya always made excuses for her behavior.

"Because I want to be close to you."

"Oh, what's the point of doing those boring experiments all the time? Let's do something more interesting."

"Husband, look at the leather clothes I'm wearing today. Is it sexy or not?"


Looking at Xia Ya in front of me, in a daze, it seemed that the looks of Natalya and Xia Ya gradually overlapped.

The two women are really similar. They both have long red hair, are tall, have healthy wheat-colored skin, and the muscles in their arms, thighs, etc. also look very strong.

When Thain got along with Natalya in the past, he rarely paid attention to some of her details.

I rarely even think about her.

I still remember that during the relatively long period of time when he was living in the continent of Faerun, Thane thought more about Lina who was far away in the Black Realm.

Why is it that now that Natalya is lying unconscious in an ice coffin, Thain often thinks of this wife who has caused him a lot of trouble?

Some things and some people can only be cherished after they are lost.

Thane couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

With his mental willpower, of course he would not mistook Shaya for Natalya.

He just... sighed with emotion.

Raising his hand to untie the fire element chain that bound Xia Ya, Thane walked toward another compartment deep in the laboratory‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏.

"Follow me," Thane said.

Xia Ya rubbed her wrists and waist. When Thain used the power of fire to control her before, he had used some strength.

She is still in some pain.

But what Xia Ya paid attention to was Sean's brief absence and sigh just now.

Few people would understand Thane, but Xia Ya understood it at that moment.

I saw her asking; "Do you miss my daughter?"

When Thain heard this, his body trembled.

He did not answer Xia Ya's question. After two seconds of silence, Thane said: "Although you have reached the qualitative transformation period to be promoted to a fourth-level knight, you are still short of an opportunity, including the fact that the flame energy in your body is not sufficient."

"In my opinion, the most common and direct way to improve the Law of Fire is to cause qualitative changes through quantitative changes."

"I will carve some special flame runes on you to help you accumulate more flame power and control them."

"Besides, although I cannot directly teach you the mysteries of the Jade Fire Tempering Body in my master's sect, I can use specific Dou Qi skills to run the circuit into it. I wish you a helping hand." Thain said.

Xia Ya was confused when she heard what Thain said, and she said "Oh" at the end.

This woman, like her daughter, knows that Thain will definitely not harm her. Regardless of whether she understands or not, she is just at the mercy of Thain.

But when she followed Thain into the secret compartment, she looked at the entire wall of experimental equipment, as well as a special experimental chair and experimental platform.

Xia Ya couldn't help but take a half step back, swallowed her saliva and asked, "Can you try another method?"

Thain, who had already started preparing the experimental equipment for use, glanced at the other party and said, "No.


For details, please see the official account

After the long-running experiment, Thain was sweating all over, and Xia Ya was even more exhausted.

Dense flame inscriptions appeared on Xia Ya's body, and at this time Xia Ya had maintained her Bator Demon transformation.

The hard demon scales were as soft as goose feathers in Thane's hands.

Seeing that Thain had already started to pack up the used experimental instruments, Xia Ya asked feebly: "Is it over?"

Thain replied: "Yeah."

After a while, Xia Ya said in a low voice: "Can you please don't tell this matter?"

Originally, the two of them had done nothing, but looking at Xia Ya's weak look at this moment, and then thinking of some of the scenes during the experiment, a ball of evil fire emerged from the body again.

Turning his head away calmly, Thain replied: "Yes."

After walking out of the Tempering Laboratory, Thane let out a long breath.

It seemed that he wanted to exhale all the excess anger from his body.

The little fox girl Aijieli, who was wearing a maid outfit, had carefully taken a glass of green juice and handed it to Thain. At the same time, she gently wiped Thain's cheek with a towel.

Thain enjoyed Ajieli's service very much, and the little fox girl also knew that Thain would drink a glass of special magic potion juice every time he conducted a mind-consuming experiment.

It not only soothes the mood, but also helps restore mental strength and magic power.

Seeing the beautiful figure of the little fox girl, Thain, who had not done anything for several years, suddenly felt like rising from the fire.

One hand directly touched the little fox girl's round buttocks and sensitive tail. The little fox girl's face suddenly turned as red as her tail from embarrassment.

"Let's go to the lounge." Thain said as calmly as possible.

"Yes." The little fox girl replied softly.

On the way, considering the weak body of the little fox-girl orc shaman, he probably wouldn't be able to last long.

Thain used his mental power to transmit messages and called Yuli over in another laboratory in the Holy Tower.

Yuri is tinkering with the energy amethyst that Thane gave her to dispose of the records.

When Thain notified Yuli to come over, Yuli, who happened to find something, excitedly took the energy amethyst and came to Thain's lounge.

She opened the door and said excitedly: "Master, I seem to have discovered another use for this amethyst..."

What appears in the bedroom is another scene. -------------------

PS: In the next two days, I will publish a side story about Xia Ya on the Gong Cong account. It has no edging, violence or bad guidance. It has nothing to do with the plot of the main text. If you don’t read it, it will not affect the subsequent plot. Moral people should stop.

There are currently 10,431 monthly tickets, and 95 more chapters need to be added~

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