The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,484 Level 4 Peak

"It's such a mysterious law and truth." Thain sighed with his eyebrows twisted.

"In the future civilized war, I should find a way to apply to the Wizards Alliance to add intelligent robots such as Megatron and Optimus Prime to the legion and move them around the battlefield where I am."

"I wonder which battlefield those smart robots are in now?"

"The civilized war situation is so anxious, and the fighting in the underworld star field is still fierce. Those intelligent robots should have already had combat missions assigned to them." Thain said.

The Rubik's Cube has the ability to produce energy amethyst, and Thain then handed it over to Yuli.

A large number of elemental crystals of various series, as well as the non-attribute energy blocks that Thain captured on the frontline battlefield, were all input into the Rubik's Cube by Thain at all costs during this period.

Rubik's Cube's production of energy amethyst has also experienced a surge during this period.

In addition to the part of the Flame that was handed over to Yuri for absorption, other more energy amethysts were temporarily accumulated by Thain.

A small piece of energy amethyst can drastically improve low-level intelligent robots, but for intelligently constructed golems like the Flame that have reached level four combat power, the improvement effect is not so obvious.

After absorbing a lot of energy amethysts and reaching an energy saturation state, the strength of the Lieyan's golem was only increased by a small amount.

However, this is already pretty good.

At least for intelligent robots, this is a new evolutionary direction!

The discovery of the energy amethyst and the development of new abilities for the Rubik's Cube are undoubtedly a major joy for Thain in recent times.

Another good thing is that Xia Ya's qualitative change period of impacting level four is very stable.

Maybe it was Xia Ya's incident that reminded Thain.

Then Thain took time to care about Lenna again.

Lenna did not reach a very deep level in understanding the power of law like Xia Ya did.

However, after a period of in-depth research and communication by Thain, he determined that Lenna had actually entered the qualitative change period of impact level four.

Suddenly there may be two more reliable fourth-level knight helpers, and Thain's mood has improved a lot.

Xia Ya and Lenna are both extremely reliable helpers for Thain, and they know each other well after thousands of years of getting along.

Lenna is Thain's woman, and Xia is Thain's mother-in-law. No matter whether they build a knight's hall in the future or

Continuing to rely on the development of the Holy Tower of Ashes will be of great benefit to Thane.

Regarding Lenna's body training plan, Thain also made extremely detailed plans in the following period.

Lenna's physique is far stronger than Xia Ya's, so there is no need to apply those high-intensity body tempering experiments on Xia Ya to Lenna.

What Lenna lacks is the ability to understand the power of the laws she controls.

At present, the fighting spirit attribute that Lenna possesses is earth fighting spirit, and the power of earth law... Thain has really never been involved in it.

In addition to the laws of earth, Thain had a vague feeling that Lenna seemed to have touched part of the laws of power.

Her amazing brute strength is the best proof.

Thain has only come into contact with two existences that master the laws of power so far.

One is the Hercules of Faerûn who has been killed‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏. The godhead of the other party is now used as a gift by Thane and given to Lenna.

Another person is Tourmaline who has an excellent relationship with Thain.

It's a pity that Tourmaline also left the Holy Tower of Ashes after Thain left last time.

She said that she wanted to find her sister, apply for a legion, and also participate in the civilized battlefield on the front line.

But Thain has now withdrawn from the front lines of the civilized battlefield to rest, and Bixi doesn’t even know where he has gone...

It should not be in the wizarding world, because Thain can't sense Tourmaline's breath.

You're not really going to a frontline battlefield somewhere, are you? Thain looked at the vast starry sky and couldn't help but think.

"In the next period of time, you can often hold the Hercules Godhead and understand the power of its laws."

"Hercules is not a powerful god. You don't have to follow his old path, just learn from it."

"My expectations for you are much higher than those of that mere Hercules back then." Thain said to Lenna.

"Oh." Lenna agreed.

Usually, Lena would do whatever Sean said.

After looking at Lenna up and down for a long time, when he saw the white waist and perfect figure that she had recently maintained, Thane said calmly: "I think it might help you to eat back your body shape. Promoted to level four."

"Oh, ah?" Lenna looked up at Sean in surprise.

"It may not be correct, but I think evolution is the instinct of biology, and appetite is your biggest desire."

"Since you don't have such a deep understanding in the field of studying laws, it is better to pursue your original intention directly."

"You can do whatever you want, and I won't interfere with you in the next period of time." Thain opened his hand and said.

Lenna looked at Thain with a puzzled and thoughtful face. After confirming that what Thain said was true, she said to herself: "Chasing your true heart?"

After formulating a training plan for Lena and others, Thain also took the time to help Selina, Erin, and Meili solve the confusion about recent experiments.

Including the cultivation methods of the Huya people mastered by Gamora and Gamora, Thain also pondered and observed them for a while, but did not get many useful results.

Not every experiment will yield results.

Compared with others, Thain's own path of exploring the original laws has not fallen behind in these years.

Thain could feel that the rest period given to him by the wizard civilization would not be too long.

Sean previously thought that after completing his infiltration mission into the Gallente Federation, he would have a rest period of about a thousand years.

Now it seems that he is overthinking.

The complex civilized war situation, as well as the fierce battles in various frontline star fields in recent years, have left few legions in the wizarding civilization idle.

Basically, they are sent to the front line to fight. After returning for a period of rest, new combat orders will be issued.

The occurrence of this situation, and the atmosphere of civilized war that Thain personally experienced, gave him a vague feeling that the wizard civilization was in a hurry, and seemed to want to make every effort to advance the direction of the civilized war as quickly as possible.

The layout of the general direction of civilized warfare is not something Thain can consider at this stage.

After being in the Holy Tower of Ashes and conducting 57 years of retreat experiments and deep meditation, Thane finally broke through the shackles of knowledge and power, and reached the peak state of level four!

It was also the second year after Thain had just reached the peak of level four. An old friend visited the Holy Tower of Ashes again.

The person who came to visit Thain was Midic, a fourth-level magician who was very kind to Thain during his apprenticeship.

Master Midici came to say goodbye to Thane this time. He will then lead the Enlightenment Holy Tower Army to join the frontline battlefield.

Apparently, Master Midic went to the underworld star field battlefield.

"I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect you to have surpassed me so much now." On the top of the Holy Tower, Midic couldn't help but sigh as he looked at Thain who was faintly exuding the pressure of the fourth level peak element. -------------------

PS: I took the train today and it was a tiring journey. There are only two updates in the morning~

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