The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,481 Punishment (Additional update)

At this time, an extremely rare knight battle was taking place in the Holy Tower of Ashes.

As a Holy Tower organization, the Ashes Holy Tower has a dedicated battle platform designed for healthy competition among apprentices or to resolve the personal grievances of formal magicians and above.

Magicians are human beings, and there are frictions and conflicts of interest in daily life.

The battle platform of the Holy Tower of Ashes can accommodate up to a third-level magician to fight in it.

It’s just that few people use it.

But at this time, the battle taking place in the Holy Tower of Ashes did not occur on a battle stage with a special protective magic barrier, but took place directly in the Holy Tower!

Two fighting spirit barriers, one red and one yellow, appeared in the outer area of ​​the battle site between the two sides.

However, in order to avoid accidental injuries, many magicians onlookers have added defensive magic shields around them.

Among the magicians who are watching, there are even many apprentices on the outermost edge!

These apprentices were actually the most excited.

Because a battle like this between demigod-level experts is not something you can easily see.

Some apprentices who were still studying magic knowledge in the Holy Tower Library rushed here excitedly at the invitation of their friends and classmates.

Fortunately, it is still the school term at Holy Tower College, and most public classes are still in progress.

Plus not all official magicians are that boring.

So when Thain flew over the fighting area, the situation had not completely gotten out of control.

Looking at the two people fighting below, Thain's face looked a little sad.

It is not only the relationship that is disturbed by the experiment, but also other factors...

The ones currently fighting were Xia Ya, who had turned on the demon transformation form, and Cleese, who had also turned on the hill giant transformation.

These two guys were quite measured in their actions, at least they weren't rushing to tear down Thane's Holy Tower of Ashes.

Xia's Baator demon posture now maintains a height of two meters in human form, and Cress's hill giant is also very restrained, with a body size of only five meters.

Neither of them were at their strongest in their heyday.

Let’s not talk about Xia Ya’s Bato Demon, but Kress’s hill giant transformation is extremely special.

The hill giant is obviously an earth-based energy creature, but the powerful giant transformed by Knight Clais still has a line of red lava solution on each shoulder.

From a distance, it looks like two tattoos.

Thain was naturally extremely angry for causing trouble in his holy tower.

Even if Xia Ya is his mother-in-law, she can't completely erase her fault.

And it can be seen from many details that Xia Ya seems to be the one who takes the initiative.

It was said to be a battle at this time, but in fact it was more like a one-sided attack by Xia Ya. Clais, who had turned on the bloodline of the Hill Giant, crossed his arms in front of him and continued to resist Xia Ya's attacks.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me, why do you have to do it?" Demigod Knight Kress was still shouting towards Xia Ya who was flying at low altitude.

At this time, Xia Ya wielded the heavy sword with one hand, slashing hard at Kress on one side, and on the other hand, in another devil's claw, she continuously condensed lava blasting balls and hit Kress.

Dense explosions and fierce fighting energy appeared in this battle area.

Not only were stones flying in front of Knight Clais's arms, but large ravines were also drilled into the surrounding solid white floor of the Holy Tower.

When the two demigod-level knights took action, they did not notice Thain who had arrived above the battlefield.

Including all the magicians who were watching in the Holy Tower of Ashes, no sign of the tower owner was found.

Thain's concealment skills are becoming more and more proficient.

Regarding the reason for the fight between the two demigod knights, the surrounding magicians had more or less guessed something about it.

Some magicians had kind and teasing smiles on their faces.

In addition to experimental research, such entertainment programs have not been seen for hundreds of years.

Many magicians watched it with great interest.

Faced with Knight Clay's statement, Xia Ya acted even more quickly.

When Natalya was in the Knights Hall of Steel Wall Fist, she and Lenna were called the "Female Tyrannosaurus".

Lenna's character is that if you don't provoke her, she won't cause trouble for you.

But Natalya is different. Sometimes she takes the initiative to stir up trouble.

That is to say, after marrying Thain, Thain was able to hold her firmly.

Most of Natalya's character is inherited from her mother, Xia Ya. It can be imagined that Xia Ya was definitely not easy to mess with when she was young!

Today, Xia Ya couldn't stand the many persistent stalkings of this Knight of Kress.

After I gave birth to my daughter, I did calm down a lot, but you guys think I am easy to bully? !

Natalya, who was in the period of qualitative transformation into a demigod-level knight, took advantage of some recent troubles to break out one after another, and recklessly attacked the Knight of Clais in the Holy Tower of Ashes.

The battle between the two demigod knights was evenly matched at the beginning.

But as Xia Ya's attacks became faster and faster, the evil forces mobilized...

The process of the power of the demonic flame becomes smoother and smoother.

Kress, who was always known for his strong protective power, was gradually overwhelmed.

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

At this time, most of the magicians from the Ashes Holy Tower who were watching were watching the fun.

Only a handful of people, including Thain, saw some of the clues.

Thain originally appeared in this chaotic battlefield angrily, but when he focused his attention on Xia Ya who was in the center of the battlefield, especially the power of the law of fire that was flowing obscurely around him, Thain, who was in a state of rage, couldn't help but sigh. A voice: "Huh?"

When he first appeared here, Thain could immediately stop the two of them.

But in the end he stared at it for a while longer.

The more obvious look of anger on his face gradually dissipated.

Instead, there was a hint of surprise and a touch of joy.

In any case, it is a small thing for Xia Ya to show signs of being about to hit level four.

Compared to the addition of one more level 4 warrior, the destroyed area of ​​the Holy Tower of Ashes is nothing worth mentioning.

Thain, who was sure of Xia Ya's situation, did not continue to sit back and watch the battle this time.

The majestic tower master's aura instantly appeared around the battlefield, and a large curtain condensed with the power of pure flame elements shot towards the two people from top to bottom.

The arrival of the fourth-level power caused all the magicians who were still watching to express fear and admiration.

Especially those magicians who participated in the Radiation Arc World War. Some of them had seen Thane display his tyrannical power from a distance.

"Fighting for no reason and breaking the rules of the Holy Tower!"

"Get out of the Holy Tower and pay for the damage to the Holy Tower!" Thain's strong spiritual voice echoed inside and outside the Holy Tower of Ashes.

The astonishing flame curtain condensed directly into a net, wrapping the demigod knight Kress into a ball, and then threw it outside the holy tower like garbage.

Of course, Thain will not let him go easily. Then Meili and others will come forward on Thain's behalf and ask for sufficient compensation from the demigod knight Kress before the restrained power in his body can be removed.

As for Xia Ya, another demigod knight, her body was pinched by Thain's flaming palm and she couldn't move for a long time.

"Hmph!" After snorting coldly, Thain left the place.

Including Xia Ya in the flame palm, she also struggled and was taken away from this place.

As the biggest instigator of this battle, many holy tower magicians speculated that the demigod-level female knight who struck first would be punished even more by the tower owner.

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