The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,480 Energy Amethyst

Throwing aside the towel soaked with sweat, Xia Ya immediately entered the cleaning room of the Holy Tower room where she was.

The cool water gushing from the water element formation gradually calmed down Xia Ya's somewhat hot mood.

While washing her body, Xia Ya thought that she could go and communicate with Lenna.

As both demigod level knights, the two of them usually have many topics to talk about in common.

It's just that the power of laws involved and the methods of blood transformation between the two are completely different. Lenna should not be able to give Xia Ya any advice on promoting to the fourth level.

It would be best for Xia Ya to find a level 4 or above expert who is good at fire laws for help.

"Go back to the Steel Wall Fist Knight Hall and ask? Or ask the family for help?"

"I don't know where in the wizarding world there is a top expert who is good at the demonic flame law." Xia Ya pondered.

After cleaning up her body, Xia Ya, wearing a suit of fiery red armor, walked towards the outside of the Holy Tower‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏.

This armor was made by Thane who took the time to build it for her in the past. It also used the scales of the Fire Cricket God.

The defensive battle in the radiation arc plane was so fierce that by the end of the war, Xia Ya's armor was covered with scratches.

Returning to the wizarding world this time, Thane had not had time to repair this set of artifact-level armor for Xia Ya.

However, Xia Ya took good care of the armor herself.

It is not surprising that a knight appears in the Holy Tower of Ashes.

The Land of Ashes is tolerant. A large number of knights and magicians from other regions come to the Holy Tower of Ashes every day.

When they headed to the star field where the Beholder World is to participate in the war, the army of half a million dark creatures that followed them at the same time also caused the knights and magicians in the Land of Ashes and surrounding areas to have different attitudes towards the dark creatures in the underground world. Great changes.

After all, we used to fight side by side and put our lives in each other's hands. For dark creatures, now the magicians of the Holy Tower of Ashes don't shout and kill at every turn.

In the trading area outside the Holy Tower, you can even see individual dark creatures and demi-humans.

These dark creatures and demi-humans have also integrated into the business circle of the Holy Tower of Ashes.

In the future, there should be more and more scenes of such harmony and integration.

Xia Ya, who was carrying a heavy sword on her back and had not yet stepped out of the Holy Tower, couldn't help but frown.

A guy who disgusted her appeared in front of Xia Ya again.

Demi-god knight Kress, a powerful figure in the Hall of Whirling Feather Knights, has fought side by side with Xia Ya and others in the Radiant Arc World for many years.

There is a lot of trouble at the widow's door.

As early as during the Radiation Arc World War, the demigod knight Kress had a lot of contact with Xia due to cooperation on many missions.

Later, this demigod knight found out about Xia Ya from somewhere.

She has been divorced and her ex-husband has passed away.

So he launched a fierce pursuit of Xia Ya!

During the radiation arc world battlefield, this guy acted extremely low-key and restrained.

After all, at that time, everyone's main focus was on war missions, and the first priority was to survive.

But after the crisis in the radiation arc world was resolved, Knight Cress looked for an opportunity and boldly revealed his feelings to Xia Ya.

Of course, as expected, Knight Clais was coldly rejected.

But as an earth-based fighting spirit knight with extremely strong defense, Knight Clais was also very thick-skinned. He insisted on stalking and fighting, and gradually began to pursue Xia Ya fiercely.

In summary, the Knights of Clais should be regarded as knights of both earth and fire elements, but the power of earth element fighting spirit accounts for a bit more.

The mastery of the power of dual-system fighting spirit, and both of them have touched a certain level of law, is enough to show the strength and talent of this Knight of Clays ‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏.

In the Hall of Feather Knights, Kress is strong enough to rank among the top three!

The residence of the Whirling Feather Knights Hall is quite far away from the Land of Ashes.

After returning to the Wizarding World, this Knight of Kress came all the way to the Holy Tower of Ashes to pursue Xia Ya.

The family of Knight Clais is very powerful, even more powerful than the Ernst family.

Moreover, Kress also has direct relatives and children. He had two wives in his early years, once before the first level, and once during the second level.

The first wife died of old age. The lives of lower creatures are so fragile.

His second wife died in a plane war. Knight Clais, who was also seriously injured at the time, was very lucky to survive.

Knight Cress felt that he and Xia had a lot in common, and during the war, Xia Ya also had many personalities that attracted Cress, reminding Cress of his last wife.

It is not Kress's character to retire in obscurity after experiencing one failure.

He wants to show his sincerity to Xia Ya.

A large handful of fiery red dragon blood coral was carried in front of him by the strong Kleis.

The size of this dragon's blood coral, seen from a distance, is almost as large as a small rockery. What's more important is that it is extremely fiery red, with rich flame energy factors rippling in all directions.

This is a treasure that has great appeal to fire knights and magicians above the demigod level. It is an extremely precious law material.

When Knight Clais appeared in the Ashes Holy Tower holding this rockery-like dragon-blood coral, countless Ashes Holy Tower magicians and other creatures passing by stopped to look at it.

Xia Ya looked very bad at this time.

"What do you want to do?" Xia Ya asked.


Inside, Thain and Yuri looked at a clear purple crystal with great curiosity.

Since the year before last, Thain's mental power and magic power have reached a stage of qualitative change. The previous ten years of in-depth meditation and unremitting experimental research have had their effect.

Thain is only one step away from reaching the peak level of level four.

This is the height that his body has reached without resorting to external force.

Originally, according to the normal steps of development, Thain should continue to explore the secrets of the law in depth and realize his transformation and progress.

But last year, a report by Yuli forced Thain to escape from his breakthrough in cultivation.

It's a world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube, and there's been a slight change.

In the past few years, Thain has also conducted alchemical research on the Rubik's Cube and carved many elemental circles on the surface of the Rubik's Cube.

He even tried to solve a third of the Rubik's Cube.

The in-depth study of the Rubik's Cube has been Thain's daily experimental plan for the past few years. He has carried out all experiments in parallel, with no obvious emphasis on any one direction.

The strange changes in the Rubik's Cube caught Thain by surprise.

After reviewing the experimental notes and annotations, Thain determined that the Rubik's Cube would condense this purple crystal, which was the result of the fusion of energy and the quenching of the power of law.

Over the years, the crystals condensed from the surface of the Rubik's Cube have become larger and larger, almost as big as a thumb.

Thain discovered that if the elemental energy of the Rubik's Cube is increased, the condensation speed of this purple crystal will also be significantly increased.

"What do you think about this crystal?" Thain turned to ask Yuli.

After following Thain for so many years, Yuli also understands a lot of things, and she is not just a novice.

Facing Thain's question, Yuli shook her head in confusion.

On the other hand, the Flame Demon Doll behind Yuli flashed its yellow electronic eyes and said actively: "Master, I want to devour and absorb it."

Yuli's Flame Demon Puppet has become self-intelligent after being transformed by the Rubik's Cube. She is now considered a living creature.

Regarding the expression of the Flame, Thane raised his eyebrows and did not immediately agree to her.

Instead, after staring at the purple crystal for a long time, based on the properties of this crystal and the detection information that Thain had about it, he said: "Mark this crystal and name it 'Energy Amethyst'. "

"Regarding the research on energy amethyst, a special research room and corresponding time schedule will be opened up." Thain said to Yuli, who was acting as an assistant.

"Yes." Yuli nodded and wrote the matter down.

While Thain was still carefully observing the properties of the energy amethyst, a slight turmoil suddenly came from outside the holy tower, causing Thain to frown.

"What happened outside?" Thain looked towards the outside of the holy tower.

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