The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,479 Opportunity for Promotion

This incident that happened in the teaching building of Holy Tower College was just a small incident.

But in the end, many people heard about it, including Thain, the tower owner.

Thane heard this from Dean Meili.

After listening to Meili's talk about the apprenticeship training program of the Holy Tower College in the latest quarter, Meili talked about it like a casual chat.

"Magic apprentices below the first level are weaker and less able to withstand the environment of the alien plane. If they go to the battlefield in an alien land, I am afraid that just the suppression power of the alien plane will be enough for them to suffer a lot."

"After all, the magic apprentices in the wizarding world are not the cannon fodder of slave creatures and legions of alien creatures driven by our control. It is impossible for the top leaders of the major holy towers and the wizarding world to make the decision to let them participate in the frontline battlefield."

"Only when you reach the first level of life level or above can you be a qualified battle mage."

"That first-level magician Falk has a good education method. You can reward him with a magic coin later." Thain said to Mellie.

"Okay." Meili nodded.

After Meili left the tower master's office, Thane breathed a sigh of relief and then walked towards his laboratory.

After all, Spider Queen Rose's divine clone failed to solve the problem of Natalya's sinking consciousness.

On the contrary, Rose was very curious about Lu Lianman collecting soul fragments and trying hard to keep Natalya from dying completely.

If Natalya were not Thain's wife, Rose would probably treat this rather special body as a specimen and study it.

Although Rose embarked on the path of belief and becoming a god, due to various reasons of her adoptive father and biological father, and because she grew up in the environment of the wizarding world, many of her behavior styles are also very characteristic of magicians in the wizarding world. .

From a certain perspective, Rose can be regarded as a combination of a sixth-level evil god and a sixth-level black magician.

This is also a major factor in her physical strength.

Regarding Rose's idea of ​​meeting Lu Lianman, Thain's mentor, to get acquainted with her.

Thain shook his head and refused without hesitation.

What a joke, how could Thain introduce Lu Lianman to Rose.

In Thain's eyes, mentors have always been synonymous with purity, kindness, justice, and generosity.

Being acquainted with Rose, who has a lot of tricks and is relatively shady, may not be a good thing for Lu Lianman.

Thain is also worried that his mentor will be led astray...

After arriving at the underground laboratory of the Holy Tower of Ashes, Thane once again

Plunge into the in-depth exploration of the laws of the power of fire.

Thain had already figured out the key point of combining the blue fire and light elemental laws during the Beholder World War. Now is the time to verify and analyze it.

And Thane also has to consider directly converting this secret of truth into his own combat effectiveness.

The search for truth takes no time.

Two years later.

Thain in the laboratory raised his right hand, and an element diagram with a complex star array appeared directly in front of him.

Dense blue elemental beams shoot out from the elemental array, densely packed, and the rate of fire and frequency are extremely high.

In front of Thane, as a test of the experimental power, they were: an outer alloy deck of the Gallente Federation reinforced frigate, the remains of a level 5 giant mecha, and the wizarding world's traditional test of magical power‎‏​‏‏ ​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏Test stone.

The results of the experiment were very successful.

When the power of blue fire is integrated into the law of light, as a hybrid law attack method, both the power and the energy consumption of the magician are greatly improved compared to the past.

"According to the test results, this kind of magic attack, in addition to having huge penetrating power against the Federation's metal shell, is also integrated into the laws of light. It is also very effective against the AT energy stance that the Gallente Federation Fleet Legion often supports. The effect of breaking conventions.”

"Next time on the battlefield, when I face the Gallente Federation fleet group and giant mechas again, I will be able to be more calm." Thain said while touching his chin.

The current experiment came to an end for the time being. Thain thought for a while and then went to conduct the Jade Fire Tempering Experiment.

The Gallente Federation star field breakout battle and the radiation arc world defense battle both proved how much advantage a fourth-level magician would have on the battlefield when he also had an extremely powerful physique.

For no other reason than to increase his survivability, Thain would persevere in training his body.

It was the constructor Yuli who assisted Thain in the jade fire tempering process.

After that, she will also assist Thain in researching and upgrading alchemy and alchemical golems.

Thain is really a busy man, and his experimental meditation plan is also very busy.

It seemed like it had been a long time since he had been intimate with the women at home.

More than ten years later.

Xia Ya walked out of the physical training room that day and wiped her sweat-stained body with a towel.

She used the family's secret method to cultivate fighting spirit, and she also underwent long-term physical training experiments arranged for her by Thain.


Xia Ya gradually felt that... she seemed to be about to reach a breakthrough opportunity.

This is a very mysterious feeling. As a knight, Xia Ya can't express what this feeling is like.

She is now a demigod level knight. If she breaks through again, what level can she be at?

In terms of the time it took to become a demigod, and the strength she possessed in the demigod stage, Xia Ya was not as good as Lenna, who had titles such as "Meat Grinder", "Female Tyrannosaurus" and "Hammer of Meat Mountain" on the battlefield.

Including Lenna getting the most help from Thain.

After all, she is his own woman. In addition to creating many artifact-level equipment for Lenna, Thane's physical training requirements for Lenna are also more cumbersome and detailed than Xia Ya.

Some of the more in-depth body training processes can only be enjoyed by Lenna alone.

But the world is so wonderful.

Lenna, who has higher potential, stronger combat power, and receives more resources and attention, did not take the opportunity to advance to the fourth level before Xia Ya.

The reason why this is the case should be a matter of understanding.

Lenna's mind is still too one-dimensional.

Although Xia Ya was also a tomboy in the past, through various performances and past deeds, it can be seen that she thinks more than the average person.

The characteristic of a demigod knight is that he has just begun to touch the power of the law, while the characteristic of a fourth-level creature or above is that he has complete control over such laws.

The power of the law is mysterious and mysterious, and it is indescribable.

When Thain was promoted to the fourth level, he was unable to find a way. Fortunately, he had the knowledge passed down in Mask of the Formless and the personal guidance of his master Cuilis.

The fact that Xia Ya has reached this point without the guidance of a higher-level knight can only show that she has a high level of understanding.

Recently, Xia Ya has been more hesitant about whether she should tell Thain about this.

With Thain's status as a fourth-level magician and his erudite temperament, he should be able to help Xia Ya a lot.

I have to say that Xia Ya admires her son-in-law in her heart now.

The vast majority of creatures are strong-willed, and there is no shame in this.

With his family severely damaged and his loved ones lost, it was Thain who held up the backbone and led his Holy Tower Legion to the battlefield of the Beholder World.

The number of beholder-like creatures killed is in the millions!

It's just that Thain has been really busy recently, and Xia Ya hasn't seen him for a long time, and she can't talk about her cultivation difficulties.

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