The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,478 Young Apprentice

As the civilized war becomes more and more intense, major holy towers and knight halls are joining the front lines of the civilized battlefield, and the demand for low-level knights and magicians will also become greater and greater.

Magicians pay more attention to the exploration of the truth. War and destruction are not the things that knowledgeable spellcasters are passionate about.

However, considering the details of the civilized war, whether it is the top powerhouses in the wizarding world who are extremely intelligent and forward-looking, or middle-level holy tower owners like Thain, they all realize the importance of potential seeds.

The purpose of adding a series of courses including "Basic Knowledge of Plane Warfare" is to better accompany a group of magicians who are specialized in war.

Thain is selfish, because doing so will undoubtedly affect the infinite possibilities of a magician's future development, making him more inclined to utilitarian war.

But Thane and other high-level wizards in the wizarding world had to do this.

Survival is the fundamental prerequisite for everything.

Sufficient war potential and reserve supplementary power can allow the wizard civilization to deal with civilized wars more calmly.

And at this stage, it is true that only formal magicians of the first level or above in the wizarding world will accept recruitment from major holy towers and knight halls to participate in civilized wars.

But who can guarantee that there will not be apprentice-level forces forced to go to the battlefield in the future.

People, always consider the worst possible outcome.

From Thain's point of view, it is not a bad thing to let these little guys in the Holy Tower feel the cruelty of plane war and various dangers that need to be paid attention to in advance.

The original intention of Lord Thain of the Holy Tower of Ashes was to make the apprentices of the Holy Tower realize the cruelty of war in advance and encourage them to delve into the mysteries of magic.

However, after the series of Holy Tower courses were promoted, the vast majority of Holy Tower apprentices did not seem to realize how dangerous the plane war was. Instead, they all looked eager to try it!

Moreover, the extremely stressful competitive environment of the Holy Tower of Ashes has also made these Holy Tower apprentices more aware of the importance of profound resource wealth.

And the biggest benefit brought by civilized war is the grabbing of huge wealth!

Almost every magician from the Holy Tower who returned from the war had his personal wealth doubled or tripled in just thirty years or so!

Some even obtain wealth more than ten times or dozens of times.

Lucky ones and favored ones are never in short supply in plane wars.

"Ding bell!" Another burst of bells rang from the teaching buildings of the major holy towers.

The first-level magician Falk is stuck when the bell rings.

At that moment, he shared his magic textbook.

The vast majority of magicians are masters of time management. At Ashes Holy Tower Academy, there are almost no cases of leaving early or being delayed.

The teaching magician will not waste an hourglass of his time after class.

Only for those direct disciples, formal magicians will devote more efforts and time.

In this kind of common classroom...these teaching magicians only complete the tasks of the academy.

However, after today's class, a small episode occurred.

I saw a young apprentice with yellow hair walking up to Falk and mustering up the courage to ask: "Master, can I participate in the war?"

This yellow-haired apprentice looks to be in his teens, still a half-grown child.

He is just a low-level magic apprentice, and he has only been at Ashes Holy Tower Academy for a few years.

But this child is the most active group of magic apprentices in the public classroom.

I really don’t know how he, who is only a low-level magic apprentice, gets good seats in the front rows of the classroom every day.

From some details, Falk could tell that this low-level magic apprentice's family background was probably average. The material of his magic robe had turned a bit white due to too many cleanings.

Falk also worked his way up from an ordinary apprentice to what he is today, so he can feel it more clearly.

Facing the immature inquiry of this low-level magic apprentice, Falk sneered.

He seemed to remember the fierce battles in the radiation arc world battlefield, so he shook his head and said coldly: "No!"

Falk's answer aroused laughter from many apprentices around him. They were laughing at the low-level apprentice for not overestimating his abilities.

Among the magic apprentices in the public classes, there are many outstanding students who have reached the level of advanced apprentices. Even they are not qualified to go to the plane battlefield, so this low-level apprentice is nothing.

Master Falk's indifference and the mocking laughter of the surrounding classmates made this little first-level apprentice's face turn red.

He chanted magic spells as if arguing, and soon a small orange fireball appeared directly in front of him.

"Master, you see, I can release secondary fireballs."

"Two months ago, I also went to the Demonic Jungle to the west of the Holy Tower to perform a mission with the seniors and senior sisters, and also injured a monster!" The junior apprentice argued as if he was offering a treasure.

Among low-level apprentices, this little guy can achieve this level, which is already very good.

But Falke only

He just raised his head and glanced, and the small fireball that was originally encouraged by the low-level apprentice went out with a "whoosh".

The consequences of the elemental backlash made the low-level apprentice's cheeks pale, and a large amount of cold sweat oozed from his forehead, accompanied by a splitting headache.

Falk did not deliberately target this little guy. If he was serious, this little guy should have directly transformed into a human-shaped torch, not just an elemental backlash.

Facing the low-level apprentices who suffered from the backlash of the elements, as well as the other students of the Holy Tower Academy who were paying attention, Falk looked around with the magic textbook in his arms. After pondering for a moment, he said: "The apprentice-level elemental power you have mastered is still too great." Weaker.”

"In the wizarding world, you may be able to injure low-level monsters, but once you leave the wizarding world, how much power will you have left?!"

"Apprentices who have studied ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Apprentices who have studied 'Plane Science' and 'Starry Sky Science' should know that there is no air in the star realm. Just like that time A super fireball, if it goes to the star battlefield, can it still be successfully condensed?"

"Only when you reach the level of a formal magician or above, you can directly use the power of elements to condense fireballs and other attack methods in the star realm."

"Only by becoming a formal magician or above can one adapt to the cruel environments of the star world and the worlds of various planes!"

"So, study hard. Only by being promoted to a formal magician or above can you contribute to the Holy Tower Academy and be truly qualified to explore the mysteries of this world." First-level magician Falk said earnestly.

The surrounding apprentices who were watching the joke all fell silent at this time, looking thoughtful.

Falk took one last look at the low-level apprentice who collapsed on the ground due to the backlash of the elements, and said: "This radiation stone is my collection in the radiation arc world battlefield. Its radiation power is about At 20 degrees Celsius, average mid-level and low-level apprentices may not be able to withstand it at close range for a long time."

"I give it to you, hoping you can understand something." Falk said calmly, and a thumb-sized light yellow radiation stone flew into the hands of this low-level apprentice.

The radiation power factor possessed by the radiation stone caused many low-level apprentices around them to consciously spread out at a certain distance.

On the other hand, the low-level apprentice, while enduring the pain of mental backlash, firmly held the radiation stone that had caused great pain to his arm and did not let go.

The performance of this low-level apprentice made Falk, who was already planning to turn around and leave, take another look at him out of the corner of his eye.

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