The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,465 Falk

Falk is a first-level magician in the Holy Tower of Ashes.

He comes from the Ebalut Empire.

He was not an unlucky child kidnapped by a black magician, but an exchange student sent to the Holy Tower of Ashes from the beginning of his apprenticeship.

However, Falk's background was not a good one. He was just a child from a civilian family in the Magic Empire. He was sent to a certain Empire's public magic academy because his mental strength was qualified.

Magic apprentices from noble families usually go to private schools or the more advanced Holy Tower Academy.

Only children from civilian families who have no connections will be sent to imperial public schools.

Falk was very lucky. After just one year of enrollment, he caught up with the policy and was sent to the Holy Tower of Ashes as an exchange student.

Moreover, Falke studies hard and has been performing well since coming to the Holy Tower of Ashes.

After ‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏ experienced a regional Holy Tower Academy war and achieved 16th place in the Holy Tower, it didn’t take long before he was successfully promoted to the first level.

After being promoted to an official magician, Falk signed a long-term contract with the Holy Tower of Ashes.

There is no way around this, because most of the magicians cultivated by the Ashes Holy Tower are of ordinary origin.

On the premise of enjoying various welfare policies of the Holy Tower, these magicians who have been successfully promoted will naturally have to bear corresponding obligations.

The principle of equal exchange has been instilled in the minds of these magic apprentices since their first class in the Holy Tower.

Falk has no ill feelings toward the Holy Tower of Ashes. On the contrary, he, like most Holy Tower magicians who have just been promoted, is full of gratitude to the Holy Tower of Ashes.

For this reason, he brought his family and relatives who were far away in the Aibarut Empire to the Land of Ashes.

A small magical family, with a first-level magician as its backbone, took root in the Land of Ashes.

Falk is just a relatively ordinary member of the many official magicians in the Holy Tower of Ashes.

In the years since Thane established the Holy Tower of Ashes, the overall caster atmosphere and surrounding area environment in the Land of Ashes have indeed undergone earth-shaking changes compared to a thousand years ago.

The rules of the Holy Tower and Knights Hall in the Wizarding World are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Holy Towers are scattered all over the Wizarding World. There are even Holy Towers built in special environments such as the underground, ocean, snowy mountains, and deserts.

In addition to suppressing plane nodes and other functions, it is estimated that the higher-ups of the wizard civilization have another deep intention, which is to hope that these holy towers can civilize the wild lands in the surrounding areas.

Let the creatures in the wizarding world live in a prosperous world of magic.

In the sky, "Boom!" artillery fire and elemental beams exploded, making this dark plane suddenly light up.

Falk, wearing a black magic robe, hurriedly flew out of a magic bunker and finally entered a magic leaning tower not far away.

This magic tower was not originally tilted.

However, because it withstood many blows from the firepower of the Gallente Federation ships, it was knocked sideways.

A thin yellow radiation shield appeared around this magic tower.

No one knows how long this magic tower can last, just like Falk doesn't know when he will fall.

The Radiant Arc World War was the first dimensional war that Falk participated in.

In the past, when he was at Holy Tower College, Falk had heard some seniors talk about their war experiences in the world of worms.

Falk had also imagined what a plane war would be like, but he did not expect that a real war would be so painful.

When they first came to the Radiant Arc World, under the leadership of the wise and mighty Holy Tower Master, the Ashes Holy Tower Legion was unstoppable. In just three years, it basically eliminated the resistance in the Radiant Arc World.

At that time, Falk believed that plane war was nothing more than that.

Although there were some casualties in the Holy Tower of Ashes at that time, lucky Falk was not injured at that time.

Falk, who has always been under the dual protection of knights and slave biological legions, did not suffer even minor injuries. On the contrary, after the war, he received a lot of magic coin rewards, including himself, who also collected several precious bodies with quick hands and eyes. Specimens of beholder.

Falk thought he would always be so lucky.

It turns out that he thought too much.

When Falk lowered his body and entered the Magic Leaning Tower, waves of low coughs came from the control room in the tower.

The control room of this magic leaning tower is set up on the second floor.

It was originally on the seventh floor, the highest, but it had been blown down...

In fact, this magic tower can only be used below the third floor, and many of the magic arrays and magic equipment above the third floor have failed.

Falk has studied both formation law and alchemy. This is the norm among civilian magicians, who want to dabble in everything.

Because I can’t afford ready-made ones

, you can only make it yourself.

It's a pity that Falk has no way to repair this crumbling magic leaning tower. It's not that he lacks knowledge and ability, but that he doesn't have the materials on hand to repair the magic tower...

"Master Nimitz, I'm here to take over from you. You can go back to the bunker and rest for 500 hourglasses." Falk whispered.

The coughing sound just now came from Nimitz in the control room.

This is an old man with gray hair and beard, and a bit sloppy.

Master Nimitz is very old, almost 700 years old. Among first-level magicians, he is also considered an elderly magician.

I heard that he came from the Belen Empire and chose to join the Holy Tower of Ashes because of its favorable recruitment conditions.

When Master Nimitz was young, he traveled to many places in the wizarding world.

After coming to the Radiant Arc World battlefield, Falk had a good relationship with this first-level magician because he often teamed up with him. He liked to listen to Master Nimitz introduce himself to the wizarding world and individual wizards. Travel experience in the alliance plane.

Falk, who is only in his early 150s this year, has not yet left the Holy Tower of Ashes and has officially begun his journey of travel and growth.

Before coming to the radiation arc world battlefield, Falk had only been to the White Sand World under the control of the Holy Tower of Ashes when he had just broken through the first level, and had conducted a three-year garrison rotation mission.

The quality of the magic crystals produced in the White Sand World is so high... Similar alien plane garrison missions are a waste for many holy tower magicians with little knowledge.

"Master Nimitz, you should clean up the excess radiation factors in your body. I still have a few pieces of wood leaf grass here." Falk was in the magic tower control room when he saw Master Nimitz curled up in front of the console. , couldn’t help but say.

Master Nimitz was physically weak, not only because of his age, but also because of the old and new wounds caused by the war.

Many of the main energy sources for these magic towers built in the radiation arc world are the power of radiation.

It's okay for a young magician like Falk to hold on.

But for elderly first-level magicians like Master Nimitz, just a small amount of radiation power factor inadvertently emitted by the magic tower is also a relatively heavy burden on their bodies.

"It turns out it's Falk, you're here." Master Nimitz opened his eyes at this moment, looking at Falk for a long time with cloudy and tired eyes before saying.

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