The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,464 Persistence

Martini Knight is much older than Thain.

He was even older than Lu Lianman, and seemed to be forty or fifty thousand years old.

The lifespan limit of level four creatures is generally difficult to measure.

It is easy to live for tens of thousands of years. For a very few people who pay attention to health, it is not impossible to live for more than ten or two hundred thousand years.

Being older gives Martini Knight a wider network of contacts operating in the wizarding world.

As both a fourth-level knight, Tex is much younger than Martini, and he doesn't have as many "friends" and "brothers" as Martini.

After experiencing the Radiation Arc World War this time, Martini Knight obviously regarded Thane as his savior and his dead brother.

Some words that were too formal were not something that a knight like Martini could say.

After arriving at Thain's laboratory, Martini patted his chest and said, "If Master Thain needs anything in the future, just call me."

"Even if it's a business that involves death, I won't frown."

"My life was saved by you, Master Thain!"

The Martini Knight's words were so direct that for a moment, Thain didn't know what to reply.

Saving Martini was more about saving Thain himself.

After a few words of relief to the Martini Knight, Thain sent him outside the laboratory.

Nowadays, the war in the radiation arc world is still very tense. Level four strong men like Thain and Martini basically cannot rest for a few days.

Thain has just withdrawn from the frontline battlefield, and he will be back soon.

The beholder legions in the beholder world are okay, mainly the Gallente Federation fleet legions, which are tireless and have launched fierce attacks on the radiation arc world in recent years.

Thain also has to be careful of those federal fleets and drag them down directly by destroying the plane.

The radiation arc world has experienced so many years of fierce wars, and the plane's carrying capacity has long reached its extreme.

Thane even regretted destroying the core of this world.

But who knew that the subsequent war would develop like this, and he did not major in astrology.

"Martini Knight also brings these two potions."

"The war zone you are stationed in is equally important. You must not let the Gallente Federation fleet get close to that area.

At the node of the plane, the radiating arc world may soon be unable to hold on. "Sain said after putting two potions into Martini's hands.

These two potions were refined by Thain himself in the past two years. Except for the most precious golden apple potion, all the high-end stocks Lu Lianman gave him were completely consumed.

The Martini Knight naturally knew what Thain was referring to. He was more experienced than the Tex Knight. When he saw this, he also said with a serious face: "Don't worry, I will definitely guard there!"

Having said that, the Martini Knight said with some emotion: "Thankfully you are the one stationed with us in the radiation arc world this time. If not, we might not be able to hold on long ago."

"If I can survive until the Wizard Civilization reinforcements arrive in the end, I will be very grateful, including the old brothers on the Chapter of Knights. If Thain‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎Master, you will If you find it useful, all you need to do is give us a shout and we will give you our full support!”

Martini has joined a force called the Chapter of Knights, which is similar in scale to the Gate of Elements established by Master Thain.

It would do no harm to Thane to be friendly with these knights, but he just nodded indifferently at this moment.

There is no need to say too much. We will consider everything after the wizard civilization support army arrives.

After seeing off the Martini Knight, Thain returned to the laboratory and continued to repair the magic robe in front of him.

The main material of this magic robe comes from the magical spider silk of Spider Queen Rose.

Speaking of which, Thain hasn't been in contact with the Spider Queen for several years, and he doesn't know where she is now.

There is also Lina, who is far away in the Black Territory and has successfully been promoted to level four. What secret mission did she go on with the Master of Cangskeleton Tower?

Thinking of this, Thane sighed softly.

Before Thain could rest in the space fortress for a few days, there was news that a powerful federal warship appeared on the front line, causing Thain to go to war again.

The Gallente Federation apparently also discovered that Thane, who has a world-class secret treasure at his side, is a tough guy.

Thain encountered life and death crises twice before and was forced to take golden apple potion to save his life. This was because he was surrounded and suppressed by the Federation's fleet group that was comparable to level five combat power.

Fortunately, the fifth-level beholder who arrived in the radiating arc world has been restrained by the King of the Huyans.

Otherwise, Thain's situation will be even more difficult.

When Thane went to battle, Yuri, driving the Flame, also boarded the battlefield again.

For the past twenty years, Yuli has been inseparable from Thain.

Thain has another world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube. Although it cannot directly provide Thain with blessings on the battlefield like the Maskless Mask, fortunately, it can be used to construct a magic doll for Yuri's Flame and repair wounds from time to time. .

It is this pair of master and servant who are frequently on the front line of the battlefield that keeps the front line of wizard civilization from being broken.

The Martini Knight is right. The fact that he has been able to survive this battle until now is largely due to Thain.

When Thane arrived at the battlefield again, what appeared in front of him was a dark swarm of federal fleets and drones.

The dilapidated land below was covered with countless metal remains and the flesh and blood of biological corpses.

This war is like a bottomless pit, constantly devouring the lives of creatures on both sides.

Although the Gallente Federation has a large number of drones, the number of their soldiers who fell on this battlefield will not be small, and those federal warships also need to be controlled and piloted.

The only thing that makes Thane a little regretful is that the radiation arc world does not have too many low-level robot cannon fodder legions.

Otherwise, he could use the Rubik's Cube to try to instigate them.

Another huge interstellar fortress slowly appeared from behind the Gallente Federation Army.

The diameter of this interstellar fortress is no less than that of the space fortress in the wizarding world.

This is the first time Thane has seen such a fortress on the battlefield of the radiation arc world.

The moment he saw the other party, Thain's heart sank again.

The appearance of this giant interstellar fortress naturally heralds the arrival of new support troops from the Gallente Federation.

Thain couldn't help but look towards the sky on the other side. High in the dark sky, there were only thick black smoke pouring from some metal debris.

No wizard civilization support legion arrived.

Even Thain didn't know how long they would last.

The magic wand in his hand was clenched again, and a large sea of ​​​​exploding fire descended on the battlefield in front of him during Thain's spellcasting chant.

Several incredibly powerful energy beams shot out from the diagonal side of Thane, aiming directly at the most eye-catching Federation star fortress.

It was Yuri who was coming to Thane's aid.

As this pair of master and servant frequently participated in wars, their cooperation became more and more tacit.

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