The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,466 Nimitz (additional update)

Konophylla is a low-level magic material that can absorb trace amounts of radiation factors from living organisms. What's even more valuable is that it happens to be produced in some of the gaps in the earth's veins in the radiation arc world.

It's just that the output of Konoha has been very low, and as magicians with garrison duties, Falk and others cannot of course leave their garrison too far to collect this special material.

The wood leaf grass Falk had on hand was the only inventory he had left.

First-level magician Nimitz has always taken care of Falk, so giving the old man two pieces of wood leaf grass would not make him feel bad.

Hearing Falk's words, Nimitz glanced at him, then shook his head with difficulty and said: "Leaf grass should be left to young people like you. My old bones may not last long‎ ​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Time, don’t waste these magic materials..."

Master Nimitz's words were very pessimistic. Falk had known him for so long, and this was the first time he felt that his aura was so heavy.

However, Falk soon noticed that there was some yellow radioactive acid water flowing in Master Nimitz's abdomen.

An injury of this degree cannot be solved by just a few pieces of wood leaf grass. Master Nimitz must get special medicine for treatment as soon as possible.

"Are you injured?! I will contact the fortress now and send someone to replace you. Master, please go back to the fortress to recuperate first." Falk said in shock.

Master Nimitz's injuries were obviously caused by being hit in the waist and abdomen by the energy beam of the Federation battleship.

As for the radioactive acid water, it was because the wounds had not been treated for a long time, and mutated and suppurated under the heavy radiation environment.

Unlike Falk's shock, Master Nimitz was still able to hold his own.

He lowered his head and glanced at the injury on his waist, as if such a serious injury was not his, and whispered: "I went to repair the magic circle outside the magic tower before, and was hit by a ray that came from nowhere. Fortunately, It didn’t hit a vital point, so it’s not a fatal injury.”

Nimitz has a deep knowledge base in the field of magic tower use and maintenance.

Falk learned a lot while rotating with the opponent to garrison this magic tower.

The most important thing for magicians in the wizarding world is the inheritance of knowledge.

Although Nimitz and Falke did not have a master-disciple relationship, Falke had to accept the other's favor.

Falke took out the crystal ball and quickly began to contact the Ashes Fortress.

At this time, the color of the surface of his crystal ball was dim and uncertain.

Since the war broke out in the Radiant Arc World with the Gallente Federation and the Beholder World Alliance, the communication methods of the knights and magicians on the battlefield in this dimension have been greatly affected.

Not only is Thain and others unable to contact the outside world, but the communications of the low-level knights and magicians in the plane are also often interrupted.

This is the normal state of war with a top civilization like the Gallente Federation. If it were a battle against ordinary low-level, micro-planes, the environment of the wizard civilization army would not be so bad.

However, Falk and Nimitz may have had better luck today. It didn't take too long, and Falk actually contacted the Ashes Fortress.

However, the communication process was always intermittent during this period. Fortunately, the combat headquarters of the Holy Tower of Ashes approved Nimitz’s magician rotation application and stated that another first-level magician would be sent to replace Nimitz immediately. .

After Falk completed the communication application, Master Nimitz opened his eyes and looked at him for a long time.

The old man opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he sighed softly and closed his mouth again.

Magicians are generally emotionally reserved, and sometimes they won't express their gratitude on the spot.

Just as Falk supported Master Nimitz and was about to walk down the magic tower, a series of violent turbulence and elemental energy rays broke out in the surrounding area.

This is the Gallente Federation Legion launching another attack. Not to mention that Master Nimitz cannot leave, Falk must devote all his attention to controlling the magic tower.

So the two returned to the control panel of the Magic Leaning Tower again.

The magic leaning tower where Nimitz and Farkle were stationed was relatively far back on the nearby battlefield.

In front of them, there were no less than a thousand slave creature cannon fodder and more than twenty knights stationed.

The mission of Nimitz and others is to use this magic leaning tower to provide limited fire support to the knights and slave biological legions on the front line.

one after another

The dark yellow radiating magic beam is the main attack method of this magic leaning tower.

In terms of power, the energy of such a radiation beam is almost comparable to a full blow from a second-level creature.

On the battlefield, it can be considered a good help.

In addition to this radiation leaning tower, there are also many magic bunkers, magic cannon groups and other fortifications scattered on the surrounding battlefield.

Some talented Holy Tower magicians can even build a base defense position using the wreckage of a crashed war airship.

In the absence of resource supplies, almost everyone maximizes their potential.

When Nimitz and the two appeared in front of the console, the blurry elemental light screen did not capture the Gallente Federation's warship for the time being.

After a long time, Falk, who has keen observation, discovered a battle in the lower right corner of the elemental light screen.

It was not far from the leaning tower where Falk and others were located, and it seemed that the federal army had broken through the front position composed of slave creatures.

The battle that Falk saw was part of a battle between a Level 2 Summoner and a federal giant mecha amid the smoke.

The second-level summoner was wearing a blue robe, and the giant federal mecha in front of him was nearly seventy meters tall.

In front of the summoner, there were two summoned beasts with extremely serious injuries to assist in the battle.

Under normal circumstances, the second-level summoner is no match for the federal mecha.

The giant mechas of the Gallente Federation generally have combat capabilities above level three.

If it can only compete with the first and second level combat power, the Gallente Federation is not worth spending huge sums of money to build mechas, and it will also have to specially train mecha operators who can perform brain connection.

There are not many Federation mechas appearing in the radiation arc world battlefield. The main force of the Federation in this plane battlefield is still a variety of space battleships and drones.

After just briefly paying attention to the battle, Falk said in a deep voice: "We have to help him."

Master Nimitz's previously cloudy eyes seemed to become a little brighter now.

Looking at the battle scene on the elemental light screen, Nimitz nodded slowly and said: "It seems to be the magician of the Deep Blue Summoning Holy Tower. We really have to help him."

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