The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,463 Treatment

In the rest room of a black iron space fortress, Thain met the fourth-level knight Martini.

At this time, the Martini Knight had taken off his black heavy armor and was lying in a treatment cabin filled with green mucus.

Compared to the time when Thain first met this fourth-level knight more than 20 years ago, Martini seemed to have become much thinner, and his face was pale.

Dark red blood continued to seep from below the Martini Knight's chest.

The Martini Knight who was lying in the elemental treatment cabin at this time had only one-third of his body left to be precise.

From the chest down, it was directly wiped away by some external force!

Being able to hold on until now and still have one breath left can only show that this knight has a tough life.

However, Martini Knight can't hold on much longer.

He was not the only fourth-level knight who died on the front lines of the wizard civilization battlefield.

Not to mention the distant world, just in the radiation arc world where Thain and others are stationed, three wizard civilization level four creatures have died in the past twenty years.

They are a fourth-level lizard man elder and two fourth-level Huya people.

Regarding these fallen fourth-level wizard civilization creatures, it's not that Thain doesn't want to save them, but that Thain himself is on a battlefield elsewhere and has too much time to take care of himself, so how can he take care of others?

Including when Thain learned the news of their demise, it was also when they were withdrawn from the frontline battlefield to rest.

If the Gallente Federation and the Beholder World Army hadn't been pressing forward with astonishing power, Thane and other wizard civilization residents wouldn't have lost the outer defense line of the radiation arc world and the two star rings.

Of course, Thain and other wizard civilizations were seriously damaged, and the Gallente Federation and the Beholder World Army who took the initiative to attack did not get any relief!

So far, Thain has personally killed seven federal attack ships that threaten level four creatures!

There were countless other federal warships that were destroyed or severely damaged.

In other battlefields, I heard that there were two level four beholders, one dead and one wounded.

The person who killed that level 4 beholder was a level 4 Huya under the King of Huya.

This shows that there are talents among the Huya people. Thain knows that the fourth-level Huya man is named Bisuo.

As for the other level four beholder who was seriously injured, it was the Martini Knight in front of him.

It's a pity that although the Martini Knight severely injured the opponent, his own injuries seemed to be more serious, and now he is about to die.

The Gallente Federation and the Beholder World are invested in the Radiation Arc.

The offensive power around the area is obviously greater than that of Thain and other wizarding world defenders.

And the opponent's advantage is that there is a steady stream of follow-up support.

On the other hand, Thain and others only relied on their own strength to survive in an encounter.

Moreover, the strength of the Gallente Federation fleet group cannot be completely regarded as level 4 creatures.

In the concept of wizard civilization, only an entire federal war fleet with complete model and performance can be equal to a level four creature.

The several attack ships that Thain destroyed alone cannot be completely regarded as a level four creature.

Moreover, at a glance, the federal fleet is endless. Some ships with the highest attack power can only threaten second- and third-level creatures. They all focus their fire on Thain. Thain will also feel his scalp numb.

After all, on the battlefield, Thain's magic shield cannot protect himself around the clock and without gaps all the time.

The elemental law true body that the fourth-level creatures are proud of will also be at risk of collapse after its endurance reaches a certain threshold.

Therefore, this war is actually not easy to fight.

Both sides are trying hard to fight, and it depends on who can't hold on first.

When Thain appeared in front of the Martini Knight, the fourth-level knight didn't even have the energy to open his eyes and look at Thain.

He was indeed on his deathbed.

From the blood seeping out of his chest and certain power factors emitting from the ulcer, Thane could naturally tell that this was the power of the law of the fourth-level beholder at work.

But what's really serious about Martini Knight is that his life source is about to be exhausted.

In the process of fighting against the evil eye power of the beholder, the Martini Knight becomes weaker and weaker.

"Fortunately, I managed to hold on for a breath and returned to the Space Fortress."

"Otherwise, if like those three alliance creatures, I die directly on the battlefield, there is nothing I can do." Looking at the severely injured Martini Knight, Thain sighed, and then took out a golden apple from the space equipment. Potion.

The value of the golden apple potion is beyond the imagination of ordinary fourth- and fifth-level creatures.

Although it is not as precious as a complete golden apple, for fourth- and fifth-level creatures, it is definitely a treasure that can save their lives at critical moments.

Thain himself has personally experienced the effects of the golden apple potion!

To be honest, Thain was a little reluctant to give the golden apple potion to others.

No one can have too much of this life-saving thing.

Including Thain's own hands

Not having much money, he has taken two of the six golden apple potions he brought from the wizarding world in the past twenty years.

Otherwise, Thane would not be able to block the strong attack of the Beholder World and the Gallente Federation.

Among the major war zones in the radiation arc world battlefield, the area that Thane is usually responsible for is the most intense and critical war zone.

If he hadn't been there with perseverance, I'm afraid the battle in the radiation arc world would have been even more erosive.

It is also precisely because of this that Thain's personal prestige is exaggerated among the low-level wizard civilization legions in the radiation arc world battlefield.

Not only the magicians of the Ashes Holy Tower, but also the knights and magicians from other holy towers and knight halls, all expressed admiration and admiration when mentioning Thane, the master of the Ashes Holy Tower.

Sean is like the spiritual pillar of the wizard civilization army in this battlefield.

He must not fall down or show any signs of weakness!

Because he fell, the morale of the wizard civilization army in this war zone collapsed.

The golden apple potion was slowly poured into the Martini Knight's mouth under Thain's feeding.

At the same time, a touch of light elemental power emerged from Thain's hand. Under the action of light healing magic, the Martini Knight's body could better absorb the essence of the golden apple potion.

Among the two fourth-level knights in the Radiant Arc World, Thain usually has a better relationship with the Tex Knight, probably because the two have fought side by side for longer.

But at this critical moment, Thain couldn't care less about hiding his secrets.

Only by preserving more level four and above combat power can they have any hope of sustaining.

The effect of the golden apple potion is indeed extraordinary.

After Thain took out a golden apple potion, just three days later, the Martini Knight reappeared in front of him.

Including his body that was originally in a state of decay below the chest cavity, it actually recovered again.

Martini Knight is here to thank Thain!

Knights attach great importance to loyalty and friendship, and Thain undoubtedly saved him this time.

Although Martini Knight didn't know exactly what medicine Thain gave him.

But it can bring fourth-level creatures back to their full strength so quickly. You know it won't be an ordinary potion.

"You and I accept the assignment from the Wizarding Civilization to guard the radiation arc world together. The Martini Knight does not need to be so polite." Thain said to the Martini Knight who came to thank him.

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