The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,451 Advancement across the board (additional update)

When Thain flew to Tex and others, the two level four creatures in the radiating arc world had already cooperated with each other and escaped from here.

Thain's current state is not very supportive of him continuing to hunt down these two native fourth-level creatures.

Compared with Thain, the strength of Tykes and others is undoubtedly far behind.

Thain can kill a level four creature in just half a year.

But the battle between Tykes and others against the level four radiation creatures will have to be a protracted battle.

In fact, what Thain finally achieved was to capture him alive, which was more difficult than killing him.

At this time, the Level 4 Void Red Eye Demon is not dead, it has just been "destroyed" by Thain.

All the fleshy tendons were removed, leaving only one natal eyeball. This level four beholder could only be reduced to a specimen on Thain's experimental bench.

"Master Thain just came to the Radiant Arc‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏world and he captured a level 4 beholder. We are really impressed." Level 4 knight Tex stepped forward. sighed.

In fact, when this fourth-level knight saw that Thain had just arrived in the Radiant Arc World, he ordered all the legions to attack with all their strength. He was quite slanderous in his heart. Thain was "making nonsense" and thought that Thain did not have too many plane wars. experience.

But judging from the final result of the war, Thain does have the strength and confidence to "play nonsense"!

And the sooner we capture the Radiation Arc World, the better it will be for the Wizarding Civilization in setting up the surrounding battle situation.

I am afraid that even the world of beholders cannot imagine that the wizard civilization will send two level four beholders to support them in the radiation arc world in a very short period of time, one dead and the other captured.

No matter what the fourth-level knight Tex was thinking before, at least his performance in the war was remarkable.

Not only did they cooperate with Thain to launch the general attack, they also paid attention to Thain's safety and called on the other two foreign gods of the alliance to be ready to support Thain at any time.

At this time, facing the emotion of the fourth-level knight Tex, Thane stepped forward and used light element magic to cover many injured areas on Tex's body.

During the battle with the Level 4 creatures in the Radiation Arc World, many muscles and skin on the Knight of Tykes showed signs of atrophy.

Those two level four radiation creatures don't have much fighting power, but their abilities are very weird.

And the longer you fight them, the more negative effects you will suffer.

They are indeed two extremely difficult guys.

Thane is not good at healing magic, but he is obviously much more professional than the Tex Knight.


The light element helped the Tex Knight dispel many bad effects on his body.

Not long after, two other gods from other worlds also came closer.

Thain threw a few recovery potions to Knight Tekes and two other alien gods.

The one in Knight Tex's hand was given to Thain by Lu Lianman, and it has an excellent recovery effect.

The two alien gods from the alliance did not have such good luck.

What they got was the potion that Thain had refined during his previous stay in the wizarding world. The recovery effect was definitely not as good as that made by Lu Lianman.

Although most of the top recovery potions in Thain's hands are produced by Lulianman, Thain himself has not completely given up on potions.

Just like Thain himself is good at the mysteries of fire and light elements, but he will also take the initiative to dabble in the dark system, undead system, summoning system, mechanical system, etc.‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏ Same technique.

The more skills he has, the longer he stays in the fourth level, the more he realizes that the truths and knowledge of each lineage are interlinked with each other.

Sometimes changing your thinking and delving into other fields can also be of great reference significance.

The fourth-level knight Tex did not hesitate and drank the potion given by Thane on the spot.

The other two alliance gods seemed a little angry. They did not drink the potions given by Thain directly, but put them away properly.

It's not that I doubt that Thain will harm them, but that they feel that they have suffered such injuries and there is no need to waste a precious potion refined by a fourth-level magician of the wizard civilization.

The high-grade restorative potions of the Wizarding Civilization have been selling well in the Wizarding Alliance market.

Especially in the past thousand years, the price of related restorative medicines has risen again and again.

For some alliance gods with relatively narrow access, even if they have money, they may not be able to buy suitable high-grade medicines.

"I captured the fourth-level beholder alive. More than 100,000 elite beholder troops were destroyed. Two level-4 radiation creatures fled. The plane will of the radiation arc world was severely damaged. I think we can continue to order the major players in this low-level plane. The legion is advancing faster." Thain said to Tex and others in front of him.

Thain has used his absolute strength to establish the advantage of the radiating arc world, and he is also the person with the greatest say in the world.

The Tex Knight had no objections to this, and the other two alien gods from the alliance also nodded in agreement.

After dealing with a level 4 beholder, Thane went silent in the Radiant Arc world.

a period of time.

Plane war does not mean that creatures above level 4 will fight from the beginning to the end.

Thain also needs to rest and some injuries need to be dealt with.

However, the wizard civilization legion in the radiating arc world did not stop advancing during this period.

The entire low-level battlefield, plus the more than two million legions brought by Thane, and the army belonging to the wizard civilization, add up to nearly ten million.

In particular, there are still many magicians from the Deep Blue Summoning Holy Tower in this world. The summoned beast army in this Holy Tower is really capable.

One after another, starry sky summoning gates appear on various battlefields in the radiation arc world.

Thain had also observed the performance of these summoners at close range, and couldn't help but marvel at the profoundness of the astrology and space science involved in the summoning system.

This day ‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‎

It turned out that it was Tex and others who had something to discuss with Thane.

Putting down the scalpel in his hand, Thain asked Yuli to help him handle the experimental specimens, while Thain himself changed into another set of magic robes.

It is obviously not polite to go to see fellow wizards and civilized people with the extremely strong smell of blood and residual law factors on their bodies. Thain sometimes pays attention to these details.

At this time, nearly a year has passed since the war that Thane experienced after arriving in the radiation arc world.

Progress in all directions has been relatively smooth.

Especially two months ago, the Knights of Tykes and others cooperated with Yuli sent by Thain to severely damage a level four radiation creature.

It's just a little short of killing it.

It doesn't matter if the guy escapes in the end, the radiation arc world is so big, where else can it hide?

Including the three star rings on the periphery of the radiating arc world, all have been occupied by the wizard civilization army in the past year or so.

It is worth mentioning that the inner star ring that was cracked by Thane's forbidden spell magic did not collapse in the end.

But by virtue of the extremely special gravitational effect, the good luck is still hanging in the sky.

The low and broken half-star ring scene has become a unique spectacle in the radiation arc world.

"Do you know what Tex and the others want from me?" Thain asked Yuli, who was neatly helping him pack up the experimental equipment in front of the experimental table.

"It seems to be about the frontline battlefield." Yuli answered with a tilted head.

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