The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,452 Refuse to surrender! (Additional update)

Those two level four radiation creatures want to surrender!

This was the first news that Thain got after meeting with Tex and others.

Another news is that the Beholder World has once again sent a group of reinforcements to the more important Radiation Arc World!

It's just that before the wave of beholder reinforcements arrived around the radiation arc world, they were blocked by other wizard civilization legions on this star field battlefield.

At present, the opponent has no signs of breaking through the wizard civilization's blocking force line.

The two level four creatures that radiated from the arc world probably received this message and decided to give up their resistance and beg for mercy from the wizard civilization.

Speaking of which, many planes around the Beholder World, including the Radiation Arc World, are quite unlucky.

Before the Beholder World rebelled, they had no idea that the civilization they were attached to had changed their minds.

One moment he was a member of the Wizards Alliance, and the next moment he became a minion of the Gallente Federation.

Including during the rebellion, the fight against the wizard civilization army was almost carried out under the control of the beholder world.

This is the tragedy of a weak world civilization.

Sometimes the fate of the ethnic group cannot be controlled by oneself at all.

It is precisely because of this factor that after the wizard civilization began to purge the star fields around the beholder world, many weak world civilizations turned their backs again, hoping to return to the embrace of the wizard civilization.

For this part of the plane world, the wizarding civilization has only readmitted some individual planes.

However, most of the plane worlds that wanted to return to the Wizarding Alliance were met with the iron-blooded purge of the Wizarding Civilization!

Regardless of whether they were under duress at the time or there were other factors.

These alien creatures are stained with the blood of many knights and magicians from the wizarding world, and the evidence is conclusive.

For such creatures, wizard civilization will not show any mercy to them!

One of the advantages of the radiation arc world is that the radiation creatures in this world did not participate in the raids on the wizard civilization legions stationed in the surrounding star fields.

This makes their foundation look cleaner.

And the two level four radiation creatures also said that they were willing to be slaves, and even be branded as slaves of the Wizards Alliance.

The only request is to pray that the wizard civilization can free the thousands of creatures in the radiating arc world a way out.

Prior to this, the wizard civilization's attitude towards those alliance planes that had rebelled was completely wiped out without leaving a trace.

Such an iron-blooded attitude also makes other alliance members dare not have the slightest dissent.

The statements of the two Level 4 creatures in the radiating arc world, so far, are

More believable.

Because with their abilities, they would try their best to break through and escape from the mother plane, and there was a certain chance of success.

But so far, these two level four radiation creatures have shown no signs of breaking out.

And various details show that these two level four radiation creatures still care about their home plane and the people under their command.

It's no wonder that the plane will of the radiating arc world is stronger than many low-level planes that Thain has been to before.

"What do you think?" After arriving at the conference hall of the Space Fortress, Thane asked the people in front of him.

He mainly looked at the fourth-level knight Tex. In the larger war decisions in the radiating arc world, Thain also had to take care of Tex's ideas.

The fourth-level knight Tex's eyes were lowered at this time, which allowed Yuri to call Thain out of the laboratory. The fourth-level knight's will was of course inclined to accept the other party's surrender.

However ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ However, the fourth-level knight’s on-the-spot performance was very interesting. He replied: “I listen to your opinion, Master Thain. What do you think we should do? what to do."

After hearing Tex's answer, Thain looked at the two foreign gods of the alliance again.

These two foreign gods definitely don’t want to continue fighting.

Because they are weak in strength, and the ethnic groups under their command suffer heavy losses in the radiation arc world every moment.

If they continue to fight with determination, not only will they suffer a lot of losses, but their own lives may also be in great danger.

Since the outbreak of the Civilized War, not one or two alien gods from the Alliance have fallen.

I heard that because of the defeat in the Underworld Star Territory, the number of casualties among the foreign gods of the Wizards Alliance has exceeded four digits!

A large number of gods fell from the altar.

Become cannon fodder in the war between the two top civilizations, the Wizarding World and the Gallente Federation.

In addition, the two alien gods hope to accept the surrender of the radioactive creatures. Another factor is that these radioactive creatures were originally members of the Wizards Alliance. Now they have been destroyed under the suppression of the wizard civilization, which inevitably makes them feel a little sad. feeling.

Thain ignored the thoughts of the two alien gods. He didn't even give them a chance to speak.

After looking around, Thane said: "Although the radiation arc world did not participate in the initial attack on the wizard civilization stationed in the surrounding star field, the war in this low-level plane has lasted for nearly four years so far. years."

ps: Two and a half years of it were wars that had already occurred before Thain led the Ashes Holy Tower Army to arrive.

"I don't know what your losses are for the time being, but the latest data received by my Holy Tower of Ashes is that there have been 137 official magicians who have died.

Falling on this low-level battlefield. "

"How to calculate this bloody debt?!" Thain asked.

Compared with the hundreds or tens of millions of creatures that have died in the radiation arc world, the 137 magicians who fell in the Holy Tower of Ashes are somewhat unworthy of mention.

But the lives of knights and magicians in the wizarding world are more precious than the lives of ordinary creatures from lower planes and alliance member planes! There is no doubt about it!

In the eyes of higher creatures, the lives of lower creatures are just a series of numbers.

Plane war means using a bunch of numbers to win victory.

It is estimated that many powerful people above level 4 in the wizarding world also think so about this concept.

However, Thain now made a high-profile statement that the lives of the magicians under his command are precious, which was to explain his attitude towards the radiation arc world!

After listening to Thain's question, the fourth-level knight Tex was the first to express his opinion: "I agree to reject the request of the creatures in the radiation arc world to surrender!"

"When dealing with traitors, we should eradicate them all to serve as a warning to others!"

"In my Hall of Whirling Feather Knights, more than 1,200 knights have been killed so far, and the total number of injured knights has exceeded 5,000. This blood debt cannot be erased just because two level four radiation creatures surrendered!" Tex The knight said firmly.

After listening to Knight Tekes's statement, Thain smiled and said: "That's true. Even if only one wizard world knight or magician dies due to death, our wizard civilization must seek justice from our opponents, even if we let creatures above level four Pay with your life for it!”

The conversation between Thain and Tex almost settled the matter, and there will be no need to mention it again.

The alien gods of the alliance, Ice and Snow Crystal Silkworm, and the lizardman elders could only look at each other helplessly at this time, showing some regret, but also deeply feeling the fear of the powerful power and iron-blooded wrists of the wizard civilization.

This conversation between Thane and Knight Tex was later, somehow, spread to the low-level knights and magician legions in the radiation arc world.

In response to the two powerful men in the wizarding world's love for the low-level combatants, many magicians in the Holy Tower of Ashes have a stronger sense of identification with their own holy tower and a stronger sense of belonging to the wizarding civilization.

The cohesion demonstrated in the war was far greater than before.

In view of the weakening resistance of the indigenous creatures in the radiation arc world and the rising momentum of the fighting legions, Thain then personally went to the front line again!

Accelerate the end of the Radiant Arc world war. -------------------

PS: There are currently 8686 monthly tickets, and Xiaodou still needs to add 86 more chapters~

Double monthly pass on the last day, please~QAQ~

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