The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,450 Living Specimens

With the Faceless Mask providing data analysis, how could Thane not be able to see through this trick of the fourth-level beholder.

In fact, Thain discovered the clues as early as when he was chasing this level four beholder.

But he didn't show it, instead he ignored the other party's behavior.

The battles between level 4 creatures are pretty fucked up sometimes.

If you meet a guy who is dull and can only run, it will be difficult to kill him in a short time.

Unless you have an absolute advantage, surround the opponent, and then beat them to death.

Even so, the battle will not be short.

After all, the lives of level four creatures are very "hard".

The level 4 beholder on the opposite side is not very strong in escaping ability and flying speed, but this guy always runs to the rear of his own army, completely ignoring those who were attacked by Thain‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎ ‏‏‏Want to kill the ravaging bottom creatures.

Layer after layer of radiation power rushed towards the area where Thain was.

There were beholder beam attacks from all directions.

Unless this level 4 beholder takes the initiative to stop and fight Thain, the battle will take a long time until the end. It is estimated that Thain will need the support of other level 4 powerhouses such as Tex in the end.

"What a cunning guy."

"You are setting up a trap. Am I not prepared?" Thain snorted coldly and looked up at the sky.

The world-class secret treasure, the Formless Mask, exploded with astonishing power at this moment.

Complementing the law array arranged by the fourth-level beholder in the sky, the special array belonging to Thane's Maskless Mask also rose into the sky.

Unlike the fourth-level beholder, which requires the assistance of more than 100,000 low-level beholder legions and many demigod-level beholders to build a formation.

With its world-class secret treasure heritage, Thane's Phaseless Mask is enough to support a special magic circle that surrounds the opponent!

Having experienced the breakout battle in the Gallente Federation star field, Thane's use and control of the Mask were undoubtedly more proficient than in the past.

" actually a world-class secret treasure!" the fourth-level beholder said in horror.

After all, he is a former member of the Wizards Alliance, and as the Beholder World is a large plane, it must have more than one or two world-class secret treasures.

This level four beholder is somewhat knowledgeable. From this moment on, the pressure of law erupted from the Formless Mask has penetrated the opponent's essence.

In the previous conflict with Thain, although this level four beholder also experienced a prepared attack of its own, it was easily resolved by Thain who was at the end of releasing the forbidden curse.

But at that time, with the imagination of this fourth-level beholder, he did not realize that Thain used a world-class secret treasure to resolve the attack. He only thought that Thain had other means of protection.

At this time, the world-class secret treasure showed its power. This fourth-level beholder wanted to escape, but unfortunately it could not escape.

After finally retaining the other party, how could Thain be willing to let it go again!

The formation that Formless Mask erupted at this time was not lethal, but mainly had a trapping effect.

The special and mysterious magic array is superimposed on the array formed by the beholders in the sky.

One red and one white, from a distance, it seems to be the beholder‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏The array they condensed is larger, but the array formed by Thane Maskless Mask , it is more dazzling and profound!

The two layers of formations are superimposed on each other. Thain and the fourth-level beholder can't even think about running away now!

They can't leave the area covered by these two superimposed formations for the time being!

"歘! 歘! 歘!" Dense beams of light shot down from the sky.

Some of these beams are the evil eye beams released by the beholders with the help of the array, and others are the elemental beams stimulated by Thane's Phaseless Mask.

The energy beams, which were denser than raindrops, directly illuminated the sky around the battlefield.

At this time, we can only barely differentiate between ourselves and the enemy by color.

Most of the red energy beams are released by the evil eyes, which have extremely strong mutated radiation effects.

The white energy beam comes from Thane, which is the pure power of light element.

Master Jos, the maker of the Formless Mask, is himself a master of the light element.

In this dense energy rain, Thain was bearing the blow from the sky ray while rushing straight towards the fourth-level evil eye.

This time, this level 4 evil eye is unavoidable!

The appearance of the two-layer law formation also made Tykes, who had been paying attention to the battlefield where Thain was, look at each other with the other two alien gods who had come to support him.

They had previously seen that Thain had the terrifying fire element ability to fight against level five creatures, but they did not expect that Thain also made great achievements in the fields of formation science and the mysteries of the light element.

Yuli naturally has no obligation to talk to these witches

The master of civilization explained something. Although she followed Thain's instructions and did not come forward to help to avoid "scaring" the fourth-level beholder, Yuli was also very worried about Thain.

She wasn't worried that Thain wouldn't be able to defeat the level four beholder, she was just worried that Thain would suffer some injuries.

Even if it was just a little bit injured, Yuri would be heartbroken.

She cares about Thane more than her own life.

The war in the radiation arc plane has been at a fever pitch since Thane arrived with the Ashes Holy Tower Legion.

In terms of the intensity of the war, it was more anxious and crazier than before when the fourth-level peak summoner Baron was around.

The two layers of astonishingly powerful law formations that appeared at the rear of the plane battlefield have existed for half a year!

In the past half a year, no low-level creature could come close.

The energy beams emitted intensively can keep most demigod-level individuals at a distance.

The only ones who have been in this superimposed formation are Thain, the Void Red Eye Demon, and the army of more than 100,000 Eye Demons.

half year later.

A crack finally appeared in the closed law array.

With a huge red eyeball in his hand, Thain, who had many scratches on the demon's true body, slowly walked out of it.

This red eyeball seems to have a lot of life.

Its pupils were still trembling, and it was trying to fly away from Thane's hand.

But Thane's demonic right hand pinched the opponent tightly and prevented him from moving.

A thin line of blood seeped out from the edge of the red pupil.

Thain glanced down and said coldly: "I advise you not to waste your efforts. Your future destiny is to be collected as a living specimen in my laboratory."

His red eyes were still trembling, as if he was afraid of his future fate.

Behind Thain, countless corpses were scattered on the scorched ground.

The more than 100,000 beholder army formed together with this virtual red beholder to besiege Thain were all wiped out in the past six months!

Although Natalya was seriously injured and on the verge of death, Thane had enough power to let more beholders die with her.

Taking a deep breath, Thane glanced at the battlefield in front of him and flew towards the location of Tex and others.

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