The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1449: Pursuit and Law Array

The magic wand in his hand tapped lightly on his chest.

Hot flame energy surged out from the head of the staff, resonating with the elemental power in Thain's body.

Fierce flames once again surged in all directions from Thain's true body.

When a flame demon with a body of nearly a kilometer appeared on this battlefield, the originally dim yellow sky was rendered into blood-like red.

"This wizard world magician..." sighed the fourth-level lizard elder who had just arrived on this battlefield.

Unblocked by the overlapping radiation power factors, Thain, waving his wings of elemental flames and holding a magic wand, flew towards the location of the fourth-level beholder at a faster speed.

A series of fire storms ignited behind Thane.

Thain's research in the fields of various elements over the years has not been in vain.

The combination of wind element and fire element magic has been done well.

On the plane battlefield, the way the fire storm rages will undoubtedly cause greater impact and casualties to the underlying biological legions.

Thane rushed forward with the fire storm all the way. On the way, hundreds of thousands and millions of native creatures and beholder legions in the radiation arc world were deeply harmed by Thane's majestic elemental power.

The ratio of the legions in the beholder world and the radiation arc world is quite scientific.

Most of the creatures in the radiation arc world are in the front, while the beholders with longer attack range, higher power, but poor defense appear in groups at the rear to provide long-range support for those radiation creatures.

The fourth-level beholder is slippery and can avoid Thane's sharp edge by constantly avoiding it.

But those low-level creatures at the bottom of the radiation arc world and ordinary beholders are not so lucky.

Thane can cause huge damage to these ordinary beholders and radioactive creatures with just one strike.

If part of the magic power in his body hadn't been consumed and he still had the strength to deal with the hostile fourth-level creatures in this world, Thain would have wanted to cast another round of range-wide killing curse.

Even if it is just a miniature forbidden spell, in this battlefield environment, the number of casualties it will inevitably cause is considerable.

One chases and the other escapes.

Thain and this level four beholder fought back and forth for two months, and after causing countless damage to the underlying biological legions on the battlefield, the level four beholder finally stopped running.

at this time,

Thain's position was at the rear of the enemy army.

It was probably because of this that the level four beholder finally decided not to run away, but decided to fight Thain instead.

"Damn wizard world magician, I don't believe you have released so much elemental power and still have the energy to fight me!" This fourth-level beholder with crimson pupils turned around and roared at Thain.

Eye demons do not have mouths or other vocal organs. They generally use their willpower to speak, and their communication method is a bit like the mental dialogue in the wizarding world.

The initial mental power of the beholder family is very high, and the average initial mental power of ordinary beholders is even higher than that of ordinary humans at the bottom of the wizarding world.

But in the end, it is just a special species that passively evolves spiritual power. More than 80% of the power of the beholder clan is concentrated in their one eye.

There is still more than a slight difference from the magician who advocates knowledge and truth exploration.

Thain raised his head and drank a magic potion prepared for him by his mentor Lu Lianman. He didn't even think about paying attention to this level four beholder.

This level four beholder is also desperately replenishing energy. A series of bright yellow radiation stones, like a bunch of grapes, are grabbed by the tendrils of this level four beholder, constantly absorbing the energy.

One of the more important aspects of the radiation arc world to the world of beholders is that the radiation stones abundant in this low-level plane are the food and source of strength that many beholders like.

Considering that this world was still strong in the process of resisting the wizard civilization army, the Beholder World does not want to give up this low-level plane.

It is true that in the next step of the Wizards Alliance, other level four experts will be assigned to support the radiation arc world, but the support of the Beholder World to this low-level plane is also on the way.

Thain and this level 4 beholder looked at each other, and both sides immediately took action.

Thain first used his magic wand to shoot several elemental beams of astonishing power, then spread his demon wings and approached the level four beholder.

The beholder's weakness lies in its fragile body.

Even if a demigod knight suddenly approaches a level 4 beholder and suddenly attacks the opponent's eyeball, the level 4 beholder will suffer heavy damage.

The magician's physique is also very fragile, but this level four beholder is obviously more fragile than Thane!

As early as in the previous pursuit battle, this level four beholder had seen Thain's exaggerated resistance to strikes.

With his physical strength, how could he be willing to fight in close combat with Thain at this time?

Several evil eye beams shot out from the pupils of this beholder.

The beholder's attack method is relatively simple, but their attack power is really quite powerful.

After successively interrupting Thane's elemental beams, the beholder suddenly raised its pupils to the sky.

As a red beam of light streaked across the sky, a large special law formation appeared in the sky around the battlefield centered on Thane and the fourth-level beholder.

The beholder's fighting style has never been frontal. From the past performance of this civilized group, it can be seen that they are better at sneak attacks and playing tricks.

Thain has been rushing into the enemy's heartland for so long, and the level four beholder is not only just running away, it is also planning a counterattack.

When ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏After this huge law array is covered from the sky, if you look closely, you will find that at every important node of the array, there is a head at this moment. A demigod-level beholder is in charge.

In addition, there are an army of more than 100,000 beholder demons gathered around.

Thane has brought serious disasters to these low-level beholder legions in the past two months, and now it is time for them to fight back.

"Even if you don't die, I will still hit you hard!"

"Abominable wizard world magician!" As the fourth-level beholder's original law beam shot out from its pupils, a series of dense rain of light shot straight down from the sky.

Each of these light rains represents a full blow from a beholder.

Now that more than 100,000 beholders have gathered together, the power of the entire formation cannot be underestimated!

On the outer battlefield, when Thain was shrouded in a law formation, the fourth-level knight Tex, who had been in a fighting state, felt bad.

Thain's previous performance was indeed impressive, and his impact also made the Wizarding Civilization very powerful.

Under such a premise, if something suddenly happens to Thane, it will have a huge impact on the battle situation in the radiation arc world and the morale of the army.

"I'm going to rescue Master Thain!" The Knight of Tykes waved his halberd and was about to give up on the fourth-level radiation creature being beaten in front of him, and wanted to rush to Thain's side.

Yuri, who was driving the Blaze Constructed Golem, sprayed out several white cyclones from behind the golem, blocking the steps of the Tex Knight.

"No need, everything is in the master's calculation." Yuli said.

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