The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,446 Showing Strength (Additional Update)

Thane is no longer a fledgling magician who has just been promoted to level four.

With the blessing of the special magic wand and the more powerful Phaseless Mask, Thain can release single-target forbidden spell-level magic faster than before.

The power of the scorching flame element from the core of the plane saves Thane from the process of drawing power from the surrounding environment.

With abundant magic and mental power in his body, after Thane reaches the radiation arc plane, he will explain what "power" is to the creatures in this low-level plane!

A crimson energy beam suddenly shot out from the head of Thane's magic wand, and finally shot straight towards the center of the radiation arc world.

The analysis from the Faceless Mask allowed Thain to easily determine where the plane node closest to him was and was also the most important.

In fact, if you want to destroy the radiation arc directly, just fire towards the navel of this low-level plane.

But it may be that the native creatures in the radiation arc world also know that after betraying the Wizards Alliance, the wizarding civilization creatures are eager to wipe them out completely.

Therefore, the garrison strength of these radiation creatures is strongest near the navel of their own plane.

The vigorous power of elements is the most significant characteristic that shows the strength of a magician in the wizarding world.

Although the essential factor that affects the strength of spellcasters in the wizarding world is knowledge, it is impossible for those alien creatures and knights in the wizarding world who are not familiar with them to judge how much money the magician has in his belly just by looking at his appearance.

When Thane began to summon the forbidden spell in the sky of the radiating arc world at lightning speed, announcing his arrival to the billions of creatures in this low-level plane with great force.

The two alien gods from the alliance who were in the same radiating arc world looked at each other in great surprise and fear, and both looked at the sky in the center of the plane.

At this time, these two alien gods are on another battlefield in the radiation arc world, and they each have their own combat legions under their command.

One of the mid-level fourth-level alien gods looks like a snow silkworm. It comes from the snowmelt world and is one of the fourth-level creatures in the snowmelt world. It was assigned by the Wizards Alliance to lead its legion to the front line of the civilized battlefield.

The other Alliance Level 4 creature is slightly weaker than the Snow Silkworm. It looks like a lizard that walks upright. It is leaning on a green wooden cane. It is said that it also has a certain amount of dragon-type creature blood in its body.

"This wizard civilization magician who has just arrived in the radiation arc plane looks like Biba.

Master Long is even stronger..." The fourth-level lizard elder stretched his head, glanced at the center of the plane, and sighed.

The wizard civilization sent these two alliance-level four creatures to the Radiation Arc World to participate in the war, not only because their physiques and the power of the laws they mastered were special, and they could better shield the influence of radiation from this low-level plane.

Another factor is that they are both friends of Master Baron, the fourth-level peak summoner.

The wizard civilization is quite humane when assigning combat tasks to alliance members.

After most members of the Wizards Alliance arrive at the front lines of the civilized battlefield, most of them can find powerful wizards in the wizarding world with whom they usually befriend on nearby battlefields.

The occurrence of this situation can better stimulate the combat effectiveness of these alliance creatures and give them the illusion that the wizard civilization does not abandon them as ‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏ cannon fodder.

Under normal circumstances, the powerful wizards in the surrounding battlefields will indeed give some limited help to these friendly alliance gods.

The fourth-level peak summoner Balon retreated from the heavy damage, but it made the two foreign gods of the alliance regret it for a long time.

They were deeply afraid that the powerful wizards from the wizarding civilization would arrive as replacements and not take the lives of these alliance creatures seriously.

In particular, wizard civilization generally controls knights for magicians, and it is useless for them to make friends with the fourth-level knight Tex who participates in the war in the radiation arc plane.

Because the latest level 4 magician from the Wizarding World to arrive on the battlefield also has the authority to command and command Tex to a certain extent.

For example, after arriving in the radiation arc plane, Thain rejected Tex's suggestion to be more "steady" and ordered to continue the all-out attack!

The stronger the fourth-level magicians sent by the wizarding civilization to the radiation arc plane, the more beneficial it will be to these alliance gods.

It’s nice to enjoy the shade under the big tree. It would be good for everyone if the Radiation Arc World War could be ended as soon as possible.

When the various legions of the Wizarding Civilization located around the radiation arc plane launched a full-scale attack under Thane's order, the two native level four radiation creatures in the radiation arc world finally could no longer sit still.

On the one hand, they begged the Beholder World to send more support, but on the other hand, they went ahead on their own.

There are two native level four creatures in the radiation arc plane, and their appearances are very abstract.

One of them is a reptile monster with a metallic color, with dozens of arms and multiple

It has an eyeball with very little hair, and the radiation power factor accumulated in its body is very rich.

The other end is a pitch-black ball of hairy bile. On the complete opposite end, it has no limbs, eyeballs or other organs. Instead, it has very dense hair on its body, and the pitch-black needles give it an extremely prickly feeling. a feeling of.

The two level four creatures radiating from the arc world were not in their prime when they actively faced Thain.

The non-stop attacks of the Wizard Civilization Legion and the results achieved before the departure of the fourth-level peak summoner Baron made the two local fourth-level creatures extremely exhausted.

Compared with the Wizards Alliance, the world of beholder and its vassal planes are like an egg.

The reason why this egg has not been cracked now is not because of how hard the beholder world is, but because the main focus of the wizard civilization has not been here. .

Moreover, the active defensive attitude of the Beholder World and its vassal planes also makes it not so easy for the Wizard Civilization Legion to erase the opponent.

To this day, the wars taking place in the star fields surrounding the Beholder World are basically located within the plane.

Except for the initial stage of the war, when Leng Buding caused a lot of damage to the wizard civilization, most of the time, it was the wizard civilization that suppressed the opponent.

When two level four radiation creatures were forced to fight, there was another hostile level four creature in the radiation arc world that still stood still.

This is a special beholder with crimson pupils, and some chilling tentacles hanging under that huge eyeball.

Since the beholder world can develop to the level of large planes, it means that their evolutionary system is superior to that of ordinary medium and small planes.

Among the same level, the beholders are not afraid of any opponent, even the former master plane - the wizarding world.

One characteristic of the world of beholders is very similar to that of the wizarding world, that is, almost all beholders have abandoned the improvement of body defense and focused all their evolutionary priorities on attack.

High attack and low defense, this is the characteristic of all beholders.

Some beholders with special abilities, in addition to their natural talent, the evil eye beam, have also developed abilities such as phantom laws, detention methods, and curses.

In addition to betraying the wizarding civilization, the beholder world has always been one of the more attractive alliance planes for spellcasters in the wizarding world.

Many magicians will go to the Beholder World to collect rare biological specimens.

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