The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,447 Unrivaled (Additional update)

Two level four radiation creatures rushed straight towards Thain, without the need for Thain to deal with them personally.

Yuri, who was driving the Flame, and the fourth-level knight Tex came forward.

Behind him, Thain's space fortress main gun emits a terrifying brilliance that shocks people.

When the lower deck of the fortress opened, millions of slave biological legions poured out.

The combat legion that Thane brought to the radiation arc plane this time included, in addition to the heat insect troops and dark creatures, there were about 300,000 elite centaur world legions.

These 300,000 centaurs and Minotaurs are the elites accumulated by the Mayan tribe in recent years.

Ordinary cannon fodder, Thain can't bear to use it at all now.

The Mayan tribe has followed the Ashes Holy Tower and the Blue Origin Holy Tower and developed for so many years, and it is time for them to pay back.

The strong centaurs, with their galloping hooves, were the first batch of bottom legions to rush out.

The traveling speed of these centaurs is obviously faster than that of the Flame Insect Legion at a slightly lower altitude.

Among them, one gold, one silver, and two female centaurs walking in the sky are undoubtedly the most eye-catching ones.

With a lot of support from Thain, Maya and her grandson have also made a lot of progress in recent years.

The artifact longbow that Maya used at this time was built for her by Thain in her spare time. Its main material came from a level four fire insect.

A golden beam of light shot out from Maya's arrow.

The direction her bow pointed was the direction of the Centaur legion's attack below.

Compared with Maya, her granddaughter Luna has actually grown the fastest in recent years, and seems to have the best relationship with the Lord of Ashes, Thain.

Walking side by side in the sky with her grandmother, Luna, who looked heroic and had silver-white hair, also raised her long bow.

Most of the weapons used by centaurs are bows and arrows. A few strong male centaurs can use weapons such as throwing spears and long-handled battle axes.

As the Centaur Legion charged, a few knights flew out of Thane's Ashes Fortress.

These knights are basically members of the Grant family.

After the Grant family left the Steel Wall Fist Knight Hall, it did not mean that they would miss this civilized war.

War is the destination of knights. Only in war can knights become braver and stronger as they fight.

Including Thane's biological father, Celt, and great-grandfather Ulysses, they also participated in the Radiation Arc Plane War at this time.

Thain can indeed protect them to a certain extent, but the risk factor and uncertainty on the battlefield are too high. Before going into battle, everyone prepared for the worst.

It's impossible for Thane, all the time

Watch and protect them.

Holding a heavy hammer, Lenna transformed into a mountain of meat and walked out of the Ashes Fortress in a swaggering manner.

Lenna's body shape was obtained by eating "deliberately".

Because Lenna had already learned from Thain in advance that the next place they would fight was in the star field surrounding the Beholder World.

The minimum goal Lenna set for herself was to kill at least four level three beholders!

Two of them were her prey, and the other two she killed for Natalya.

Of course, Thane's mother-in-law, Xia Ya, also attended this war.

In recent years in the wizarding world, Thain has not found a way to wake up Natalya, including the sixth-level Ghost Crow King, who seems to have arrived at a certain battlefield.

After the initial heaviness about waking up Natalya, Thain is now more open-minded.

The matter is not urgent, anyway, Natalya is lying quietly in the crystal coffin now.

There is no sign of her soul completely dissipating yet, and Thain will eventually be able to find a way to save her.

Thousands of combat magicians from the Holy Tower of Ashes also formed a magician square at this time to provide long-range support for the army of slave creatures rushing forward.

The knight corps under the command of the fourth-level knight Tex, as well as the combat legions under the other two alliance gods, also simultaneously launched attacks against the resistance forces in the radiation arc plane.

Just like Thain's statement when he just arrived on the battlefield of the radiation arc plane, he launched a fierce attack on all fronts and did not give the rebel forces of this low-level plane a chance to breathe.

Before the wizard world's support army brought by Thane collided with this low-level plane's native biological army, a crimson beam of light first pierced the sky!

It will have a profound impact on this low-level battlefield.

Blazing flame beams continuously spurted out from the star core at the head of Thane's magic staff. Under Thain's single-body forbidden spell-level magic power, the relatively hard radiation arc plane earth suddenly cracked into a giant. seam.

The terrifying elemental power directly penetrated an important plane node in the radiation arc plane and reached the center of the plane!

"Rumble!" The earth is trembling, and the will of the plane is wailing.

The concentration of radiation particles in the entire radiation arc plane was reduced by one-third at this moment.

The terrifying scorching beam even penetrated the huge crack in the radiating arc plane wider and wider.

The two level four radiation creatures were filled with grief and anger. They rushed towards Thain desperately, trying to stop Thain, but they were blocked by Yuri and Tex.

Just when Thain increased his release intensity and planned to severely damage the world itself in one breath, a virtual red beam suddenly shot from deep behind the enemy legion!

Hidden over there

The fourth-level beholder in the radiation arc plane finally couldn't sit still.

The physical strength of this fourth-level beholder is only in the middle of the fourth level at best, but with the power of the special laws it masters, even the peak fourth-level creature cannot completely underestimate it.

Just like any alien creature who understands the wizarding civilization will not look down upon a fourth-level magician in the wizarding world.

Since the evolutionary system of the beholder world has completely abandoned the development of the physical body, the evil eyes they rely on must have effects beyond common sense.

Under the mask of Wuxiang, Thain sneered when faced with the sudden squinting beam of light.

The fourth-level beholder hidden in the radiant arc world in front of me, its source of law power is indeed not out of the scope of light illusion power.

Thain originally expected that the other party would be some kind of rare beholder who mastered special mysterious methods.

Playing with the laws of light and illusion in front of the Formless Mask, this ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏The first level four beholder is not qualified!

Before the virtual red beam of light reached Thain, it was blocked by a six-pointed star array emitted by Thain's mask.

The power of the world-class secret treasure Formless Mask is revealed at this moment!

The evil eye beam released by the fourth-level beholder body actually reversed its direction under the power of the law of the Formless Mask, and reflected directly in the direction of the indigenous biological army of the radiation arc world.

"Master Thain, be careful!" The reminder from the fourth-level knight Tex came belatedly.

The secretive, ruthless, and vicious fighting style possessed by the beholder caused a lot of losses to the powerful wizards and civilizations who fought around the world of the beholder. In fact, Tex was also keeping an eye on the battlefield.

But Master Thain didn't need his reminder, he easily blocked the sneak attack of a level four beholder, leaving Tex stunned for a moment.

The special virtual red evil eye beam melted a large area of ​​the radiation arc world's native radiation creatures into acidic water.

However, Thain was not satisfied with the results in front of him. The magic wand in his hand was still releasing a hot elemental light beam. Thain raised the magic wand from the depths of the earth.

The terrifying forbidden spell-level beam then streaked across three star rings in the sky.

Among them, the innermost star ring, which is also the one with the strongest garrison of this low-level plane creature, was actually cut in half under the pressure of Thane's unparalleled elemental power!

"A magician in the wizarding world with a combat power comparable to level five, stronger than Master Baron!" The alien god Ice and Snow Crystal Silkworm from the Alliance located in another area of ​​​​this low-level battlefield exclaimed. -------------------

PS: The current monthly ticket is 8466, and 86 more chapters need to be added ~

Please vote during the double monthly pass period~

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