The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,445 Breaking the Rules

When Thane led the Ash Holy Tower Army to arrive outside the radiation arc world, the Wizard Civilization Army was launching a fierce attack on this low-level plane.

Thain has learned that besides him, there is another knight's palace and two alien gods from the alliance participating in the siege in the radiation arc world.

Compared with the frontline battlefields of civilization such as the Kuroshio plane that Thane participated in, the intensity of war investment in the radiation arc world is obviously much lower.

There are only four level-4 creatures invested in this plane by the Wizarding World, including Thain who just arrived.

In the radiation arc world opposite, there are currently only three hostile level four creatures.

Two of them are native radiation creatures in the radiation arc world, and one is a level 4 beholder supporting this place.

"I heard that in the radiation arc world, there were originally two level four beholder demons supporting us here."

"But one of the level four peak beholders has been killed by a level four magician from the Wizarding World with the cooperation of others."

"The Holy Tower of Ashes arrived in this war zone this time mainly to rotate and replace the fourth-level magician in the Wizarding World who suffered a lot of trauma." Thain said while looking at the radiation arc world below.

At this time, there are still many participating magicians in the radiation arc world who have not evacuated.

These magicians are the registered magicians of the previous holy tower, which seems to be called the Deep Blue Holy Tower. Most of the magicians in the holy tower are summoners.

"Deep Blue Holy Tower... I seem to have been to this holy tower when I traveled to the wizarding world before." Thain touched his chin and said in deep thought.

"Separate half of the Flame Insect Army and the Magician Army to participate in and assist in the attack on the remaining two rounds of star rings outside the radiation arc plane!"

"Other combat legions, follow me into the radiation arc world!" Thain stood in the main command room of the space fortress and issued an order.

The Wizards Alliance's assignment of combat missions to Thain relies more on Thain's past war experience and his body's life energy level to assign tasks to him.

Therefore, although Thain has the combat power to face level five creatures, the alliance has temporarily assigned him war missions suitable for level four creatures.

Only when Thane completes more and more tasks and displays higher and higher combat prowess will the alliance increase his level and assign him more "dangerous" or more important tasks.

As for Thane, he previously sneaked into the hinterland of the Gallente Federation to perform a secret infiltration mission. The details of this mission have not been completely disclosed by the Wizards Alliance.

Only some people who know about it can roughly infer Than's specific strength through the task he completed.

As for more alliance level 5 and 6 powerhouses, I’ve probably never heard of them.

Than Than's name.

Thain, on the other hand, gained some limelight during the Wizards Alliance Conference because the proposed proposal was relatively sensitive.

But that was just a whimsical little proposal.

With the civilized war looming in front of us, many people may have forgotten this matter.

The Ashes Fortress is definitely the largest and highest-standard war fortress among the several wizarding world space fortresses that have arrived on the radiation arc plane battlefield!

At this time, there are three space fortresses in the radiating arc world.

One belongs to Thain, one belongs to the fourth-level knight Tex, and the other belongs to the Deep Blue Holy Tower.

The master of the Deep Blue Holy Tower is really a kind person.

Although he was seriously injured, he was temporarily separated from the front lines of the civilized battlefield.

But he left his space fortress and some of the holy tower magicians in the radiation arc world, which reduced the number of wizards in this world. pressure.

"Master Thain, you are finally here." When the Fortress of Ashes came to the radiation arc world, the fourth-level knight Tex flew forward to say hello.

The hostile legions in the radiation arc world are not easy to fight.

The unique radiation power of this world has a good bonus on the creatures in this plane and the beholders.

On the contrary, the combat legions and alliance creatures in the wizarding world have suffered a significant decline in strength and status due to difficulty in adapting to the deep radiation stance of this low-level plane.

When Tykes and others mainly fought against those radiation creatures and beholders, the main battlefield was the three star rings outside the plane.

It was Balon, the fourth-level great summoner of the Deep Blue Holy Tower, who led his summons to severely damage the defensive power of the radiation arc world, killed a fourth-level peak beholder, and broke through the outermost plane ring, pushing the war to the radiation circle. Within the arc world.

In other words, Thane got a lot of money by coming to the Radiant Arc World to join the war!

Before the fourth-level great summoner Baron was injured and left, he had already conquered the most difficult bone in the radiation arc plane.

The next war situation will be much easier than the previous ten years.

Tykes and other powerful people in the wizarding world also learned from certain channels that the Holy Tower of Ashes was established not long ago and has not participated in many plane wars.

Although they were worried that Thane's strength would not be as good as that of the Baron Summoner, when they saw the model and scale of the Ash Fortress, Tykes and the other two alliance gods were relieved.

"In view of the special nature of the radiation arc world, it seems that the alliance will send a fourth-level knight and other exotic gods to the battlefield next."

"Mage Thain, should we stabilize the front first?" Seeing that the Ashes Holy Tower Legion has entered

The fourth-level knight Tekes couldn't help but ask when violent elemental turbulence came from the star ring outside the plane again.

"Tex Knight, we are in the radiation arc world, and our level 4 combat power ratio with the enemy is 4:3."

"The legion is far more powerful than the opponent. I think there is no need to delay it any longer!" Thain said after flying out of the space fortress.

"But the plane rules of this world are so special, a forced attack will inevitably cause a lot of casualties."

"And the beholder legions from the surrounding planes are likely to support this place again." Knight Tekes said with a slight frown.

This is a capable and capable fourth-level knight, who is different from ordinary reckless knights.

"Before other beholder legions support this place, it's enough to conquer this low-level plane."

"As for the particularity of the plane rules you mentioned... we really need to find a way to deal with it." Thain mused‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏.

With his strong strength and rich war experience, Thain did not want to be limited to the small battlefield in front of him.

He has even experienced plane battlefields where more than a dozen or twenty creatures of level 4 or above fought in a melee. The Black Tide plane was almost damaged and all the creatures were wiped out. How could it be resisted by the radiation arc plane? Just block the pace.

Yuli, who was piloting the Flame Constructed Golem, flew out of the Ember Fortress with a "Whoosh!"

Seeing that the opponent showed a level of strength that was as strong as a fourth-level creature, Knight Teix showed a look of sudden realization.

Indeed, if there is one more fourth-level combatant, the power of the wizard civilization in this world can launch an attack in advance.

"Is this a magician who has many helpers like Master Baron?"

"Is the other party a mechanic?" Tex couldn't help but think as he looked at the red golem that was constantly flying in the sky and hovering around Thane.

However, Thane will use actual actions to show the Tex Knight that he is a pure elementalist!

The extremely powerful fire element power factor gathered at the head of Thane's magic staff.

Because there is a star core from the fire plane to provide blessing, Thain's flame magic is more explosive than before!

When it comes to traitors, Thane, like most powerful people in the wizarding world, has no favorable impression at all.

The direction that Thane's magic wand aimed at was exactly the center of the radiation arc plane.

Since the laws and environment of this low-level plane are extremely restrained by the wizard civilization army, wouldn't it be enough to directly change and destroy the environmental laws of this world?

[In Chapter 1436, Xiaodou has changed some of the content about Xia Ya in the text. She will not write similar plots again in the future. Please don’t discuss it anymore.

There are two more updates in the afternoon. 】

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